The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 983: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Everyone was angry when they saw Hook Snake's work.

They launched attacks one after another.

The four great marksmen were finally angry.

Huang Zhong held the eight-treasure unicorn bow, and an arrow appeared on it. The arrow was filled with black energy.

In myths and legends, Huang Zhong is not a mortal. Huang Zhong is the king of heaven with wide eyes in the sky and descends to earth.

The Guangmu Heavenly King is Mo Lihong among the four generals of the Demon Family. He holds a Huntian Umbrella and can control the wind and rain when he spins it. Later, Jiang Ziya named him the Guangmu Heavenly King, in charge of wind and rain.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the dragon energy of the Eastern Han Dynasty flew into the sky, the demon star Dong Zhuo appeared in the world, and the generals of the heaven descended to earth to help bring peace to the world. At this time, there was great chaos in the sky, and many gods descended to earth. No one was in charge of those who should have been in charge, so there is a saying - troubled times are full of natural disasters. .

And because of this, there is no rainfall in Hubei, which actually causes a severe drought.

Originally this was the work of the Rain Master, but he didn't know where he was going, so the Jade Emperor asked King Guangmu to come down to earth to ensure that there would be rain in these two places. King Guangmu then went down to earth in Jingdi and changed his name to Huang Zhong.

In troubled times, Huang Zhong also had to learn martial arts to protect himself. It turned out that the Huntian umbrella of King Guangmu was a magical weapon. There were emeralds, emerald seals, emerald greens, luminous pearls, green dust beads, and green fire beads on the umbrella. The blue water beads, the cooling beads, the nine-curved beads, the beauty-fixing beads, the wind-fixing beads, and the pearls are woven into the four characters "loading the universe".

Back then, when Nezha's Circle of Heaven and Earth and even Jiang Ziya's Divine Whip were taken away, the Jade Emperor was afraid that these objects would be brought down to the mortal world by King Guangmu, and if they were used carelessly, they would bring disaster to the mortal world, so he did not let King Guangmu take them away. Take him down to earth.

However, King Guangmu has a pair of pure eyes, which he uses to observe all things and maintain the balance of the world. So Huang Zhong responded to local conditions and gave full play to his strengths. He learned archery with good eyesight and it was easy to learn archery.

Moreover, Huang Zhong had nothing to do except to ensure that there was plenty of rain here, so he practiced archery every day. In a short time, he developed the unique skill of hitting the target with perfect accuracy.

Huang Zhong originally wanted to hang around in the human world, and help the villagers shoot wild geese and hunt tigers, which was enough for him. However, soon after the reputation of being good at shooting spread, Changsha Prefect Han Xuan Huang Zhong came to invite Huang Zhong in person, but Huang Zhong couldn't defeat him, so he agreed to help Han Xuan guard Changsha for more than ten years.

During these ten years, Huang Zhong usually practiced his martial arts, archery, and guarded the city diligently until Liu Bei and others arrived. ..

Chapter 1339 Jade Qilin Pojun Star Army Reincarnation

At this time, Huang Zhong was already over sixty years old. He was originally preparing to take over after his death and return to heaven.

Who knew that Liu Bei had finished the Battle of Chibi, so he took advantage of the opportunity to attack Jingzhou. Huang Zhong was the King of Guangmu. When his eyes opened, he naturally knew that Liu Bei was protected by the eight-clawed golden dragon. Moreover, at this time, Liu Bei was protected by the Demon-Suppressing Emperor and Jiang Ziya. He couldn't afford to offend Liu Bei, so he advised Han Xuan that Liu Bei couldn't afford to offend him, so he should just defend. So Han Xuan stayed in Changsha until Guan Yu came to attack Changsha with his troops.

Zhuge Liang usually accompanied him in every battle, but this time when he fought in Changsha, he unexpectedly discovered that King Guangmu was in Changsha. At that time, King Guangmu was still called Mo Lihong and used a Huntian Umbrella. Back then, Mo Lihong relied on this umbrella. The Huntian Umbrella hit Nezha and Jiang Ziya fled. Later, he had to rely on Erlang Shen's Tengu to steal the Magic Gift Red Huntian Umbrella to defeat the Magic Gift Red.

