The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 995: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Zhou Yu and Lu Su from Jiangdong are not mortals. They are originally the Crane Boy and the Deer Boy under the throne of the Antarctic Immortal. The Sun family of Jiangdong has the order of the emperor, so the Antarctic Immortal sent the Crane Boy to help. Xianlu Boyzi and Xianhe had a very good relationship, so they wanted to go with him. Nanjixian was afraid that the two of them would join forces and be too powerful. If he accidentally helped the Sun family unify the world and messed up the destiny, he would be guilty of a big sin.

Then he said to the fairy deer boy, "The crane is destined by fate. You can go there, but you are not destined by fate. One of your horns must be plucked out to meet the destiny."

Xianlu Boy's moral conduct is all about two horns in his life. Pulling out one horn is equivalent to destroying half of his moral conduct. However, he is very loyal and he is worried that Xianhe is too small-minded and will inevitably cause big troubles in the future, so he agreed. .

After the two descended to earth, the crane was reincarnated into the Zhou family as Zhou Yu. The crane was very good at catching fish and had sharp eyesight. Therefore, Zhou Yu was born with a keen eye and could recognize the extraordinary things about people, and the crane often caught fish on the water, so he was extremely proficient in water warfare and became the commander-in-chief of the navy of Soochow.

Because the Immortal Deer lacked half of his Taoist skills, he was much inferior to Zhou Yu after he was reincarnated as Lu Su. However, the Immortal Deer is good at running, so Lu Su is very good at running and fighting. He can lead his soldiers to run as fast as flying, which is not trivial. characters.

So Zhuge Liang joked about the two people: "Zijing is the one who guards the road, and Zhou Lang is the one who fights on the river."

At that time, Pang Tong came to Jiangdong. Zhou Yu saw that he was ugly and had a phoenix behind him. He knew that this person was not a trivial person and hurriedly tried to win over him. Although Lu Su had no discernment, he saw that Zhou Yu tried his best to win over Pang Tong and after talking with Pang Tong, he felt that this person was very important. People with extraordinary knowledge must have great talents, and they try their best to win over them.

Pang Tong was reincarnated through the blood of a phoenix and was born with the temperament of a phoenix. When he saw that both of them were reincarnations of noble and extraordinary beings, he fell in love with them, so he became close friends with them. Until Zhuge Liang went to Jiangdong as an envoy and saw the close relationship between Pang Tong and him, he was shocked. If the three of them joined forces, his plan to help Liu Bei would be difficult to succeed.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang came up with a plan and said to Lu Su: "You value my junior brother Pang Tong so much, why don't you introduce him to your lord Gongsun Quan."

Lu Su didn't know it was a plan and believed it to be true.

Lu Su didn't know what happened, so he actually went to see Sun Quan, hoping that Sun Quan could accept Pang Tong. Little did he know that Sun Quan was originally a green dragon in his previous life. Because his body was too evil, the evil energy was not exhausted after reincarnation, so he was born with blue eyes and yellow beard. He is very different from the people in the Central Plains. He is known as Blue Eyes. Everyone who does not know his origin knows that he is a hero. Those who know his origin know that he is a demon. Therefore, Sun Quan feels ashamed of himself and has an inferiority complex. He treats his subordinates The requirements for civil and military appearance are extremely high.

It can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category is handsome young men. This category can often gain Sun Quan's trust and hold great power without being suspected by Sun Quan, such as Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Zhuge Jin's son Zhuge Ke, and Zhuge Ke. He even became Sun Quan's most trusted minister, a post-official to a Taifu, with one person less than ten thousand people, and great power. The second category, loyal and honest types, such as Lu Su, Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Jin, etc., Zhuge Jin because of his image Later, his face was a little too long, and he was often teased by Sun Quan.

It is said that after Sun Quan became emperor, he had a big banquet for the officials. He drank too much and drew a donkey on the wall, and then wrote "Zhuge Ziyu" next to it. The officials laughed, Zhuge Jin was embarrassed, and his son Zhuge Ke Not angry at his father's humiliation, he took Sun Quan's pen and wrote the word "Zhi donkey" behind "Zhuge Ziyu". Sun Quan had already proclaimed himself emperor at that time, and altering the monarch's handwriting was a serious crime of deceiving the emperor. However, because Zhuge Ke had an excellent image, Not only did Sun Quan not blame him, he also felt that this child was unparalleled and extremely intelligent.

This shows that Sun Quan attaches great importance to people's appearance. This paragraph is not only a legend, but also recorded in official history.

