The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 917: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

This is Fusu's decision. Anyone who has contributed to the destruction of the country deserves his welcome.

Although Li Si did not destroy the country, he made Qi put down its weapons with his words.

His role and talent are stronger than those of Wang Jian, Li Jing and others.

Fusu fully recognized Li Si's abilities.

"Your Majesty," Li Si didn't expect Fusu to greet him in person. He was really flattered.

Get out of the BMW in a hurry.

"Brother," Li Yuanba, who was next to Li Si, couldn't help but light up when he saw this. He didn't expect Fusu to come in person.

For Li Yuanba, Fusu was the person closest to him, and he would not listen to anyone except Fusu.

Fusu stood at the front of the crowd, looking at Li Si and Li Yuanba who were flying towards them, and couldn't help but smile lightly.

"Your Majesty," at this moment, Li Si got off the horse and greeted Fusu.

"Thank you for your hard work, Li Aiqing." Fusu stepped forward and helped Li Si up.

"Li Si is willing to serve the king with all his heart and soul, even to the point of death." Li Si looked touched when he saw Fusu.

"Brother", at this time, Li Yuanba walked up carrying a pair of hammers.

"Yuanba, this action is very enjoyable," Fusu looked at Li Yuanba and said with a smile.

"What? I don't have a decent opponent. I'm so bored." When Li Yuanba heard Fusu's words, he couldn't help but shook his head in depression.

Seems very unhappy.

Fusu couldn't help but smile lightly when he heard this.

"I think the only thing you can take seriously is cunxiao." Fusu looked at Li Yuanba in front of him with a smile.

"That's right." Li Yuanba couldn't help but nodded.

Then, Fusu turned his head and looked at the little eunuch beside him.

"Come here, serve me some wine," Fusu shouted to Xiao Guizi.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiao Guizi hurriedly brought up the Maotai and filled everyone with wine.

"I would like to express my gratitude to you all for this glass of wine." Fusu picked up the wine glass and said to everyone.

"Thank you, Your Majesty", everyone accepted it excitedly.

In the past, everyone could only look at others with envy, but now, it is finally their turn.

Everyone was very excited.

Then, everyone drank the glasses of wine in their hands.

Swallow it all into your belly.

"Okay, dear friends, our teacher will return to the court," Fusu laughed.

With such civil servants and powerful generals, why worry about the rebellion in Kyushu?

Then, Fusu led everyone to Xianyang Palace.

Among the surrounding crowds, people were talking a lot, their faces full of smiles and festive looks.

No one noticed that there was a middle-aged man in the crowd, looking at Fusu's car with a gloomy face.

But in the end, the middle-aged man's face was full of determination.

Then, the middle-aged man rushed out directly.

The soldier guarding him had no time to react and was knocked out.

"Assassin, there is an assassin", everyone's expressions changed drastically!

Chapter 1263 The God of Arrow——Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng, both kindness and power

Yuwen Chengdu's expression changed, and he held the gilded phoenix-winged boring machine directly in front of him.

On the left and right sides of Fusu, Dian Wei and Xu Chu stood aside, each holding their own weapons in their hands.

Dian Wei held the bloodthirsty double halberds, and Xu Chu held the elephant-trunk ring-headed sword.

Like two door gods, and like the two generals Heng Ha.

His eyes were like those of a tiger or a wolf, staring intently at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The surrounding soldiers crowded over, holding spears and spears in their hands, as if they wanted to keep the other party here.

The people around him were also shocked. They didn't know who the middle-aged man in front of them was, and he was so awesome.

But then, everyone was dumbfounded.

I saw the middle-aged man kneeling directly on the ground and shouting loudly: "Your Majesty, help me!"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

what's the situation.

The soldiers guarding the surroundings were also a little dumbfounded. They never expected that such a change would happen.

However, these soldiers and guards were not ordinary people after all, and they directly subdued the middle-aged man.

Around the middle-aged man, spears and spears surrounded him. If the middle-aged man made any abnormal movement, he would be killed directly.

"Who is this person?" Yuwen Chengdu opened his eyes angrily and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He placed the gilded phoenix-winged hammer in front of him. With just one move, he could kill the middle-aged man.

"Caomin Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng are from the Chu State. This time I heard that the king has four great doctors and came to seek medical treatment. I hope the general can allow me to see the King of Qin. I beg the general." Huang Zhong looked at Yuwen longingly. Chengdu.

"This..." Yuwen Chengdu looked hesitant.

He didn't know whether what the other party said was true or false.

"Chengdu, what's wrong?" At this time, Fusu walked out of the carriage and asked Yuwen Chengdu.

"Report to the king that I met a man who blocked the road to seek medical treatment," Yuwen Chengdu told Fusu truthfully.

"Oh, what's going on with the people who blocked the road for medical treatment?" Fusu couldn't help but ask.

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