The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 986: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

But I heard the sword say again: "First, I am transforming into a dragon. It is a divine way. You cannot kill too many living creatures. However, I am a weapon for you. Killing is inevitable. I don't dare to ask for more. I only ask you for two." In an army battle, you only need to kill the opponent's generals. The pawns are ordinary people, so the ruler should not kill too many.

The second is that I am a dragon, so it is fine to be your slave, but it would be a bit embarrassing to make weapons, so if the two armies are not facing each other, I will stand behind you. "

Yun Chang responded one by one.

Because Guan Yu complied with the two requirements of the Qinglong Sword, he only killed generals and never killed small soldiers in battles throughout his life. Everyone in the world praised him for his benevolence and righteousness.

The only weird thing is that his Qinglong Sword is always standing behind his back, and he only kills the enemy when he is in battle.

Dragon is the god of rising clouds and rain. Therefore, every time Guan Yu wins a battle, he will be accompanied by floods and heavy rains. The most famous one is the flooding of the seven armies. It is precisely because of the help of the Qinglong Sword that he can drown tens of thousands of forbidden troops in one fell swoop. . When they attacked Fancheng, it rained heavily and Cao Ren lost his armor.

Guan Yu's power is so terrifying!

Following Guan Yu's movements, a huge green dragon sword appeared directly in front of him, and then looked hard at the hook snake's tail.

The skin is torn.

On the other side of the hook snake, the female hook snake also fought to the death.

Sweeping towards the many arrivals.

"Be careful," the surrounding soldiers shouted as they looked at the attacking female hook snake.

"puff"! ! !

Following the movements of the female hook snake, a ball of black venom was sprayed directly into the air, and then swayed towards everyone like raindrops.

The venom is very toxic.

The hooked snake, which was seriously injured by Guan Yu's knife, retracted its tail, and then spouted black smoke from its mouth and enveloped the surroundings.

The smoke was dark and extremely poisonous.

Guan Yu's expression couldn't help but change, because the one-eye was aimed at him.

"Green Dragon Protects the Body", Guan Yu's slightly narrowed eyes opened, and the powerful murderous aura penetrated his body.

That powerful momentum formed a vacuum around him, like a whirlwind, sweeping towards both sides.

Push away the poisonous smoke around you.

Then, Guan Yu jumped back.

Everyone looked at the poisonous smoke and ran away one after another.

At this time, Concubine Yan led Ying Jingyao out.

Looking at the poisonous smoke that filled the air, she frowned slightly. Then, Concubine Yan waved her hand, and golden glazed flames swept directly over her, like a wall of fire, wrapping up the poisonous smoke.

Make a "sizzling" sound.

It was like a hot soldering iron dripping with water.

The poisonous smoke continues to dissipate.

But there is no good way to deal with the venom in the air, because it is like raindrops and its range is too wide.

"Get out of the way", there is no other way, everyone can only avoid.

Everyone took action, Fusu waved his hand, and a golden barrier appeared above his head, blocking the raindrops formed by the venom.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, the two hook snakes used their strength again and crashed towards the crowd.

The most defensive parts of the hook snake are the back and head, which are covered with black scales.

The front is also wrapped in scales. If it weren't for a magic weapon, it would be difficult to show any scars on the hook snake's body.

"Bang bang bang", everyone was knocked away.

"How brave." Li Yuanba suddenly became angry and hugged one of the hook snakes, as if to hold him back.

But the opponent was too thick and slippery. Even if Li Yuanba had the power of four images, he couldn't catch the opponent.

Hook Snake charged towards Guan Yu.

It seemed as if he wanted to swallow Guan Yu into his belly.

Seeing the menacing hook snake, Guan Yu became angry, "You actually came to me? If I don't cut off one of your tails this time, my surname will no longer be Guan!"...

Chapter 1344 Spring and Autumn Sword Techniques taught by Yuan Zhenjun

Guan Erye's entire strength lies in his sword.

Possessing the power of "Bear and Tiger".

If Mr. Guan wanted to kill someone, it would really be like "the sky and the earth change color" and "the wind and clouds roll".

It is said that after Master Guan subdued the "Green Dragon", he obtained the Green Dragon Sword and also married a beautiful wife.

The two of them ran away overnight, fearing that his wife's natal family would come back to cause trouble, so they found a remote mountain village to settle down and live a small life.

Now that I have a wife and a family, and I have been called a prince by gods and demons several times, I expect that I will never be able to escape wealth in the future, so I practice swordsmanship on weekdays and go about my days, so my mind becomes a little slack.

In the early morning of that day, Mr. Guan was practicing his sword skills on a hill not far from his home. In fact, his sword skills were not much of a sword skill at all. Although he had started practicing martial arts at a young age, without the guidance of a famous teacher, he could only do it at most. In the field of crops, Huhu was dancing with the green dragon sword, but he heard a strange laugh from the side.

Guan Erye felt awkward when he heard this. When he looked back, he saw a big white monkey on the side, making a strange laugh. When the monkey saw Guan Yu looking at him, he ran to the ground and picked up a branch, and imitated his dance pattern. After a few times, he held his belly again, leaned forward and backward, and made a laugh, which was quite mocking.

Guan Erye was furious and cursed: "What a beast! How dare you laugh at a certain family!"

Just as he was about to get angry, he remembered that the other party was just a monkey, so why should he be angry with an animal, so he ignored him.

Unexpectedly, the monkey followed Guan Yu's example and raised the branch behind him, then hooked his hand at Guan Yu with a very contemptuous expression.

Guan Erye felt angry, so he stepped forward and waved the knife casually, trying to scare the monkey away. Unexpectedly, before he waved the knife, he felt a pain in his thumb. It turned out that the monkey had hit his thumb hard with a branch. After knocking it, Mr. Guan became furious and swung his knife to kill the monkey to vent his anger.

Unexpectedly, the monkey was extremely flexible and could not cut it no matter how hard it was cut. Instead, the thumb of his right hand was knocked several times by a branch, which caused pain to the bone. He could no longer hold the Qinglong Dao. With a clang, the Qinglong Dao also fell to the ground.

The monkey burst into laughter again. Ignoring the embarrassed and angry Guan Erye, he picked up the Green Dragon Sword and started swinging it. Guan Erye was getting angry at the side. When the monkey waved the knife, all the anger in his heart was gone, leaving only a cold feeling.

This is no monkey at all. Even the masters of swordsmanship in the previous dynasty may not be able to compare with him in swordsmanship. Mr. Guan Erye was no longer angry. He just stared at the monkey's figure and the path of the sword. He thought about it while looking at it. He felt that this set of sword techniques was very familiar to him, but he had never seen it before. He felt indescribable joy in his heart.

The monkey pretended to have finished all the sword skills, threw the Qinglong Sword aside, turned around and ran away without knowing where to go. At this moment, Guan Erye remembered that his Qinglong Sword was originally transformed from a green dragon. Normally people and animals would be attracted by the power of the sword and keep approaching. Even though I didn't have the guts, this monkey actually waved it in his hand as if it was nothing, which was obviously unusual.

It's just that he was only focused on the monkey's knife skills and didn't delve into the reasons. It's a pity that I only watched it once and forgot a lot of moves. I can only remember a small part.

The next day, Guan Erye ran to the hill early in the morning and saw the monkey waiting for him on the mountain. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and didn't dare to support him anymore. He respectfully presented the Qinglong Sword to the monkey. The monkey was not polite and gave him yesterday's knife. The sword technique danced once and then went away again, leaving Guan Yu to ponder on his own.

After months of teaching and learning, Mr. Guan finally learned the entire set of sword techniques, a total of twenty-eight moves.

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