The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 133 Pause in the River

The Uzbek army withdrew, and the city of Bukhara, which found that the wind was in the wrong direction, treated the Safavid army entering the city with the same attitude it had treated Shabani Khan before, and used the flattery originally used to please the Uzbeks instead to use it on the Persians.

Ibrahim first sent Afshar Khan to take over the city of Bukhara on his behalf and met with the consul of Bukhara appointed by Shaibani Khan. He never expected that the Uzbek Khan would fail so quickly, and had to offer his loyalty to the master of Bukhara again in the big tent.

"Your Majesty, King Khan has completed the defense control of the city of Bukhara. The city gates, walls and fortresses are all under the control of our army, and there are no riots in the city." The messenger sent by Afshar Khan happened to be at this time Enter the big tent and report to Ibrahim.

Ibrahim continued to look at the official: "It's just right. You can be the tour guide and take me around the city."

When you walk out of the big tent, the first thing you see is the Jingguan piled up beside the road. The dead and wounded of the Uzbek army were beheaded, and their heads were used to pile up works of art.

In order to ensure the viewing pleasure, these temples will not be piled up in one place. There will be at least one temple near all the city gates of Bukhara to ensure that no one passing by will miss this beautiful scenery.

After entering the city, he first visited the local mosques and religious schools. The local Sunnis were very wary of him, but they did not incite believers to openly resist.

Ibrahim knew a thing or two about the persecution of Sunnis, but they just took it easy.

During this period, several students who learned about Ibrahim's heretical beliefs wanted to go up to debate the Bible with him, but the sober-minded classmates on the side hurriedly stopped him. There were many locals accompanying the King of Kings, and these little tricks went unnoticed by him.

He then visited the city's public facilities, including water supply and drainage systems, almshouses, hospitals and bazaars. The order of the city was not thrown into chaos due to the war, which meant that Ibrahim could obtain income without investing additional funds for reconstruction.

Finally, he went straight to the point and went to the fortress to inspect the loot income.

As a result, he was greatly disappointed. Shabani Khan's retreat was quite efficient. Most of the gold, silver, coins and silk in the treasury were transported away, and those that could not be taken away were randomly distributed to citizens and mosques. As for the food, grass, ordnance, they were all burned.

The scouts sent out reported that the countryside outside the city had also been damaged, and it was probably difficult to raise food and fodder for the army to continue advancing.

Shaibani Khan's move was so disgusting that he couldn't capture any gold, silver or silk. The lack of food and grass meant that Ibrahim could no longer march to Samarkand or Khwarezm, especially at this juncture.

When he set out from Merv, officials from Khorasan Province told him that the province's material resources had been depleted a lot, especially this time in order to raise military supplies, which led to an increase in the prices of many necessities. They begged Ibrahim to take note of this.

He recalled for a moment that since his Eastern Expedition, most of the military supplies and manpower supplemented by transshipments from the rear were purchased and recruited from Khorasan Province. During this period, he looted the reserves of many cities and relieved the pressure by looting India. However, the army could not be supported by a single province, and the newly conquered land was not rich in products. To continue the campaign, he would need to spend more money recruiting resources from other parts of the empire.

At the same time, there is another problem, that is, he has been away from Tabriz for too long. Civil servants can handle all daily affairs on their own, but they dare not make decisions on many important matters without authorization. They can only rely on letters with extremely high delays to ask for instructions from far away. The King of Kings on the other side of the empire.

If this continues, even if the Safavid court will not escape his control, it will become inefficient and chaotic, which is not what he wants to see.

"Okay, that's enough. You have conquered a large area of ​​land and expelled your powerful enemy Shaybani Khan. It's time to go back."

After some wrangling, Ibrahim still chose to succumb to pressure from reality and his heart. In a meeting, he announced to all senior military officers: "Bukhara is the end point of this campaign. Everyone will wait until they return to Merv." Then you can disband and go home with the loot.”

As soon as these words came out, no one of the senior military officers present spoke out against or persuaded Ibrahim that he should continue to march. Their emotions were visibly heightened, and some of the Khans even boldly said: "Your Majesty should have done this a long time ago. Find Shuyuan"

The decision to withdraw troops does not mean that Ibrahim will give up the defense of Bukhara. He intends to start by improving the external environment. He quickly asked Kamran, who was still busy sorting out records, to write a standard diplomatic letter to greet Babur. Currently, he and Babur had a common enemy, and he was not worried that this weak quasi-ally would escape his control.

In addition, he did not arrange for the red heads to stay in Bukhara, but only appointed local people to organize town guards and road guards themselves. He saw that the fortress of Bukhara was quite majestic and solid. As long as the reserves in the city were replenished, with the siege ability of the Uzbek army, even the militiamen in the city could hold out until reinforcements from Khorasan arrived.

He selected Kanbar as the leader of the delegation to Samarkand, and hundreds of people carrying rich gifts marched along the road for several days to reach Samarkand.

Shaibani Khan disgusted him here again. The battle outside Bukhara made him realize that sending a large army to fight head-on was not feasible for the time being, so he changed his thinking and style of play and sent small groups of looters to rob merchants and merchants. Ruined the countryside and grossly disgusted Ibrahim and Babur.

The mission was ambushed by the Uzbeks just outside the city of Samarkand. The red-headed escorts launched a fierce counterattack, and Babur sent his companions to expel them. The plunderers failed to return to Turkestan.

This incident let Babur know that an envoy was planning to visit him. He hurriedly made preparations to receive the foreign guests, and sent Hasim Bek first to settle and comfort the envoy.

He made all his companions and courtiers anxious, and then found the most luxurious clothes and the strongest armor from the hungry city and distributed them to those who would show up in the hall. Everyone dressed as decently as possible to support the emir. Noodles.

It was not until these preparations were made that Babur formally received the envoys.

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