The sun is high

Chapter 44 Where to go

Everything Shuge had wanted to know finally seemed to become clear.

The war is about to break out. This fact cannot be changed. The armistice celebrations that have been carried out for more than two hundred times in Salem City may finally come to an end.

However, the emergence of the Black Sun Society has added a new eerie color to it.

"If it were a pure war, it would be impossible to completely and quickly wipe out a city... I don't remember that Van En has already developed the magical Great Ivan."

Shuge pushed the documents and notes aside, shaking his feet anxiously while constantly thinking about what might happen next.

Wei Lin came to Xiuge's side. She had also read part of the documents, and the contents made her solemn and silent.

On many issues related to the Legal Committee and magic, Wei Lin has always believed that she should take the dominant position. This is due to her past experiences and accumulated experience, but now, facing this field that she has no understanding of , she was at a loss.

The brain that can calculate complex magic formulas and recite a large number of magic runes is overloaded at this moment.

Shuge did not stop Weilin from reading the notes of the goblin Marcel. Under the current situation, he felt that he must have a firm and informed collaborator. If necessary, he should even find a way to upgrade the other party to his own. Comrade-in-arms, otherwise it would be simply impossible to avoid the crisis in Salem City on your own!

"The Black Sun Society...their names do exist on the wanted list of the Legal Committee, but Merlin Lehe doesn't care about these people. Generally speaking, they regard the Black Sun Society as an illegal organization composed of a group of wild mages. It’s no different from other wild mage groups.”

"Miss Wei Lin, what else do you know about the prophecy of the Black Sun?"

The female mage shook her head: "It's too ancient. We can't find its source at all. However, some old scholars have suggested that this prophecy is related to ancient evil magic. However, the senior officials of the Legal Committee hold the opposite view. They I think this statement is ridiculous and there is no need to conduct in-depth research, and even used some reasons to dismiss the internal research and archaeological team on these prophecies a few years ago.”


Xiuge is speechless.

The development of this kind of thing is quite reasonable. After all, judging from Marcel's notes, the power of the Black Sun Society has already spread to the inside of the Legal Committee. If there is any important figure who has climbed to the top of the Legal Committee, he will also Not too surprised.

"The war will be preceded by the black sun, and the only son of the abyss will be born in the sacrifice pit..."

Shuge whispered the new prophecy mentioned by Goblin Marcel in a low voice. He was sure that this was not something he had written, but this was not surprising. After all, the worldview document in his team's folder was It absolutely cannot support such a specific real world. It is already developing on its own, and the filling between each time point is now unknown.

"I can understand the war. Who is the only son of the abyss? It can't be me, right?"

Xiuge wanted to curse, but he didn't know where to start.

Judging from this strange prophecy, if he is really the "only son of the abyss", then his existence is the biggest threat to Salem City and its residents!

Xiuge stood up and walked around the room twice. In the silence, his chaotic thoughts and irritable emotions were somewhat relieved, so he turned to Weilin and said: "Miss Weilin, we must use all means to leave Salem." Cheng, continuing to stay here will only lead to death."

Now, he has completely overturned his previous idea of ​​finding a suitable place in the city to build a strong shelter to avoid potential threats. This idea of ​​"penetrating" and "preventing" is no longer feasible, because from the contents of these documents, Look, the punch that Salem City is going to take is too big. No matter how hard the turtle shell is, it will definitely be penetrated!

However, the female mage shook her head sadly.

"Impossible, Mr. may not understand this kind of ceremonial ground solidified in the city wall building."

Wei Lin explained helplessly: "In Vanen, almost all magic rituals solidified in city walls, squares or those fortresses and castles will use a special process... It is very troublesome to explain, but you only need to understand them as The foundation of the building will do.”

"It means that it is extremely strong and powerful, but also very rigid?"


Wei Lin nodded: "Although the intensity and rules of the ceremony site can be modified and adjusted to a certain extent based on the use of certain methods, the nature of the ceremony has been determined from the moment the foundation of the building is laid. "

Speaking of this, she hesitated slightly, and then threw out another possibility: "But... there are exceptions."


"When I was studying, I visited many important cities in Votel and Deland. Most of the magic rituals they buried in the city walls were mainly used to defend the city. Therefore, these rituals will be made extremely strong. Not only that, in order to prevent When a war breaks out, the enemy launches special sneak attacks and attacks from underground and in the air, and those magic rituals will be extended a lot..."

Weilin talked about her professional field and immediately got involved. She spoke very fast: "What I mean is that these magic rituals specially used for protection often include the underground and the sky for protection." Within the range, this means that whether it is a boulder thrown from the air or a tunnel dug from the ground, it will be completely blocked by the ceremony site."

"But Salem City seems to be different."

Wei Lin's eyes were a little out of focus. She recalled and thought seriously: "When I went to the city gate on the south side, I found that although the magic ritual solidified in the city wall is also ancient, its processing method does not seem to be that perfect."

"What's the meaning?"

"Well, it's like when a statue was completed, it was discovered that it had forgotten to carve the eyes, so it was temporarily added. Although the statue still has eyes, it is destined not to be so perfect."

Hearing this, Shuge had roughly understood what Wei Lin meant. He nodded and said: "I remember that the reconstruction work of this city of Salem is not so smooth. After the armistice agreement was completed, Walter The two countries with Delan have been negotiating on this matter for a long time, and many problems arose when the construction started. The Legal Committee also intervened relatively late. At least the city wall of Salem City is not what Miss Wei Lin said before. Magical rituals have been laid in place from the very beginning.”

"This means that the restricted range of the ritual site is very likely to be weakened under certain circumstances, um... underground?"

