The sun is high

Chapter 48 Say hello to you

Compared with the natives among Fan En, Xiuge, as a true "foreigner", always has some advantages in certain aspects.

He actually didn't care much about the stuff that Heping Newspaper published in the newspaper.

If it were in the past world, if one day he saw a familiar face he knew in a piece of news or a certain newspaper, even if the content itself was ridiculous, he would definitely laugh at it, and he might even laugh at it. Keep it in your files and use it as a weapon and tool to ridicule and ridicule others in the future.

As a person who lives in the era of information explosion and works in the Internet field, timely desensitization to specific information and information is a major secret to maintaining status and mood.

But now, in this unfamiliar situation of Fan En, Xiuge found that he could not do it.

There were too few people who could be called his friends. Even if he counted old Schubert and the shop owner Gerald, whom he only met once, there was no way there would be more than ten.

Maybe even five can't be found.

On the embarrassing level of being autistic, the former Sugar Ernst had already won, too much.

It is precisely because there are too few friends that losing any one of them will make people feel extremely uncomfortable.

He knew Putlin too well. This guy always liked to do things with passion. He would be indignant at all injustices, would applaud virtues and good deeds, and would not hesitate to fight his enemies with fists and kicks. And I will treat all my friends with sincerity...

The Putlin who is willing to offend other members of the Tricolor Brotherhood for his own sake is real. The Putlin who dares to attack those dirty gangsters at the door of the tavern is real, and the Putlin who stands with other Delan people is real. Together, the impassioned Putlin in Rowe Square is naturally real.

Putlin has made his choice.

And everything around him, his compatriots and companions, the people who once heard his speeches and applauded him, and the Peace Newspaper Society, would never give him another chance to change his choice.

And this is why Shuge is really angry.

The violent fluctuations in emotions had some impact on Shuge's spiritual world. Under the anger, Charron's Touch began to twist, the Running Rat showed its fangs, and as a new resident, the Messenger in the Mirror showed A gloomy and ferocious smile.

But the matters previously listed in the plan still needed to be completed. This time, Shuge did not take the magic van that ran through Salem City. The commotion last night also affected the operation of these magic vans, so Shuge directly He summoned a carriage and asked it to take him to old Schubert's beer hall.

Familiar streets, familiar storefronts...

There are also familiar people.

But Shuge knew that this was probably the last time he would come to this beer hall.

The commotion has relatively little impact on the beer hall. After all, the main customers here are local farmers and miners in Salem City. They have long been intertwined with each other, and they do not like activities that will disturb a peaceful life. The only traces that can be considered traces are There were only a few flyers and notes that were forcibly posted by the door of the tavern.

A familiar figure was cleaning them carefully.

The female bartender Sally looked even more haggard, and there was almost no smile on her young face that should have been full of vitality. Xiuge watched her quickly tear off the flyers, then got some water and vigorously wiped the residue on the door. scraps of paper and glue...

Shuge walked towards the beer hall, and his steps naturally attracted Sally's attention.

After noticing Shuge's tawny hair, the female bartender paused slightly: "Sir, I'm sorry, we won't open until noon today, and everything is a mess."

Sally was as bad at lying as ever.

Shuge knew that every time she lied to old Schubert, her right eyebrow would rise involuntarily.

So he showed a kind and sincere smile like those old customers in a beer hall, and said helplessly: "Well done, Miss Sally, I just want to sit in the shop for a while. I was really tired last night. . The shop at home was smashed and a lot of things were lost, so I was busy until dawn to put it away."


Sally realized that she might have misunderstood the other person because of her hair color, so she quickly smiled and said, "In that case, please feel free to sit down. I'll be here in a moment."

Shuge nodded, and then stepped into the beer hall. Just like before, he walked to the innermost position and sat down on a chair near the window.

Only this time, he didn't bring paper and pen.

Not long after, the young female bartender who had finished cleaning the door returned to the store. She instinctively glanced at the corner. When she found that someone was actually sitting in that seat, she paused, as if she was not there. Carefully step into the quagmire of past time and space.

However, the fantasy and the emotions it brought about soon faded away, and Sally finally realized that the person sitting there was not the introverted young man with a unique temperament and quiet writing in her memory, but an ordinary person in Salem City. An ordinary store owner.

She forced a smile with some difficulty, and then came to the familiar table: "What did you say you wanted before? Sour beer?"

Xiuge almost followed his own habit and asked for more ice and syrup. He stopped in time and nodded with a smile: "Ah, that's right."

In fact, Sally didn't hear Shuge's answer. In a somewhat dazed state, she prepared a glass of sour beer with ice cubes and syrup according to the habit she had developed in the past, and then brought it there. In front of guests.

Sally didn't want to stay at this table any longer, so after serving the beer, she began to slowly sweep the floor of the pub. She was distracted again, so she didn't wait until the guest finished his beer, put down his glass and left. She didn't react until after entering the beer hall.

"Oh, I'm really..."

Sally patted her forehead and sighed. Then she walked to the corner and prepared to take the empty cup to clean. However, at this time, she discovered that there was a folded paper pressed under the cup. stationery.

"What's this?"

With confusion and confusion, she unfolded the letter and read it in the sunshine outside.

There wasn't much text in the letter, so Sally didn't take long to read it. The moment she finished reading the content, she dropped the wine glass in her hand and hurried outside the tavern. However, at this time, someone on the street The number of pedestrians had begun to increase, but among the figures coming and going, she could not find the figure of the previous guest.