Zhuge Liang was afraid that Huang Zhong would descend to earth and take the Huntian Umbrella with him, so he did not dare to follow Guan Yu's army to attack Changsha, so he asked Guan Yu to explore the situation first.

Guan Yu immediately stood outside Changsha City. Huang Zhong stood at the top of the city and saw the Demon-Conquering Emperor standing under the city. Huang Zhong was originally the Guangmu Heavenly King and was considered one of the best in heaven. Naturally, he was not afraid of Guan Yu, but he couldn't mess with Liu Bei. At this time, Liu Bei's emperor's aura has basically formed, and the generals are surrounding him. If he goes against him today, he will offend a group of Daluo gods. However, if he rebels against Han Xuan, morality does not allow it. Guan Yu urges the battle below, and Han above Xuan urged, Huang Zhongxin raised his sword, picked up his bow and went down to the city. After a hundred rounds of fighting, there was no winner.

In the second round, Huang Zhong had a sure-fire plan in mind. When he got down from the city, Guan Yu and Huang Zhong started fighting. Huang Zhong used a pretense to fall off his horse, hoping that Guan Yu would take his head so that he could return to heaven as his son. The King of Heaven would not offend both parties. Who knew that Guan Yu was such a good person, so he felt that he could not win with force, so he said to Huang Zhong, "Old guy, go back and change horses and come again."

Huang Zhong was furious when he heard this. Guan Yu's arrogant look aroused the blood in Huang Zhong's heart. So in the third round, Huang Zhong drew his bow twice and shot falsely, which was enough to kill Guan Yu. In the end, he still didn't dare to kill Guan Yu. The last arrow deliberately hit Guan Yu's hat and spared Guan Yu's life.

Han Xuan was furious after seeing him in the city. As soon as Huang Zhong came back, he tied up Huang Zhong and accused him of collaborating with the enemy. Huang Zhong just wanted to die, but when Han Xuan killed Huang Zhong, another general stood up to resist, it was Wei Yan. , so Huang Zhong did not die.

This Wei Yan is a jade unicorn, naturally chamfered. Normally Wei Yan and Huang Zhong are on good terms. When Wei Yan saw that Han Xuan wanted to kill Huang Zhong, Wei Yan was naturally unwilling to do so. Wei Yan was born with a jade unicorn and was psychic, so he could naturally know that Han Xuan was a mediocre person, and Liu Bei has a kingly spirit.

But he didn't know that Huang Zhong only wanted to die, so he persuaded Huang Zhong to surrender to Liu Bei.

So he and Wei Yan took refuge with Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was overjoyed, but Zhuge Liang was shocked. It was not Huang Zhong who was shocked, but Wei Yan.

Zhuge Liang naturally could see that Wei Yan was the reincarnation of the Jade Qilin. The Jade Qilin was an extraordinary thing. It was said that whoever could win the world would win the world. It was more accurate than the eight-clawed golden dragon, especially the chamfered Jade Qilin. Zhuge Liang didn't want to His position was robbed by Wei Yan.

Zhuge Liang thought that the chamfered jade unicorn would turn against him after helping others conquer the world, so he slandered Liu Bei and said that Wei Yan had a traitorous bone in the back of his head and could not be reused. Liu Bei was a human being, so he naturally didn't know the meaning behind it. He really thought that Wei Yan was a traitor. He's a rebel,

Huang Zhong had an eye and naturally knew Zhuge Liang's tricks. Huang Zhong felt that Zhuge Liang was unkind, so he helped Wei Yan in everything.

During the battle at Luofengpo, Zhuge Liang knew clearly that Pang Tong was going to die, but did not stop him. Instead, he allowed Wei Yan to go with him. This was a plan to kill two birds with one stone and eliminate two threats.

Huang Zhong became angry and rode his horse to save the enemy. At that time, there were many enemy troops in the chaos. Huang Zhong became anxious. When he opened his eyes, the true form of King Guangmu appeared.

