The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 957: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

"Yes." Fusu nodded.

"The second branch - the Forensic Hospital, Song Ci is the director of the Forensic Hospital, responsible for physical examinations, assisting Legalists in solving crimes and investigating, and at the same time, cultivating forensic talents and expanding the scale of forensic medicine."

Fusu also attached great importance to forensic medicine.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Song Ci stood up immediately.

There are hundreds of schools of thought, each hoping to become strong.

"Yes." Fusu nodded.

"Establish Tiangong Pavilion to be responsible for ordnance manufacturing, weapon development, research and invention. Song Yingxing is the head of Tiangong Pavilion, and several major departments are established at the same time. Tang Long, the golden leopard, is the minister of the ordnance department, responsible for building weapons; Hongtian Lei Lingzhen As the director of the Firearms Department, he is responsible for the research of gunpowder; the jade-arm craftsman Jin Dajian is the director of the Jade Department, responsible for carving jade, seals, and seals; Bi Sheng is the director of the Printing Department, responsible for text printing; Cai Lun is the director of the Papermaking Department, responsible for Papermaking..." Fusu then started making appointments again.

"Build a Tianma stable and raise the divine horses and good horses. Those who have made great contributions can be rewarded with BMWs."

"Establish an intelligence department and divide it into three or four agencies. The first agency is the Listening Organization. The leader is Jia Xu and the deputy is Mo Ya. They are directly responsible for everyone. The second agency is the Shadow Secret Guard. The leader is- - Zhang Han, deputy - Wu Song, directly responsible for me." There is a reason why Fusu did not leave Huang Feihong to Zhang Han. Huang Feihong also had Bao Zhilin, who had no time to clone himself.

But Wu Song is different. He hates evil as much as he hates his enemies. More importantly, Wu Song's use of two-handed swords is similar to Zhang Han's use of two-handed swords.

"The third largest organization - secret guard, leader - unknown", Fusu did not say it out loud, because the three organizations were none other than Shen Wansan's Sifang Inn.

Combined with Jia Xu's Listening Organization, it became the largest intelligence agency in Fusu's hands.

It can be said that Shen Wansan serves as the leader of two organizations.

High position and authority.

Fusu also gave Shen Wansan the wealth he deserved.

Shen Wansan married his daughter Daji to himself and worked hard for so many years.

Fusu should give Shen Wansan an explanation.

The only pity is that Daji doesn't know if she is born with it. Fusu has worked hard on her, but there is no bulging in her belly.

The four great doctors Sun Simiao, Hua Tuo, Li Shizhen, and An Daoquan all looked at it, but they were all helpless.

Nothing can be detected at all.

So until now, Daji is not pregnant.

"The fourth agency - the thief duo, the leader - Sikong Zhaixing, and the deputy - Gu Shangflea Shi Qian, are responsible for secret infiltration and inquiring about some secret information," Fusu said to everyone.

"Yes, Your Majesty", everyone hurriedly walked out.

"Establish a messaging department, with the leader - Bai Feng, and the deputy - Shenxing Taibao Dai Zong." In addition to the intelligence department, a messaging department was also formed to be responsible for messaging.

Bai Feng and Dai Zong couldn't help but nodded.

The Qinggong of Shenxing Taibao is no weaker than that of Mo family's thieves.

Traveling eight hundred miles a day is easy.

"Yes", Bai Feng and Shenxing Taibao Dai Zong came out and thanked them.

"At the same time, set up a prison court to interrogate mortals. All extremely evil people can be interrogated," Fusu's voice thought.

"Lai Junchen is the head of the prison court. At the same time, Chinchilla Bai Yutang is responsible for supervising the prison court. The prison court is managed by the Ministry of Punishment and is a special agency of the Ministry of Punishment." Fusu knew that Lai Junchen was a cruel official, but a cruel official had the advantages of a cruel official. It comes in handy sometimes.

Chapter 1306: Imperial Commander, Twelve Ferocious Beast Warriors

When Lai Junchen heard his name, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then he was ecstatic, and he hurriedly stood up to thank him.

Fusu then looked towards the back.

There were still a few people standing at the very back.

It was the young master, Master Xie of the Steel Rod, and others.

"The Imperial Dining Room was established to be responsible for the diet of the widows and the harem. The leader of the Imperial Dining Room was Liu Angxing, the young master, who commanded the entire Imperial Dining Room. At the same time, with Zhang Dongguan and Jidi as his deputies, he assisted Liu Angxing. There were four leaders in the Imperial Dining Room. , Noodles - Steel Rod Master Xie, Knife Skills - Seven-Star Sword Ren En, Dishes - Lan Feihong, Fire Attack - Shao'an." Fusu arranged an identity for several people.

"Thank you, Your Majesty", everyone hurriedly stood up.

"Establish the Picture and Literature Pavilion to develop the culture of our Da Qin Dynasty. With Li Bai as the master of the pavilion, Tang Bohu, Zhu Zhishan, Wen Zhengming, and Xu Zhenqing are the four elders of chess, calligraphy, and painting. They assist Li Bai in building the Picture and Literature Pavilion, strive to innovate, and write more "Good poems", Fusu has always attached great importance to culture.

When Su Shi heard Fusu's words, he felt excited. He also wanted to join the Picture and Literature Pavilion. He liked literature very much.

In addition to Su Shi, the other eight members of the Tang and Song Dynasties also had some changes, but they did not dare to say anything more.

Then, Fusu looked towards the general.

The civil servants will come to an end first, and then we will start with the generals, so as to save the other party from being greedy.

When many generals saw Fusu's gaze, their hearts froze and their eyes became eager.

"In terms of military generals, the post of Taiwei was established, which was temporarily held by Taibao Meng Ao. He had no military power and supervised on behalf of the widow. Four marshals were established in the southeast, northwest and northwest. They were Marshal Yue Fei and Yue Pengju, Marshal of the East, and Marshal Pingxi. Li Jing, Li Yaoshi, the Grand Marshal of Zhennan - Xue Rengui and the Grand Marshal of Saobei - Chen Qingzhi, in no particular order, the most capable will be chosen, so I hope the four marshals will continue their efforts," Fusu said while looking at the four of them.

In Chen Qingzhi's heart, except for Yue Fei and Li Jing, the Marshal Zhennan and the Marshal Saobei were not in line with Fusu's wishes.

In Fusu's heart, apart from Yue Fei and Li Jing, Fusu was more supportive of Qi Jiguang, the general marshal of water wars (naval battles), who could lead water wars.

It's a pity that Qi Jiguang was not summoned.

However, the leadership of Xue Rengui and Chen Qingzhi is not bad either.

Especially Chen Qingzhi, Fusu was very fond of him.

Chen Qingzhi was the first group of people to follow Fusu besides Xu Shu and Dian Wei.

Chen Qingzhi sat in the position of the Grand Marshal of the North, and everyone was watching, but no one was curious at all.

After all, hard work and hard work played an important role in Fusu's early days.

And more importantly, Chen Qingzhi defeated the Huns in the north and defeated Maodun Chanyu.

But everyone was a little confused about Yue Fei. In their hearts, this position should be occupied by the veteran general Wang Jian.

But Fusu's prestige was too high, and no one dared to say anything.

Wang Jian said nothing. For him, he was not particularly enthusiastic about the position of General Zhengdong.

Because for Wang Jian, he can hold the position of Taishi, one of the three nobles, and has high morals and prestige. What's more, Wang Jian also has an iron coupon of the alchemy book in his hand, which is like a gold medal for immunity from death. Those who hold the iron coupon of the alchemy book can Save him from death.

With such an honor, what else could you want?

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