The sun is high

Chapter 53 Changes in Salem City (2)

Under the sunshine, the two princes' vehicles slowly advanced while the orchestra was playing. They would reenact the scene when the armistice agreement was signed two hundred and ninety-nine years ago under the central clock tower of Salem City. That would be the armistice. When the celebration officially begins.

Among the crowd near the Central Bell Tower, the middle-aged scholar who had previously given a lecture in Rowe Square whispered: "The car is moving very slowly and the route has not changed, so you don't have to worry, just do as you said before. That’s it.”

"I heard that the vehicle is very luxurious and must have a lot of messy magic on it. If we do this... will it really work?"

"Trust me, Putlin."

The middle-aged scholar stretched out his hand to support the shoulder of the young man in front of him: "At this time, it is meaningless to think about 'whether it is useful'. We have already made it clear that we need to do this... and someone must do it." , We are all Delan people, and many people here are also Delan people. If possible, I don’t want to bleed, especially if this may shed the blood of many compatriots!”

Hearing these words, the last trace of confusion in the young man's eyes disappeared. He nodded vigorously: "Yes, this is the most powerful way to respond to those provocations and get rid of those who hinder our development and spread evil will!"

The middle-aged scholar nodded solemnly and said, "I'll leave this place to you. Grano and Aicha are also nearby. They will try their best to help you."

After saying that, he took a step back, smiled and nodded to the young man in front of him: "Then, I will go where I should go, Putlin, forget-me-not and other missions and ideals."

The young man nodded vigorously: "I will never forget!"

So, the middle-aged scholar turned around and left. After a while, he disappeared into the crowd and was no longer traceable.

It's the 29th of the Gin Moon, and it's 9:13 in the morning.

The princes were already one-fifth of the way through their journey, and the central bell tower had chimed thirty-two times.

Following the echo left by the bell tower in Salem City, the middle-aged scholar left the crowd. He nodded gently and politely to several police officers maintaining order, and passed by a law committee member who was on guard. The executor, after that, lowered his head and walked past a sword-wielding hermit who was waiting...

Finally, when the bell rang the thirty-fifth time, he came to a store far away from the crowd. Under the guidance of a waiter, he stepped into the dressing room. The magic wave flashed past, and he just stepped into the dressing room. Jian's figure disappeared immediately.

Almost at the same time, in the street next to Rowe Square where business groups gathered, a gorgeously dressed giant-eared goblin businessman hurriedly got into a basement. A moment later, the middle-aged man who had disappeared into the clothing store before People walked out slowly.

At some point, the scholar's clothes on his body had been replaced by a set of gorgeous black robes. The style of the robes looked somewhat similar to the caster uniforms of the Legal Committee, but there were very obvious differences between the two. , but even so, his solemn face, slightly curly long brown hair, and upright figure gave him an aura far beyond that of ordinary spellcasters.

On the black robe he wore, there were some patterns outlined with silver threads. However, strangely, these patterns and lines that should have reflected bright luster under the sun now looked extremely dark.

In this way, the middle-aged scholar walked through the street, passed through two alleys, and finally came to a mansion at the fifty-second bell.

Mansion number 37.

A magic book with a black cover was spread out from his hand. There was no chanting of incantations and no gestures of casting spells. However, the protective ritual that sealed and protected the courtyard of No. 37 lost its effectiveness in the silent silence. Stepping into the courtyard and then into the mansion feels like coming home.

Not long after the last batch of "guests" left, he could even smell the lingering breath of living people in the air.

The changelings who had become familiar with the identity of the giant-eared goblin looked at the "stranger" who suddenly appeared in front of them in amazement. Out of a vigilant instinct, they immediately wanted to "expel" this unknown man. , but before they could launch an attack, dozens of pages fell from the magic book. They continued to dance in the air as if they were alive, and finally slowly fell in the center of the living room.