The female mage's dazed eyes finally lit up again. She clapped her hands vigorously and then said: "If our inference is not wrong, then the magic rituals in Salem City may not be able to cover places too deep underground, or perhaps The blockade force there will be relatively weak, and even if it is forced through, it will not cause much damage to the human body."

She spoke faster and faster, and the excitement in her tone could no longer be suppressed: "Those who tamper with the sealing ceremony of Salem City should be done by the Legal Committee and the spell casters of the Delan royal family... The Legal Committee's modification method I know clearly that the biggest problem now is what modifications the spell casters of the Royal Family of Delan have made. As long as I figure these out and give me one to two days, I will even be confident that I can find a way to safely pass through the weak points of the ritual! "

Wei Lin spoke a little too fast, so that Shuge couldn't hear several sentences clearly, so he asked: "Huh? The modifications of the Delan royal family? So how do you plan to deduce it?"

"Magic items, preferably magic items related to the existing city wall rituals... As long as there are traces of spells cast by the magicians of the Delan royal family, some patterns may be found."

After hearing this, Xiuge immediately reacted.

Under the puzzled gaze of Wei Lin, Xiuge took out an iron box from the inner pocket of his windbreaker, and then opened the iron box in front of Wei Lin, and took out the copy of the book he used to use the Running Rat to edit from Philip. The stolen magical pass there.

Before leaving Ernst's old house, what Weilin said about the tampering of the sealing ceremony had already made Shuge forget about this magic pass. He never thought that there would be a time when it would be useful.

"This is?"

Wei Lin took the pass in confusion. Her eyes glanced at the fleur-de-lis logo on the pass. After a brief inspection, the female mage smiled. She raised her head and said in a teasing tone: "Xiu Xiu" Mr. Ge, I must revise my previous comments about you 'writers'..."


"Not only are you good at lying, but you are also good at hiding things."

Wei Lin narrowed her eyes, but this time, she did not exude her unique sense of oppression. Instead, after simply complaining, she walked to the corridor outside and set up a screen for After the protective ritual to guard against and limit the changeling bugs, Wei Lin returned to the room: "Although the environment here is relatively ordinary, it is better than the previous residence to concentrate on studying the problem at hand. Next, we will use this place as a base for action. Bar."

Wei Lin is indeed a scholar-type mage.

She is always extremely persistent in delving into problems and getting to the bottom of things. This trait of pursuing the truth and enjoying solving problems has surpassed any mage in Shuge Ernst's memory, even those in the Walter Academy of Magic. The lecturers may not be able to compare with her.

Although in the current environment, it is a bit scary to enter this kind of academic research state without saying a word, but maybe this is the reason why she was able to officially pass the Legal Committee rating at such a young age?

The changelings in House No. 37 are still slowly carrying out their "digestion" work.

I don’t know whether these changelings have deeply understood the danger of these two humans, or because Shuge’s behavior of collecting the remains of the changing bugs has caused a great deterrent to them. These magicians who have just gained wisdom and got rid of purely instinctive magic The creature is now full of fear of the room occupied by the two Shuges.

Shuge even tentatively came to the hall alone. His appearance frightened the old Sergei, who had grown his arms again, and almost hid in the cupboard. It's very frustrating to be timid.

Wei Lin's protective ritual enveloped several rooms, so Shu Ge took several jars of changeling insect slime and got in. Although at this stage, Shu Ge believed that he needed to establish a further trust relationship with Wei Lin. But the Dream Sanctuary, and the help it provides, is best kept secret forever.

While Wei Lin was studying the magic pass in the secret room, Xiuge quickly entered the "sleep" state.

He was already prepared to encounter Theseus again in the dream sanctuary. Xiuge had too many questions about this weird and unknown "god". According to his idea, no matter what god he was, , they should at least maintain a "high and mighty" attitude, or show a side that is completely different from humans.

But the characteristics displayed by Theseus were too abnormal.

Xiuge even felt that he was not so much a god, but a human being with some godly qualities and extremely weird personality and hobbies.

At least Shuge couldn't imagine that a so-called god would drag him into playing fighting games and make some exaggerated witticisms that he didn't understand from time to time.

But considering that the image of the Dream Sanctuary itself is based on his past company, it seems that there is nothing wrong with Theseus even if he behaves a little outrageously...

"As long as this guy doesn't wear his work ID and pretends to be a producer or a chief executive or something like that, he just comes to talk to me."

Xiuge looked at the silence and darkness around him and couldn't help but shake his head. After having the previous experience, he could now imagine that outrageous scene, and he always felt that with Theseus' weird characteristics , it is really possible to do such a thing.

After confirming that everything around him was normal, Xiuge gathered his thoughts.

Just like the previous times, the bottles of changeling slime he had collected were placed on the desk next to him, so Shuge took action immediately.

Just like changing workstations in the past, he placed these bottles on the office chair, and then pushed them to the hand cabinet where he had swallowed a bottle of amphipod body fluid essence. Different from last time B, maybe Because I had "opened meat" before, this time, the amorphous thick fog sealed in the cabinet seemed to sense something. It hit the side wall of the cabinet extremely actively, as if it was making a silent desire.

"Come on, come on...enough this time!"

With past experience, Xiuge threw aside all previous caution and temptation. He picked up these glass bottles of different sizes one by one, and then stacked them directly in front of the cabinet.

The change began in an instant. The black words that blocked the cabinet once again turned into slender arms. They stretched forward with force, greedily collecting all the changeling insect mucus collected by Shuge into their arms. .

The glass bottle containing the mucus shattered and disappeared again, and the two arms turned into sharp mouthparts. They couldn't wait to pierce into the mucus ball suspended in mid-air, and started sucking crazily.

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