The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 944: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Wang Meng heard Wang Zhaojun's words and disagreed.

"Sister, you are different from Empress Chen Yuanyuan. You are my sister, and your circumstances are different," Wang Meng said with a smile.

"Well, I really want to compete with Empress Chen Yuanyuan to learn skills." Wang Zhaojun's eyes were full of longing.

When Wang Meng heard this, he looked at his sister's longing light.

The thoughts in my heart were strengthened.

In another manor, a stunning beauty was dancing in the garden.

dance to tune.

It is really like "Looking back and smiling, you will be full of beauty, the pink and white in the Sixth Palace are colorless".

When the smile blooms, everything around it is suppressed.

The flowers instantly dimmed and lost their original splendor.

This stunning beauty is none other than Yang Yuhuan.

At this time, Yang Yuhuan was dancing among the flowers.

And as the only spectator, there are only flowers around.

I saw Yang Yuhuan wearing a bright yellow printed brocade cheongsam, a red fox scarf, leather boots of the same color on her feet, a simple bun on her head, and an eight-treasure jade hairpin, like a flower Floating clouds slowly appeared.

The bright lights outline her delicate face, exuding a faint soft light. She smiles beautifully, with a jade face and hibiscus, and bright eyes.

Yang Yuhuan has black hair like a waterfall, skin like fat, eyebrows like light smoke, fresh and elegant, apricot eyes with flowing water color, and pink cherry lips under the straight nose, with a little bit of simplicity in her sexiness. Zhang Rongyan is not a glamorous person, but she looks comfortable and even looks better the more she looks at her.

At this moment, a man came out.

"Sister, good news, good news." At this moment, a cheerful voice rang.

Then, a man walked in.

I saw that this man was extremely handsome, with a face as clear as a sculpture, angular and angular, and extremely handsome.

He looks a bit ordinary on the outside, but the sparkle in his eyes makes people dare not underestimate him.

Her thick black hair was pulled up high by a golden crown, and under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows were a pair of sharp eyes, which were sharp but full of wisdom.

Make it clear that this person is not a reckless person.

A tall nose, moderately thick lips, and a dazzling smile on his face.

"Brother", after seeing the man, Yang Yuhuan couldn't help but have a perfect smile on his face, and then rushed towards the man.

Just like a young swallow returning to court.

The man opened his hands and took Yang Yuhuan into his arms.

"Ouch, sister, you're heavy again", the man yelled.

"What, how dare you say I'm heavy?" Yang Yuhuan looked at the man in front of him angrily, stretched out his hand, and hit the man hard on the head.

"Ouch", the man shouted deliberately.

"It hurts so much," the man said deliberately aggrievedly.

"Huh, let you call me important." Yang Yuhuan raised his head very proudly, with a look of arrogance on his face.

"Hey, I was wrong, I was wrong," the man said with an apologetic smile.

If anyone who knows the man is here, they will be surprised.

This person is none other than Yang Liulang - Yang Yanzhao.

His character is known for his decisiveness and perseverance.

No one in the army had ever seen Yang Yanzhao like this.

"Huh, tell me, what's the good news?" Yang Yuhuan looked at Yang Yanzhao and asked him.

"By the way, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me." Yang Yanzhao slapped his forehead.

"We just received the news that Emperor Zhou has abdicated and the Zhou Dynasty has been destroyed. Next, we will enter the era of the Qin Dynasty," Yang Yanzhao said very excitedly.

"It's true." Yang Yuhuan's eyes lit up when he heard the news.

"Your Majesty is truly an unparalleled hero. He has completed a task that has not been completed for several generations. It is truly amazing." Yang Yuhuan's eyes were full of admiration.

"Yes, the king is indeed powerful. He is well-deserved as the emperor. He has invincible people like Zhao Wang Li Yuanba and Yan Wang Li Cunxiao under his command. He is assisted by Xun Yu, Di Renjie, Zhuge Liang and other great sages. The king rules the world. That is the general trend." Yang Yanzhao also nodded.

Yang Yanzhao felt very honored to serve as a soldier under Fusu and become the commander-in-chief of a city.

"Yes, I want to meet the king." Yang Yuhuan's eyes were full of "admiration"!

Chapter 1292: One Year, Zen Ceremony

Three days later, Fusu left Yue Fei behind, and then led some soldiers and the royal family of Emperor Zhou back to the court.

Now that the world has been settled, the Seven Kingdoms and the Zhou royal family have all become the territory of Qin.

Under Fusu's command, the generals either guarded one side or guarded the border, turning the Qin Dynasty into a piece of iron.

Let some young people and monsters dare not take the lead, but only dare to hibernate their wings and huddle tightly.

Every place in the Qin Dynasty was governed by great civil servants.

When the weather is favorable, the country is prosperous and the people are strong.

The people have enough food and clothing, and a long-lost smile appears on their faces.

Zhuge Jin, Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Che, Ji Xiaolan, Liu Yong, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Juzheng, Wen Tianxiang...

Everyone is a capable minister in governing the country. Under their governance, every country has enough food and clothing.

peaceful always.

The whole world was under Fusu's rule, and the country was prosperous.

Fusu treats people equally regardless of the people of the seven countries. They are all descendants of Yan and Huang, they all belong to the Kyushu nation, they are all brothers, and they all drink the water of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Fusu does not treat them differently.

Totally depends on their own development.

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