If Xiuge were present at this time, he would definitely find that the magic pages scattered by this middle-aged scholar, or spell caster, are completely different from those used by Wei Lin!

Although the pages of their magic books are engraved with a large number of lines for sensing magic and quickly triggering magic, the lines of the pages now floating in House No. 37 are extremely unique. The lines are chaotic and ancient, seemingly disorganized. , but it seems to contain some kind of pattern, and when these pages fly, those dense, weird and twisted lines turn into long black snakes swimming on the paper...

A huge and invisible ritual venue descended here in an instant.

Those changelings that had escaped from Wei Lin and Shuge were simply unable to withstand the huge pressure that pressed on their bodies at that moment. Therefore, all the changing insects, including old Sergei, were suffering miserably. Amidst the painful screams, he quickly lost his newly acquired form, transforming towards the amorphous and viscous state that the changelings had at the beginning.

And this is not over yet, even after they lost the physical appearance of giant-eared goblins, there is still an amazing power that continues to act on them, so under the action of that invisible big hand, these poor magics The creatures were forcibly driven and kneaded together. They continued to roll and fuse in the center of the living room, and finally formed an extremely huge viscous liquid mass.

This is obviously an extremely cruel magical ritual for the changelings.

Because during the ceremony, these magical creatures that once had memories and bodies, and were infinitely close to real intelligent life, still retained some of their "organs", and their remaining mouths were crying and changing. His eyes were bloodshot, and his damaged limbs were rolling back and forth in his own slime and that of his kind...

The middle-aged scholar took one look at this terrifying scene, and then nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the sixtieth bell sounded in the distance.

The middle-aged scholar held the magic book in front of him, kissed the sun pattern drawn on its cover gently, and then placed it solemnly in front of him. He unfolded it in front of the huge amorphous viscous liquid mass. His hands seemed to be embracing them, and in his mouth, obscure and strange sentences were slowly spoken.

"The place where war ends will be the place where sacrifices are made."

"The remains of the incomplete heirs gather here!"

"The blood of the incompetent descendants flows here!"

"The celebration of ignorance will eventually lead to wrath!"

"The empty shell of nothingness awaits..."

"O gods of the ages!"

"The humble betrayer is here to pray for redemption... pray for redemption..."

"May the dark sun and the dark abyss share eternity..."

The bells in the distance are still ringing, sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three...

When the bell tower rang the seventieth bell, a violent wave suddenly burst out from the invisible ceremony venue. The middle-aged scholar who closed his eyes slowly knelt down on the ground. He opened his eyes, but there was no trace of anything in his eyes. The magical pages flying around were given an astonishing weight comparable to metal in an instant, and they fell to the ground with a deafening sound.

On the chest of the middle-aged scholar, a huge black sun pattern gradually appeared, and at the moment when the pattern was frozen, some kind of force suddenly acted on this middle-aged spell caster who should have been extremely powerful, so he only heard a series of Amidst the crisp sound, the middle-aged man's arms, neck and even waist were violently broken in an instant. Then the bone spurs penetrated the flesh and blood spurted out. The tattered body immediately fell forward, standing upright. It fell into the viscous liquid mass formed by the changelings.

Astonishing changes began to occur.

The sticky bodies of the changelings began to tremble violently, and the blood and body of the middle-aged mage turned into a mass of dark color in an instant. They were like a drop of paint dropped into clear water, easily spreading into the water. Deep inside the viscous liquid mass and quickly assimilating it, under the stimulation of this force, the already extremely large aggregate began to expand rapidly, and soon formed a mass that could almost cover the entire hall of the mansion. Black mucus, in which various organs and limbs began to appear.

Chaotic sounds continued to come from the inside of the strange existence that had turned into pitch black, and as if it felt some kind of existence, it began to rush towards the mansion and all the pipes connected to the sewers near the mansion...

During the seventieth bell of the Armistice Celebration, the last drop of black slime disappeared into House No. 37, and in the empty and chaotic mansion, the echo of the mantra recited in a messy voice was still echoing.

