The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 951: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Cai Wenji is dressed in white and has a handsome appearance.

The starry eyes were twinkling with starlight, with a bit of bookish aura, and a sense of intelligence all over his body.

Next to Cai Wenji is a chubby baby.

Cai Wenji left Fusu with a daughter.

Therefore, in Cai Wenji's body, in addition to a majestic and scholarly aura, there is also a maternal aura.

It makes people want to get close.

What Cai Wenji held was unparalleled in elegance, with ink hair pouring down like flowing clouds, scattered around her waist, with a bit of scattering, her temperament was elegant and out of this world, as gentle as jade, as pure as an immortal in the sky.

Cai Wenji gently closed her eyes, then patted the child in her arms, quietly feeling the divine music in her ears.

In addition to Cai Wenji, there are several people who are proficient in music.

For example, get jade.

Compared with Cai Wenji, Nongyu has not given Fusu a son and a half.

So Nongyu was a little disappointed.

Nongyu was seen wearing a light yellow palace dress, but her elegance had a bit of a noble temperament.

The wide skirt flows behind you, elegant and luxurious. The jade-like black hair is simply tied into a flying fairy bun, and a few round pearls are randomly embellished in the hair, making the dark cloud-like hair even more soft, shiny and moist. The beautiful eyes are full of brilliance as they look forward, and there is a light smile on the lips.

When Nongyu heard the music outside, she wanted to take out her own strings and play some music.

Chapter 1299 Seven Cabinet Ministers Military Aircraft Department

Elsewhere, the snow girl stared at everything outside with her big bright eyes.

The Snow Maiden can be said to have the coldest temperament among all the women. She looks like a cold imperial sister, with shoulders as if they were shaved off, a plain waist, eyebrows as green as feathers, and skin as white as snow. She is wearing a plain brocade palace robe. Wrapped in aqua blue gauze, the breeze blows and the gauze dances, and the whole person exudes a faint aura.

Three thousand black hair was pulled into a simple blue bun, and an elegant plum blossom hairpin was put on.

The white hair is flying and shining.

The snow girl moved her hand, and a jade Xiao appeared in her hand.

The snow girl gently closed her eyes, and a beautiful piece of music appeared in the air. It was soul-stirring and mixed with "Men Should Be Strong", perfectly fitting.

When Chen Yuanyuan heard Xiao Yin coming from not far away, her eyes couldn't help but move.

I saw Chen Yuan's round bun exposing her temples, her brows were lightly swept, her eyes were full of spring, her skin was as smooth as warm jade, soft and greasy, her mouth was red and delicate, and her two strands of hair beside her cheeks were gently blowing in the wind. Fen lure-people's style (harmony).

Wearing a purple dress, embroidered with rich peonies, and aqua silk hanging around the waist, her perfect figure is clearly visible.

After Chen Yuanyuan heard Xue Nu's Xiao Yin, she couldn't hold it any longer. She then took out her pipa and blended into the sound.

Fusu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this.

He didn't expect such a turn of events to happen. ,

Those prodigal ladies are really fooling around.

After the man's self-improvement performance was completed, Fusu returned to his original position, looked at the vision in the sky, and said firmly: "The Qin Dynasty was established, and I will ascend the throne immediately."

Following Fusu's voice, the vision in the sky disappeared.

The next step is to reward based on merit, and then announce various policies.

But Fusu does not intend to announce it here, but plans to return to the palace.

"Go back to the palace." Fusu waved his hand and led the ministers back to the palace.

In Xianyang Palace, Fusu sat on the throne, with a dense crowd of ministers below.

Fusu looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

"I once said that the position of power belongs to those who are capable. I have given everyone a one-year assessment period. Now, it is time to reward based on merit." Fusu said with a faint smile on his face.

"I once set up a cabinet with the goal of forming seven cabinet ministers to help me handle political affairs. Among them, four ministers, Wei Zheng, Li Si, Xun Yu, and Wang Meng, were in the cabinet. During this period, they helped me a lot, so, The few people will complete the cabinet." Fusu had 100% trust in the people he summoned.

He is not worried about the other party betraying him.

"Zhuge Liang obeys the order." Fusu frowned and then fixed his gaze on Zhuge Liang.

"The minister is here," Zhuge Liang walked out.

"Kong Ming helped me to pacify the Wei State, strategized, and took the lead at every step. He is a rare talent with great wisdom. For me, I didn't give in much more than Jiang Shang did at the beginning." Fusu praised Zhuge Kongming fiercely.

"Your Majesty, you are so complimentary." Zhuge Kongming felt ashamed and a little embarrassed.

"Kong Ming, among the seven interior ministers, you have a seat," Fusu said to Zhuge Kong Ming.

The Home Secretary is basically equivalent to a role that is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zhuge Liang bowed and walked back.

Fusu then searched again, and finally set his sights on "Zhang Juzheng".

"Zhang Juzheng stepped forward to obey the order." Zhang Juzheng was Fusu's teacher, and Zhang Juzheng was the "chief assistant."

Its internal affairs are no weaker than those of others, in fact even worse.

"We are here," Zhang Juzheng walked out of the crowd.

"Teacher, you belong to the cabinet position," Fusu looked at Zhang Juzheng and said with a smile.

Zhang Juzheng has managed his administration in an orderly manner over the past year.

At dawn, people live and work in peace and contentment, and the people are prosperous.

So Zhang Juzheng has a place.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After Zhang Juzheng saluted Fusu, he returned to the distance.

Fusu looked at the people below. The people in the cabinet needed internal affairs talents. Although Liu Bowen was very powerful, Liu Bowen was more inclined to be resourceful and strategist.

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