The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 978: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"General, there is a cave here."

"What?" Ma Chao and Li Guang couldn't help being surprised, and then they were overjoyed and walked towards the soldiers who shouted.

The location of the cave is very remote and covered with some snow.

If you don't look for it specifically, you may not be able to find it.

"Hahaha, okay, if you really discover the Tianshan Snow Lotus, you will have made a great contribution. I will promote you when you get back." Li Guang was also very happy and said to the soldier.

"Thank you, General", the soldier was overjoyed.

Led by Li Guang and Ma Chao, everyone walked inside.

Because they didn't know what was inside, everyone was very careful.

Ma Chao holds the Eight Treasure Dragon Spear in his hand and puts it in front of him. If anything goes wrong, he can launch an attack.

Li Guang, holding the Lingbao Bow and the stone-free arrow in his hand, walked inside.

The cave became wider and wider as we walked, and more spacious as we walked.

At the deepest point of the cave entrance is a deep pool, and in the center of the deep altar, a snow lotus sways.

It exudes a strange fragrance.

Everyone looked at each other and saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes.

At this moment, Li Guang was about to go up.

But he was held back by Ma Chao.

"Be careful, such a divine object must be guarded by strange beasts," Ma Chao said to Li Guang.

"Yes, I understand." Li Guang couldn't help but nodded, much more cautiously.

Just when everyone was approaching the deep pool, a huge thing flew out!

Chapter 1333 Alien Species from Heaven and Earth - Hook Snake Ma Chao is injured

"Bang", a huge black snake rushed out from the deep altar.

"Get out of the way!" Ma Chao and Li Guang's expressions couldn't help but change, and then they yelled, telling everyone to get out of the way quickly.

Ma Chao and Li Guang didn't need to remind them. When these soldiers saw such a ferocious behemoth, they automatically moved out of the way.

Ma Chao and Li Guang stared blankly at the black snake in front of them, their faces full of horror.

"Hooked snake", Ma Chao made an incredible sound. He could not imagine that he would see a hooked snake in such a cold place on the top of Tianshan Mountain.

Snakes will enter hibernation in winter, but this snake not only does not, but is extremely active.

Ma Chao was filled with a look of horror.

The hook snake is one of the mythical beasts in ancient Kyushu myths and legends. It is more than 20 meters long and has a forked tail. The hook snake uses its tail hook in the water to pull animals on the shore into the water to prey.

One of the ancient mythical beasts, it is a kind of snake in the legend of Kyushu. It is an amphibious creature. It usually lives in the water. It has a fierce and aggressive temperament and is highly venomous. The most obvious feature is that its tail is different from ordinary snakes, with forks like Two hooks are average, and the hook snake's hunting method is to use its tail hook to hook the prey and then swallow it.

This kind of snake is recorded in the article "Shui Jing Zhu (Ruo Shui)".

There are also records of hook snakes in history.

Volume 2 of "Continued Natural History" by Li Shi of the Song Dynasty: "First of all, there is a hooked snake in the mountain. It is seven to eight feet long and has a hook at the end. The snake is in the mountain stream and uses its tail hook to be eaten by people and cattle on the bank."

"Dianhai Yu Heng Zhi Collector's Notes": "The Hook Snake came out of Yongchang, this is said in ancient times. It is said that its tail is long, it can hook people and things on the shore and eat them, and it is also like a crocodile. I have not heard of this now, and it is also other things. Migrating away? There are no crocodiles in Chaozhou, and there are no hook snakes in Yongchang. Seeing the gathering of life is the victory.

According to the "Xu Zhuan Zhiwu", Zhu Ti is believed to have come from, and there is a ghost bullet beside the water, but its shape is not visible, and its movement makes a sound. The object will be broken, and the person will be harmed. The sinner will die within ten days after moving here. The water and soil here are bad, and there are evil spirits in the caves, which are cruel to the ears. The method of driving them away is to throw burning stones and pour molten iron. All the people are calling pots and pots with their trumpets, and those things will move away as soon as they die. Those in charge must not be unaware of this. "

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas·Zhongshan Jing" records: "The eastward flow flows into the river, and there are many strange snakes in it." Guo Pu of Jin Dynasty noted: "There is a hook snake in Yongchang County today, which is several feet long and has a tail. It hooks people on the shore in the water. The cows and horses eat it.”

Ma Chao and Li Guang looked at the giant hooked snake in front of them and looked at each other.

If you want to get the snowdrop, you must kill the hook snake, otherwise it will be impossible.

Then, Ma Chao took the Eight Treasure Dragon Spear and Li Guang also took the Lingbao Bow and attacked Hook Snake.

"Death", Li Guang took the Lingbao bow with strings like the full moon and shot at Hook Snake.

Li Guang's target was none other than the seven inches of Hook Snake.

Li Guang has very few ideas and can hit a snake within seven inches.

The seven-inch position is the snake's weak point.

But it is a pity that Hook Snake has been practicing for hundreds of years and is not stupid.

As soon as his body moves, he directly blocks it with his back.

"Ding", what shocked everyone was that Li Guang's stone-less arrow, which could shoot through stones, returned without success.

It's like shooting on metal, making a sound like gold and silver.

Very crisp.

But it just didn't break through the hook snake's defense.

On the hook snake's back, those scales are as strong as fine steel.

Before Ma Chao could step forward, the tail of the hook snake swept over directly.

"Kill", Ma Chao roared, and the Eight Treasure Dragon Spear in his hand rotated towards Hook Snake.

The Eight Treasure Tuo Dragon Spear and the hook snake's huge snake tail collided together, and then collided heavily.

"Pfft", even Ma Chao's innate supernatural power seemed insignificant and extremely insignificant in front of this strange species of heaven and earth.

Ma Chao flew out directly.

But Ma Chao was injured, and Hook Snake was not having a hard time either. At Hook Snake's tail, the Eight Treasure Dragon Spear was deeply inserted into it.

"Hiss", being injured by the attack of the Eight Treasure Dragon Spear, Hook Snake went crazy.

It started wreaking havoc in the cave, seeming to sweep away everything in the cave.

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