This Guangmu Heavenly King is the leader of dragons, so he has a red dragon wrapped around his hand. If he sees someone who does not believe in Buddhism, he will catch him with a rope and make him convert to Buddhism.

At that time, Huang Zhong danced with a red dragon, killing people and killing Buddhas. Only then did he rescue Wei Yan from the army. Later, in Tao Hongjing's "Ancient and Modern Sword Records", it was recorded that Huang Zhong got a sword when Liu Bei pacified Nanjun. It was as red as blood. When fighting Xiahou's army in Hanzhong, he used this sword to kill more than a hundred people in one day.

This is actually the scene where Huang Zhong appears in his true form and dances with the red dragon.

Later, Huang Zhong worked conscientiously under Liu Bei. Not long after, he followed Liu Bei to attack Hanzhong and faced Zhao Yong, the prefect of Yizhou. Zhao Yong dared to challenge Liu Bei because he relied on Xia Houyuan behind him.

This Xiahou Yuan is the Seventh Heaven Pass of the Big Dipper - Po Jun Xing Jun. Cao Cao is also protected by Heaven Dou, namely Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Chun, Xia Hou Dun, Xia Hou Yuan, Cao Zhen, Cao Xiu and Xia Hou Shang. Known as the Eight Tiger Riders.

The one who protects Cao "Cao" is the Big Dipper. The Little Big Dipper has seven stars, and the Big Dipper has eight stars. One of them is the dark star, which is the nine-day general who kills children. The eighth star of the Big Dipper, also known as the God of Heavenly Killer, is the ghost and god. The brave Cao Ren.

Moreover, the Lord of the North Dipper dies and the Lord of the South Dipper lives, so Cao Cao raised his troops and relied on the Eight Tiger Cavalry to kill all directions. Huang Zhong came to Dingjun Mountain and naturally knew the origin of Xia Houyuan. This Pojunxingjun wanted to challenge him in a duel, but Huang Zhong was not afraid. But when it comes to using troops, it's a headache. Xiahou Yuan has never been defeated since he sent troops with Cao Cao. He is really a talented Xiahou. Huang Zhong really didn't dare to touch him, so he stationed himself at Dingjun Mountain every day and stood still. ..

Chapter 1340 Each shows his or her special powers and the hooked snake escapes

Later, "Dingjun beheaded Xia Houyuan on the mountainside" happened.

Huang Zhong pulled the eight-treasure unicorn bow and shot at Hook Snake's eyes again.

"Poof", before Hook Snake could react, he was shot blind in one eye.

"The sun and the moon shine in the nine heavens," Hua Rong roared, holding the heaven and earth sun and moon bow in his hand, and the fine gold arrows in his hand, shining with starlight, appeared directly behind him.

"Whoosh", stars rise and fall, comets fall, and everything turns into nothingness.

An arrow shot directly at Hook Snake's body.

"The misty archery technique, clouds have no form, and the wind has no form." Wang Bodang took his own "Haoyun Piaomiao Bow" in his hand and shot directly.

The arrow seemed to have spirituality, with a hint of ethereal aura, drawing an arc and heading towards the hooked snake.

"No stone arrows." Li Guang took out his Lingbao bow, then took out the stone arrows and shot directly.

Behind Li Guang, a crack appeared, as if the space had split apart.

Hook Snake immediately became a target and was directly attacked by everyone.

"Hiss", Hook Snake screamed continuously.

Fortunately, the hook snake is protected by Linjia, otherwise it would be really miserable.

"Brush", Fusu opened his hand, and a peerless divine bow appeared in his hand, exuding powerful energy.

It is the Sky-shattering Bow of Emperor Xuanyuan Huang.

Then, Fusu stretched out his hand again, and an arrow appeared in Fusu's hand.

It is the arrow of benevolence among the three arrows of "benevolence, righteousness and faith".

"Kill", Fusu's hand burst out with powerful murderous intent, shooting at the seven inches where Hook Snake was weakest.

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