The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 989: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

It's a pity that Liu Bei's situation at that time was really miserable. It could be said that there was no tile above him and no vertical cone below. Zhuge Liang was also anxious. Relying on his great merits and not being afraid of retribution, he used whatever tactics were vicious. , Zhuge Liang can be said to be the most vicious among the Three Kingdoms. He burned Bowang, Chibi, Zhou Yu, and finally Tengjia Army.

It wasn't until after the burning and seeing the horrific scene that Zhuge Liang realized that he had gone too far. No matter how great his merits were, they could not offset the catastrophic mistake of destroying the human race. Not only had his previous merits been completely destroyed, but also Lived for decades.

This is also why in the end, Old Zhuge burned Sima's family, it rained heavily, and in the end, Wei Yan kicked over the seven-star lantern to extend his life. Too many people were killed and ghosts took their lives!

Although Old Zhuge finally understood, it was too late. He only suffered the fate of "died before leaving the army, which often makes heroes burst into tears".

Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu's joint attack immediately surrounded Hook Snake.

Then, Fusu pulled out the Shadow Painting Sword and struck directly.

A sword light appeared, directly piercing the seven-inch position of Hook Snake, and nailed Hook Snake to the cave wall.

At this time, the huge body of the hook snake was firmly fixed, and its tail kept swinging from side to side. ..

Chapter 1348: Many ants bite the elephant to death and everyone shows off their power

When the female hook snake saw her husband being nailed to Zhou Rui, she became angry and wanted to rush in and save the hook snake.

But how could everyone allow it?

They came together to fight, especially Emperor Ran Min's spear, Li Cunxiao's King Yu, Li Yuanba's drum, urn, and golden hammer, and Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd, forming a strong line of defense to block the opponent.

At this time, other people came towards the male hook snake one after another. Dian Wei held the bloodthirsty double halberds, Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, Zhang Fei held the Zhangba Snake Spear, Huang Zhong held the Eight Treasure Kirin Bow, and Zhao Yun held the Gentian flashed his silver gun and took action directly. They wanted to keep Hook Snake here.

Xu Chu took off his shirt, then took his elephant trunk ring head knife and rushed forward.

Never underestimate Xu Chu.

Among the major masters of the Three Kingdoms era, Xu Chu's ranking was not low at all.

One Lu, two Zhao, three Dianwei

Four levels, five horses and six flying

Huang Xu, Sun Tai and Liang Xiahou

Two pieces of Xu Pang Gan Zhou Wei

After all, Xu Chu is also ranked eighth.

Xu Zhu is said to be a white tiger from the Qiao Kingdom who attained enlightenment. It is said that white tigers are like mandarin ducks. Where there is a male, there must be a female.

And Xu Chu is a male tiger. Back then, Xu Chu was practicing in the mountains with another female tiger in the Qiao Kingdom. .

Xu Chu originally helped Cao Cao conquer the world, and the Cao family was almost able to dominate the world. Later, the Sima family took away their foundation.

The female tiger vowed to destroy the Sima family for the sake of Xu Zhu, so she was reincarnated as Qiao Guo's wife Xian Ying, who helped Chen Baxian rebel against the Jin Dynasty, and later started the chaos of the Sixteen Kingdoms.

Xu Chu and Ma Chao fought for 230 times. Ma Chao was the reincarnation of Suan Ni and was a divine creature. Xu Zhu was a white tiger transformed into a human being and was an earthly immortal. A lion and a tiger fought each other. Although there was no winner or lose, There must be strength and weakness, and the two hundred and thirty chapters of the battle were divided into three parts.

After a hundred rounds, the two were neck and neck, but Cao Cao beat the drum to recall Xu Zhu, because when Jia Xu looked in the army, he saw that Xu Zhu's horse was moving lightly.

So he quickly asked Cao Cao to recall Xu Chu to prevent any mistakes.

After Xu Zhu changed his horse, he started fighting with Ma Chao again, but the horse that had just died soon after had a black aura on its face. The soldiers thought that the horse died of exhaustion, but in fact, it died of Ma Chao's evil aura attacking its heart.

Xu Zhu and Ma Chao were fighting, and the fight between the two became more and more intense. Ma Chao became angry and had a lot of evil energy. It turned out that Xu Zhu was a white tiger transformed into a human being. The white tigers in the four major stars in the sky were in charge of the killing energy, which was the evil energy, so Xu Zhu When fighting against others, they often rely on the white tiger's natural evil energy to suppress others.

Unexpectedly, Ma Chao was haunted by an evil star, and with his angry anger, all the evil energy was pressed against Xu Zhu. Xu Zhu suddenly felt the pressure on his body increase greatly, so he returned to the formation and took off his armor to make himself more relaxed.

Unexpectedly, Xu Chu almost died. The evil spirit was blocked by the armor, but after taking off the armor, Xu Zhu fought for thirty rounds. Chu Fen raised his sword and chopped Ma Chao. Chao dodged and stabbed Chu in the heart with a spear. Xu Zhu couldn't dodge, but Xu Zhu was too strong. He held the gun under his arm, abandoned his sword, and started fighting with Ma Chao. Cao Cao was most afraid of Xu Zhu. If anything goes wrong, send someone to rescue them.


After Guan Yu and other Three Kingdoms generals came to Hook Snake, their expressions did not change, and they took action directly and attacked Hook Snake.

"Cut", Guan Yu raised the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand, drew a line of green light, and struck the hooked snake fiercely.

The green light shines, as if it is about to cut the hook snake in both ends.

"Kill", Zhang Fei roared angrily, and shot out the zhangba snake spear in his hand. An ancient dragon python wrapped around it, exuding a powerful aura from all over his body.

"Whoosh", Huang Zhong narrowed his eyes slightly, and the entire arrow emitted a dark light, which made people feel extremely terrifying.

On Zhao Yun's gentian silver spear, little bits of cold light were blooming, and a strange feeling burst out from the tip of the spear.

A little bit of cold light,

The tip of the spear bloomed with divine light, heading towards the opponent with an unrivaled momentum.

Dian Wei transformed into the "Ancient Evil", his eyes were blood red, and the bloodthirsty halberds in his hands glowed with blood.

The whole person is filled with a powerful evil spirit.

"Die to me", Dian Wei also rushed forward.


"Poof", I saw the Qinglong Yanyue Sword directly slashing at Hook Snake's body, and a huge wound appeared again.

Then, Zhang Fei's eight-foot-long snake spear directly pierced the hook snake's belly, then pierced the hook snake's tail, and stared at the cave rock.

Then, Huang Zhong's divine arrows came one after another, blinding Hook Snake's other eye.

Zhao Zilong's gentian silver gun shot out and once again gave Hook Snake a fatal blow.

There are also Dian Wei and Ma Chao.

Ma Chao took the opportunity to pull out his Eight Treasure Dragon Spear from the hook snake's tail and pierced the opponent's abdomen.


The snake's vitality is very tenacious. Even if its head is cut off, the snake can still move and even bite.

This is true for ordinary snakes, let alone such exotic species as "hook snakes".

So no one dared to relax.

Hooked Snake was severely injured and wanted to go crazy with anger, but unfortunately, he was powerless.

You can only try your best to break free! ..

Chapter 1349: The Power of Everyone and the Death of Hook Snake

Seeing all this, Fusu's eyes suddenly froze. He unsheathed the flying sword in his hand again and attacked the opponent directly.

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