Sally looked around, looking anxious and nervous.

Although the smile still did not return to her face, at this moment, she was finally no longer as lost and confused as before.

Shuge's mood did not get better after he returned to the streets.

Although he has just confirmed that he has successfully delivered the pre-written letter to Sally, it is still unknown whether he can truly guarantee the safety of his friend. After all, his escape is still uncertain. Still stuck in the planning stage.

Pedestrians coming and going, various expressions, mixed languages ​​and uneasy emotions filled every corner, and all of this made the emotions accumulated in Xiuge's heart become more intense.

He knows that one person must have sufficient funds, and maybe he also knows more "insiders".

So, he headed towards the south square.

Peace Newspaper and editor-in-chief Philip ushered in a new day of their own.

Compared to Philip's excitement, the mood of the newspaper clerks was obviously much lower. In fact, the lives of many of them were not much different from those of ordinary residents in Salem. The daily differences were nothing more than where they went to work during the day. Just somewhere to have fun at night...

But Philip was different.

His world is always more "colorful" than ordinary people.

He has been crazy busy these days, but the reason for being busy is not because of the work in the Peace Newspaper. After all, he knows very well that he will soon lose all contact with Salem City and this newspaper. He has even planned it. determine his future career.

Philip was preparing to go to Deland. He had already contacted some old friends in "Alice", the capital of the Kingdom of Deland. Thanks to their connections, he bought a nice mansion there, which was said to be located on a hill. Above, he could even catch a glimpse of the famous "Alice Sea of ​​Flowers" in the distance through the window, which he was fascinated by.

Some final work has been arranged.

Philip does not intend to stay in Salem City anymore. He is planning to leave tonight. As a veteran who has worked in the newspaper for so long, he has a keen sense of smell in this regard. Leaving at this time is considered the last step. The deadline is up, and his instinct tells him that if he continues to stay, he will be put in danger!

However, just think of the check with an astonishing denomination in your pocket, the leisurely life in the future, the many interviews to come, and the memoir that has not yet been started...

Philip felt like he was young again.

There was also an aura of restlessness in the newspaper office, and the clerks still in the newspaper office also seemed a little decadent, and some of them even just sat in their seats in a daze.

Philip, who had just stepped into the newspaper office, was very dissatisfied with this. Although he was leaving soon, he still felt that he needed to show his majesty as a manager, so he immediately grabbed these lazy and dazed guys and pointed them at the nose and taught them a lesson. , after that, he took a cup of hot tea from his secretary, Miss Qili, who was also a little haggard, and then carried it into his office.

Because he had to count and organize the important items in the office, he didn't plan to let anyone in, so he locked the door. When he turned around, he found that someone was sitting in his seat. one person.

A strange young man with an ordinary face, dark skin and tawny hair was sitting behind the desk. He stared at himself quietly, as if he was studying and observing a sculpture.


Phillip was stunned for a moment, but before he could speak, he heard a strange cry in his ears. He instinctively turned his head, but he saw a big rat that didn't look right lying on the bookshelf next to him. , its eyes, teeth and claws all exude a faint green light, and the weirdest thing is that it actually has three tails!

Surprise and uneasiness quickly turned into panic in Philip's mind. He quickly reached out to open the door, but the weird mouse lying on the bookshelf had already jumped over. Its tail was like a rope on a gallows. It tightly wrapped around Phillip's thick neck, causing suffocation and blocking all Phillip's sounds in his throat.

Shuge, who was in a magical disguise, came over. He took Phillip's water glass and put it "gently" on the bookshelf. Then he reached out and grabbed the guy's collar and violently pushed him toward the office. Drag the innermost part.

The mages may indeed be inferior to those well-trained warriors in terms of physical fitness and close combat, but the improvement of physical fitness by magic power is also real. Although Philip's body is heavy and bloated, it is not as good as Shuge's violent behavior and the running rats. He was unable to effectively resist or struggle under the suffocating restraint imposed on him. Soon, the editor-in-chief of the Peace Newspaper was casually thrown into the corner by Shuge.

"Snitch, relax a little."

Xiuge whispered an order to the running rat.

"Snitch" is the name Shuge gave it on the way here. The reason for this name is mainly because the running rat also has an extremely flexible tail, and it is suitable for doing dirty work no matter how it looks. This is different from Xiu Ge. A "Master Ratman Assassin" from a certain fantasy series in Ge's memory is a good match.

The running rat with a new name looked excited and happy. It obediently loosened its tail a little. At the same time, Shuge also dragged a chair over, and he sat on it, and then He pulled out the crystal gun and pointed it directly at Phillip's fat face that was red due to lack of oxygen.

Phillip gasped hard. He stared at the black hole of the gun in horror, not daring to make too drastic movements or make any sound.

Seeing his appearance, Shuge showed a sincere sneer. He leaned down and gently patted Philip on the face with a crystal gun, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Editor-in-chief Philip, Mr. Morel" Say hello to you."


Hearing the words "Morrell", Philip's face immediately showed panic and confusion. While he grabbed the rat tail that was strangling his neck, he said with difficulty: "No... No, I have done everything Mr. Morel asked me to do, without missing a single thing, and there is other person who knows about it, I can swear to the gods of Van En!"

It will be released on Monday, I will try my best to update it~

In the past few days, I will focus on revising the manuscript and outline (of course, I also need to read the newly arrived books and materials)

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