The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 953: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1301 Feng Chu - Pang Tong's serial plan

Fusu looked at Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao and couldn't help but nodded.

Although Guo Jia is more lazy, romantic and dissolute, what is certain is that the other party is indeed capable.

The genius - Guo Jia, did not gain his fame in vain.

Born Guo Fengxiao, a hero ranks among the heroes.

The scriptures and history are hidden in the abdomen, and the armor soldiers are hidden in the chest.

His fortune and planning are like Fan Li's, and his decision-making is like Chen Ping's.

Unfortunately, Liang Dongqing of the Central Plains died first.

The genius Guo Jia, with the help of the four miracle doctors, it is difficult for him to die even if he wants to.

Of course, a little exaggerated.

From here we can also see the terror of the four great doctors.

Although Guo Jia has become stronger with the help of the four miraculous doctors, his constitution is still weak.

Not as good as ordinary people.

But the situation is much better than before.

After the genius Guo Jia saluted, he stood next to Liu Bowen.

Their status is all military ministers, and there is no distinction between high and low.

"Third place", Fusu turned around and finally turned his gaze to the very back, a short, ugly figure.

Although the other person is a little short and ugly, if you know his nickname and name, you will never underestimate him.

This person is none other than Feng Chu, who was as famous as Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period.

Feng Chu - Pang Tong.

A year has passed, and Fusu will have a summoning opportunity once a year.

And Pang Tong was summoned by Fusu using the summoning opportunity once a year.

There is a saying in the Three Kingdoms period, "Whoever gets the Wolong and Phoenix chicks will win the world." Unfortunately, Uncle Liu got both Wolong and Phoenix chicks at the same time, but he only got one-third of the world.

It's not that Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong are weak, but that Liu Huangshu's opponent is too strong.

Uncle Liu Huang was accompanied by five tiger generals, and Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong assisted each other, but he still failed to conquer the world.

I believe many people are familiar with Pang Tong. Pang Tong's courtesy name was Shiyuan and his nickname was Fengchu. He was a native of Xiangyang, Jingzhou during the Han Dynasty.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was an important counselor under Liu Bei and was worshiped as General Zhonglang, the military advisor, together with Zhuge Liang.

He went to Sichuan with Liu Bei, and when Liu Bei and Liu Zhang broke up, he proposed three strategies, upper, middle and lower, and Liu Bei took them into account.

When he entered Luoxian County, Pang Tong led his troops to attack the city. Unfortunately, he was killed by a stray arrow. He was only thirty-six years old. He was posthumously awarded the title of Marquis of Guannei, with the posthumous title of Jinghou.

Pang Tong was a simple man when he was a child, but he didn't look smart on the surface. At that time, Sima Hui of Yingchuan was an elegant man and good at recognizing people. When Pang Tong was twenty years old, he went to visit him. Sima Hui sat on a mulberry tree picking mulberries, while Pang Tong sat under the tree. The two talked to each other from day to night. Sima Hui was greatly surprised by Pang Tong, saying that among the scholars of Nanzhou, no one could compare with Pang Tong. With Sima Hui's words, Pang Tong gradually became known.

Pang Degong called Pang Tong "Feng Chu", Zhuge Liang "Wolong", and Sima Decao "Shui Jing".

Xu Shu once said to Liu Bei, "The sleeping dragon and the phoenix will bring peace to the world!"

His ability is evident.

In the Battle of Chibi, Pang Tong presented the "Serial Strategy".

At that time, Cao Cao was preparing to attack Jiangdong, but he was very troubled because his soldiers were not used to riding in boats.

At this time, Pang Tong already knew that there would be a southeasterly wind recently. In order to prevent Cao Cao's action from failing and to cooperate with Zhou Yu's fire attack, he suggested to Cao Cao that all warships should be connected with iron cables to increase the stability of the ships.

Cao Cao was very happy and adopted Pang Tong's suggestion and called these ships "serial warships".

As a result, during the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao's ship was attacked by fire. Due to the southeast wind fanning the fire and the heat transfer from the iron cables, Cao Cao's fleet was completely annihilated not long after.

Because Pang Tong's strategy played a key role in this battle, Pang Tong became famous.

The plan he implemented against Cao Cao was called the "Serial Plan" by later generations.

Unfortunately, although the plan was good, it was discovered by "Xu Shu".

Fortunately, Xu Shu was in the Cao camp but his heart was in the Han Dynasty, so he did not expose Pang Tong and allowed the serial plan to proceed successfully.

Later, Pang Tong joined Liu Bei's group, but unfortunately, he died for Liu Bei.

At that time, Liu Bei and Pang Tong invaded Shu, and Zhang Ren was ambushing them in front.

The Luma that Liu Bei was riding saw that Pang Tong had no mount, so out of concern, Liu Bei lent his horse, the Luma, to Pang Tong.

It's just love, nothing else.

As a result, when Pang Tong was ambushed by Zhang Ren, the enemy shouted: Liu Bei is riding the white horse! !

So he mistook Pang Tong for Liu Bei, and fired thousands of arrows, shooting Pang Tong to death.

According to legend, whoever rides the Lumac master will be defeated.

Only people like Liu Bei, who has "the ultimate emperor's destiny", are not afraid of defeat.

Pang Tong did not have such a fate and was defeated to death.

Of course, this is just a legend.

Everyone's eyes turned red when they looked at Pang Tong who came out. They didn't know what virtue Pang Tong had and how he could become the minister of military aircraft.

Everyone is eager to replace him.

Minister of Military Aircraft, I help His Majesty handle major military affairs. He holds a high position and only works for Fusu.

All the ministers wanted to join, but unfortunately, they couldn't.

After Pang Tong thanked Fusu, he walked aside.

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