The third type is those who are mighty and mighty, such as Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Zhou Tai, etc.

Sun Quan judged people by their appearance, but Mr. Fengchu was already very famous at this time. No matter how much Sun Quan hated Pang Tong's appearance, he would not push such a talent away, so Lu Su thought that Sun Quan's meeting with Pang Tong would not be a big problem.

But he didn't know the origin of Pang Tong. Pang Tong had Phoenix blood and had been with Phoenix for many years. His nature was like that of a Phoenix. He had an innate aversion to mixed blood, hybrids, and all unclean things, so he faced the dragon in person. Sun Quan, the reincarnation of a dragon demon born from intercourse with a pheasant, was overwhelmed by the demonic aura in him and almost felt sick. He walked away without saying a word. No matter how heroic Sun Quan was, he could not tolerate such madmen. In Lu Su's favor, there was no incident, but he never mentioned accepting Pang Tong again.

Lu Su was baffled by it, and he only found out the whole story when he later met Zhou Yu and mentioned it.

Zhou Yu was born with a keen eye and knew the origins of Pang Tong and Sun Quan. He knew that they were naturally at odds with each other. Therefore, although he had a good relationship with Pang Tong, he never dared to introduce him to Sun Quan. Unexpectedly, Lu Su did something like this, and he could only lament his bad luck. What they didn't know was that Zhuge Liang had learned Guiguzi's secret knowledge in his previous life and had the ability to predict the unknown. Therefore, he knew the origins of Sun and Pang, so he decided on this plan. ..

Chapter 1356 Beidou Lord dies and Nandou lives

Many people thought that Zhou Yu was narrow-minded and tried to kill Zhuge Liang many times, but Zhuge Liang was just forced to fight back.

actually not.

In fact, Zhou Yu did not have the courage to kill Zhuge Liang. He and Lu Su were only nominal disciples of the Antarctic Immortal, not even true disciples.

But Zhuge Liang is different. In his previous life, Zhuge Liang was a famous god-like person - Jiang Ziya, who was the official disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun and the official junior brother of Antarctic Immortal.

If they really wanted to talk about it, the two of them would have to call Zhuge Liang uncle.

Even if they have the evil heart, they don't have the courage.

At most, Zhou Yu and Lu Su could only scare Zhuge Liang to let him know that Jiangdong also had talents and would not take advantage of Jiangdong. That's why Zhou Yu repeatedly framed Zhuge Liang, and Lu Su appeared just in time to become Zhuge Liang's shield.

Unexpectedly, in Zhuge Liang's eyes, the two men's double act became Lu Su, which was reassuring. Zhou Yu had a grand plan, which would help Sun Quan unify the Central Plains. Zhuge Liang was already eager to help Liu Bei dominate the world, so how could he allow Zhou Yu to cause trouble, so he became murderous.

Even though the two nephews Zhou and Lu did not dare to kill Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang, the uncle, was not soft at all. In his previous life, Jiang Ziya had learned the secret of the Seven Arrows Nailed Book taught by Master Lu Ya.

In this life, he was even more familiar with it. Although he was not good enough to nail a book with seven arrows, he still managed to use the straw man on the city wall to make Zhou Yu's arrow wound break apart, and he died soon.

However, Zhou Yu is not a fuel-efficient lamp this time, and he is not willing to die. After all, he holds high power and has a lovely wife at home. How can he be willing to go back easily? After thinking about it, he can only find a way to extend his lifespan in order to defeat Zhuge Liang. Dafa.

There are only two people in the world who can increase or decrease a person's life span. One of them is the judge in front of the king of hell in the ten palaces of the underworld. He has a book of life and death, which is filled with life and death. One is Lord Nandou Xingjun in the sky, who holds the book of life and death and sells life and death to people.

Although Zhou Yu is not familiar with the underworld. But heaven can have many acquaintances. I have known Nan Dou Xingjun for many years, and I know that he has good music and loves to play Go. He secretly made a plan in his heart.

At that time, Zhou Yu came to Lu Su and said frankly that he didn't have much time left and planned to go to Nan Dou Xingjun to extend his life. After his death, he asked Lu Su to make a hole in the coffin. So that your soul can come in and out.

When Lu Su heard this, he didn't dare to be impatient, so he went to contact him personally about the coffin. After Lu Su left, Zhou Yu was worried that his family would bury him without waiting for his resurrection. He also specially found his wife, Xiao Qiao. After all, Xiao Qiao was only a mortal, so he did not dare to reveal too much. He just told Xiao Qiao that after his death, he must stay in the coffin for 21 days before being buried.

