The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 936: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

At this moment, He Quan walked in with two people.

"Father, mother." After seeing the two people, the indifference on Chang'e's face disappeared and she came directly to their side.

"Dad, Mom, are you okay?" Chang'e looked at the two of them.

"We are fine, nothing happened. This gentleman is very kind to us. He not only paid for your father's legs to be taken care of, but also arranged for two maids to take care of me and your father." When the woman on the right saw her daughter, she said Also very excited.

"Yes, this gentleman is a good man." The man on the left also nodded.

When He Shen heard this, he couldn't help but show a happy look on his face, and his mustache was twirling, as if he was very happy.

There was a happy look in those little eyes.

Chang'e glanced at Heshen in surprise, then turned to look at her parents.

"Father, mother, it's okay if you don't have anything to do," Chang'e said to her parents, supporting them.

"He Quan, prepare a banquet. I want to treat them to a meal," He Shen said with a smile.

"Yes, sir", He Quan nodded and walked out again.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" After eating, Chang'e sent her parents back to where they lived, then came to Heshen's place and asked.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Chang'e didn't believe that the other party would be so kind to her and others for no reason.

"Miss Chang'e, it's like this. I want to send you to the palace to serve the king. With this girl's stunning appearance, there is absolutely no one in the harem who can match you. You will definitely be able to charm the king. When the time comes, I just need the girl to say something nice in front of the king." He Shen looked at Chang'e and said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it." Chang'e nodded. Chang'e didn't expect that the other party's purpose was to dedicate herself to Fusu.

"Is this your purpose in the beginning?" Chang'e couldn't help but ask.

"Not bad", He Shen has nothing to admit.

"I know that the king prefers beauties, so I asked my men to search all over the country and found several. But compared with girls, they are like the difference between a firefly and a bright moon, so I set my sights on girls. As long as girls Entering the palace is good for both you and me. I helped you raise your parents. They are indispensable for prosperity and wealth. You don’t have to worry about it in your life. Moreover, I have asked someone to take care of your father’s illness, so please believe it. My sincerity," Heshen said with a smile.

Chang'e frowned, and her heart felt very strange.

Afang Palace, the most prosperous and luxurious place in the world.

It is also a place that every woman in the world dreams of entering.

"Is that okay? If I enter the palace, I'm afraid I will be swallowed until all my bones are left." Chang'e is not stupid. She has no foundation in it. If she goes in hastily, who knows what will happen.

"Miss Chang'e, don't worry about this matter. I have some friendship with Empress Mu Guiying. I will ask Empress Liu Tao to take care of you when the time comes," He Shen said with a smile.

As a minister, how could Heshen have someone he didn't know?

You underestimate him too much.

Chang'e couldn't help but frown, still feeling something was wrong.

"The king's vision is very high, and there are so many beauties around him. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you when I get to him." Chang'e couldn't help but shook her head.

He knew very well about the women around Fusu.

Especially the Snow Girl from Feixue Pavilion and the Purple Girl from Zilanxuan. She has seen them before, and they are no worse than herself!

Chapter 1282: Emperor Zhou abdicated and his goal was achieved

He Shen couldn't help but smile lightly when he heard Zi Nu's unconfident words.

"Chang'e, you underestimate your own charm too much. I'm sure that no man in the world can refuse your charm." He Shen stretched out his finger and said to Chang'e.

"Including adults?" Chang'e looked at He Shen and couldn't help but ask.

"Uh..." He Shen's expression couldn't help but change.

"Of course", Heshen nodded.

"But compared to power, women are not worth mentioning in front of me," He Shen said with a smile.

"I am a person who values ​​power. With power, no woman can get me. I will not give up the entire forest for a towering tree."

"What will you do if I don't agree to your conditions?" Chang'e's face was indifferent.

"If you don't want to enter the palace, I won't force you, but..." He Shen pulled Chang Yang, "You will become my concubine." A lewd smile leaked from He Shen's face.

"Between the king and me, I think you should have a choice." He Shen looked like he had a chance of winning.

Chang'e couldn't help but gasped when she heard He Shen's words.

"You are very honest. Although you are a villain, at least you are not a hypocrite. I promise you, I will enter the palace." Chang'e looked at Heshen and said something that made Heshen ecstatic.

"Hahaha, okay, okay", Heshen was so happy.

"Okay, during this time I will ask you to teach you some court etiquette. In addition, you will also learn some dances." He Shen was very happy, his belly trembled, and he was very happy.

In Luoyi City, Fusu led an army of 100,000 people into the city and then took over all the places.

On top of the city wall, the flag was thrown off the wall and replaced with the black dragon flag.

In the palace of Emperor Zhou, Fusu sat on the dragon chair and looked at the people below.

Among them, Emperor Zhou and a group of ministers were kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, the system's sound rang.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for conquering Cloyi, and you will be rewarded with an opportunity to summon strange people and strangers."

Fusu, who was sitting on the Emperor's throne, couldn't help but be stunned.

"I didn't expect such a good thing to happen"?

Fusu couldn't help but feel happy.

Fusu didn't understand the expression and looked at the ministers below.

"I have kept my word, and I have made the Emperor of Zhou the king of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. He will eat hundreds of stones and reward ten thousand cars of gold. I will live in peace in Xianyang for the rest of my life." Fusu said to the Emperor of Zhou below.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Emperor Zhou couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Before Fusu said nothing, he was afraid that Fusu would cross the river and burn the bridge.

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