Xiuge, who was walking in the sewer, felt very, very bad at this time.

He had never experienced anything like this.

If anything, he felt like a cat or dog facing devastating natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis... restless, but not knowing what to do.

Even if I want to run, I don't know which direction I should run in.

The sound of the bell tower in the center of Salem City was so loud that even if he was in the sewer, Xiuge could still feel its vibrations. However, with every vibration, he felt that the terrifying crisis was approaching.

So Shuge turned his head and asked Sally, who had previously arranged to calculate the bells: "Sally, how many?"

"I just missed counting, but it should be seventy."

The girl couldn't see Xiuge's expression clearly at this moment, but she could feel the serious distraction in his eyes, so she said worriedly: "You don't seem to be feeling well, do you want to take a rest?"

Weilin listened to Xiuge's words, and her calm expression gradually darkened. She had noticed something was wrong with Xiuge before, but as a lake-level spellcaster, she didn't feel it here. There were no strange magic fluctuations, and no one encountered any terrifying magical creatures that were legendary to haunt the sewers along the way... so she didn't understand what Xiuge's reaction was.

However, after getting along with each other for a few days, Wei Lin already knew that Xiuge was by no means some spoiled young nobleman, nor was he the kind of pompous clown who liked to play tricks on others to attract others' attention. With many special cases of sorcery and magic, it may not be impossible for him to have some kind of special induction.

"Speed ​​up the pace, the sound of the water ahead has changed... we should be almost there."

After saying that, the female mage hung the magic lantern on her waist and ran forward.

There is no problem with Weilin's judgment. Judging from the magic crystals inlaid on the walls by the smugglers and some signs made by the smugglers, this place has indeed reached the edge of the north gate of Salem City. In front, the magic is used to prevent people from entering and exiting. The ceremony venue continues from the surface of the earth. It is it that blocks the possibility of people entering and exiting the gate normally. Through the constantly trembling magic power, Xiuge can even see the iron fence gate in the distance that symbolizes freedom and safety!

"Pay attention to the surroundings for me. I will start to decipher the ritual will take some time."

"I'll help you keep an eye on the surrounding area."

Shuge gritted his teeth and said something. He took a deep breath, trying to slow down his fast heartbeat and disordered breathing.

At this moment, Xiuge cast his gaze towards his spiritual world.

What puzzled him was that at this moment, the metal disk existing in the spiritual world was extremely calm. It just maintained a stable rotation, seemingly unaware of his uneasiness at this time, and in the center of the metal disk Among the spell slots, Charron's Touch and Running Rat were extremely quiet, but the only one who showed agitation was the Mirror Messenger who had the shortest "following" cultivation time.

Xiuge saw that this dark figure with a similar body shape and outline to himself was walking back and forth in the groove anxiously at this moment. It seemed so manic that it could not calm down for a moment. It even Still trying to shout at the world outside the groove, he kept slapping the invisible "barrier" between himself and Xiuge with his palms, like a prisoner locked up in a glass cage.

"What exactly is going on?"

Xiuge held the crystal gun in his hand. He looked nervously at the way he came from, but there was nothing there...

Wei Lin had already begun to crack the sealed ceremony hall of Salem City. She held the magic book in one hand and the magic crystal engraved with the emblem of the Royal Family of Delan in the other hand. Then a bright light emanated from the crystal. Under its influence, the magical wall that blocked the passage began to slowly weaken.

Everything seems to be going according to plan.

There was another vibration in the distance, and Sally reminded in a low voice: "This should be the eightieth..."

Before he finished speaking, an unprecedented terrifying tremor swept through along with a deafening sound. It was so fierce that everyone on the edge of Salem City had to cover their ears. As for Wei Lin, who was performing a magic ritual He even let out a painful groan, and the movements in his hands suddenly stopped.

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