Zhou Yu died of illness a few days later, and his wife followed his instructions and kept the coffin in the coffin for twenty-one days without burial.

When Zhuge Liang saw that Zhou Yu was dead, he didn't pay attention at first. Who knew that after a few days, he didn't see Zhou Yu buried, so he knew that there was a fraud.

He also wrote a very touching memorial essay.

Lu Su was an honest man. When he saw Zhuge Liang coming to pay his respects, he was sincere and thought that since ancient times, killing people could only be done with a nod. Now that Zhou Yu had Zhuge Liang killed once, all grievances had been resolved.

So I received him politely. For a time, both the host and the guest were happy.

Zhou Yu took advantage of the fact that he had not yet died, so he used the method of soul travel to escape to heaven to see Lord Nandou Xing. When he saw Lord Xing, he did not talk about extending his life, but said that he had recently composed a wonderful song called Long River. Yin asked Xingjun to comment and comment.

After the performance, he said that this piece of music is a wonderful sound in the human world and cannot be composed except in the human world. Otherwise, what you produce will be fairy sounds and ghost sounds.

I hope Nan Dou Xingjun can extend his life for three to five years and complete this piece of music. In fact, Nan Dou Xingjun is just a music lover. Although he loves music, I really can't do it just because of this.

However, there lives next to his house a super music addict - Mr. Big Dipper.

Beidou Xingjun heard someone from Nandou's house playing the piano in the cave. The music was exquisite and he hurried to Nandou's house. Unexpectedly, the music was gone when he arrived at Nandou's house. He only heard Zhou Yu's plea and Nandou's rejection.

Beidou Xingjun was furious and immediately ran out to uphold justice. He used the strike as an excuse to force Nandou to extend Zhou Yu's life for eighteen years. Zhou Yu was so happy. You must know that Beidou is destined to die and Nandou is destined to live. These two are on the same rope. Two grasshoppers, if Beidou goes on strike, Nandou will also have a rest.

Helpless, Nandou had no choice but to agree. Zhou Yu was overjoyed and promised to play it for Big Dipper himself after he finished the song. Then the lower world happily went straight to Jiangdong.

Zhou Yu was overjoyed on the way back, but he didn't know that Zhou Yu had been targeted by Zhuge Liang. Next, Zhou Yu would face the biggest disaster in his life.

Of course, this is just a folk myth. It is similar to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. They are all made up by storytellers for your enjoyment. ..

Chapter 1357 Purple-faced King——Hong Kuo Sea

As for Zhuge Liang, he knew the reason as soon as he saw Zhou Yu's coffin parked. In the past, coffins were all made of cypress wood. Cypress wood has the effect of blocking yin and yang, which can prevent the dead from pretending to be dead, so Zhou Yu asked Lu Su to punch holes in the coffin.

Otherwise, the soul cannot enter.

Zhuge Liang had known that Zhou Yu would definitely succeed in extending his life, and he would probably come back soon. He also saw Lu Su standing by to protect him. He told Lu Su that the conflict between Zhao Yun and the Dongwu generals he had brought was very serious. He was afraid that they would cause trouble for Zhao Yun, so he asked Lu Su to help protect him. When Lu Su heard this, he was also afraid of causing trouble again, so he went out to greet Zhao Yun. Zhou Yu hit the target. Lu Su went out and saw that the generals in Soochow were at war with each other.

Lu Susheng was afraid that something might happen to Zhao Yun, so he pretended to invite Zhao Yun to drink.

When Zhao Yun came to Jiangdong, Zhuge Liang told him to find a way to hold Lu Su back. At this time, Lu Su invited him, which was exactly what he wanted.

The two of them were sipping wine in the side hall.

Let's talk about Zhuge Liang. As soon as Lu Su left, he rushed to Zhou Yu's coffin like crazy. He pressed the hole in the coffin with one hand and slapped the coffin lid with the other hand. He looked like he was grieving the loss of his best friend and was crazy with grief. He also called Zhou Yu the " I have known this all my life.

Zhou Yu's family members were all mortals and did not know the details. They also remembered that Zhou Yu had repeatedly warned that the coffin should be kept for 21 days. They speculated that Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang must have had a good personal relationship. Zhou Yu must have been worried that his friend would not have time to mourn and deliberately asked him to wait a few more days. Seeing Zhuge Liang crying in grief, no one dared to go up and try to persuade him.

Zhuge Liang was indeed a bit sad at this time, but it was definitely not for Zhou Yu.

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