The sun is high

Chapter 76 Study hard

Xiuge's attitude towards the Brahma gods has always been very ambiguous.

His past habits, common sense and concepts made it difficult for him to truly respect and identify with a so-called god.

Shuge is not very interested in the common belief in Fanen that has penetrated into all areas of people's lives, and the belief in the goddess of magic that is deeply rooted in people's hearts because of the miracle of magic.

Although he is the author of these settings, things on the textual level are two different things from real pious beliefs that can be viewed and touched.

Mages will praise the goddess of magic when greeting each other, goblins will engrave the patterns of the god of commerce and wealth on their buildings and decorations, farmers will pray when harvesting, and fishermen and hunters will sell their harvests. I will also swear by the gods I believe in...

At least, when Xiuge typed out these "settings" casually, he never thought about how they would appear in real situations, and how they would fill in the missing details on their own.

Just like those "old gods" that he had never heard of before.

The existence of Theseus, as well as the lost "truths" revealed by him and the Dream Sanctuary, made Shuge full of caution and fear about this unknown existence.

When he first met Theseus, what he said about Van En's current status as a god made him even more suspicious.

Logic told him that the development of the world of Van En was probably closely related to the replacement of the lost ancient gods and the current gods.

"It seems that the Legal Committee attaches great importance to the belief in the goddess of magic. At least they hope to exert a certain influence on all spell casters when they first start learning."

Xiuge turned the pages of the book, glanced at the mottos and images at the front, and officially began his journey of learning magic in the new world.

This book "Magic and Magic: The Basics of the Pavilion" reminded Shuge of the textbooks he had been exposed to during his student career. The only difference is that in Fanen, the casting of magic and the mobilization and use of magic will always be the same as those in the past. People's perception of magic is closely related. The fundamental reason why Shuge Ernst was stuck at the threshold of a mage apprentice and could not survive was because he had difficulty in effectively sensing magic.

This has nothing to do with the ability to understand knowledge.

"Magic power exists in all things in Brahma. Rain, soil, plants, animals... everything that can be touched will have magic power in it."

"The original spellcasters were a group of people who could feel and absorb magic from nature. Therefore, at the beginning, people did not know the name of the magic goddess Mel. These spellcasters generally exist in large and small places. Among the settlements, he was called a prophet because he could perform 'miracles'."

"However, with the continuous use of magic, the connection between these initial spellcasters and the magic power becomes deeper and deeper. When the magic power accumulates to a limit, they will gradually be able to sense the existence of the goddess Mel - -The wise and loving goddess gave corresponding revelations to these spellcasters. As a result, they learned how to store and use magic more effectively, the real way to use magic, and how to harness the power of magic. Engraved in your own mind and body.”

"This is the origin of today's mages..."

"Magic power is the foundation that supports all magic, just like needles and threads are to clothing, and bricks and stones are to houses. Therefore, how to perceive magic power and how to absorb magic power from everything around you is the first lesson for spellcasters."

Shuge turned a page.

The text continues on the page: "Based on the most basic 'law of magic', even ordinary people who have difficulty perceiving magic also have this power in their bodies. Therefore, the first step in perceiving magic is to interact with anything around you. Contact (things with highly condensed magic power such as magic crystals are naturally the best choice)... Keep your mind quiet, close your eyes, concentrate, and imagine that you and the thing are in a closed space together."

"...When the magic induction is successfully established, the caster will be able to 'see' the shapes and lines of magic emitted by the objects in contact. They should be directly captured by the caster's spirit, and can be captured according to the size and size of the object. Weight forms a different structure with its own properties.”

"The following are the possible forms of many common items in magic perception: A piece of ordinary magic crystal (constant 1, quality rating 3~4) often appears in the form of a smooth cone composed of a large number of magic lines. "

"When this book is perceived, it often appears as a rectangular parallelepiped similar to the size of the book. Because there are some words written in magic ink in the book, there may also be multiple lines and graphics extending in uncertain directions on the cuboid. .”

Xiuge frowned, then he picked up the book, emptied his mind and closed his eyes according to what was written in the book.

Probably because of the magic power already existing in his body, Xiuge's first formal magic perception went extremely smoothly. Even as soon as he closed his eyes, the magic model of the book was already presented in his mind.

As mentioned in the book, the magic model appears as a standard cuboid, and above the cuboid, many thin lines of varying lengths extend, and their sources are the magic ink and patterns in the book.

"...It feels like a junior high school student suddenly looking back at an elementary school textbook."

Shuge frowned, then he opened his eyes and continued his reading and learning journey.

Because the perception of magic power can be easily accomplished, Xiuge skipped this lengthy text and went directly to the chapter "The First Trick".

The author of the book clearly has a sense of humor.

At the beginning of this text, there is this paragraph.

"To all beginners, if you feel that you may have a magical induction, please go back to the beginning of the previous text or consult your instructor - you are most likely too arrogant or have an abnormality. You should have the illusion that this is not sarcasm or ridicule to you, but a well-intentioned advice.

"If there is no magic power to support you, then too much magic knowledge will cause a mental burden on you."

Below this text, the typographer left a large gap before entering the main text.

"Magic is the basis of magic engraving, but it is different from the traces of magic that are directly engraved in the spirit. The learning of magic relies more on the memory and understanding of the casters."

"As the first lesson to officially start learning magic, all spellcasters should try to memorize and recite the following simple magic patterns, and try to use their own magic to imitate them in their own spiritual realm..."

Xiuge gradually became immersed in this book.

It had been a long, long time since he had experienced this feeling of serious study, just like a student who "discovered his conscience" and picked up the book again after being indulged for too long, determined to make up for his lessons.

Gradually, each magic pattern that Xiuge had never come into contact with or learned before was memorized by Xiuge. After that, he began to experiment in his own spiritual world - extracting a small amount of magic power and putting it into his mind. They pull and build into designated shapes.

His behavior naturally attracted the attention of the residents in the metal disc, so under the leadership of the Messenger in the Mirror, Charron's Touch and the Running Rat Snitch began to watch Shuge vigorously, but they did not After a long time, they showed boredom and boredom.

It's not bad that Charron was knocked down, probably because it had benefited from Shuge before. It always stayed in the groove very quietly and low-key, while Snitch, who had the most contact with Shuge, was a little out of touch. It leaned on the edge of the groove, swung its three tails around, and from time to time opened its mouth and yawned very humanely.

As for the messenger in the mirror who took the lead at the beginning, he retreated behind his desk after a brief glance, not knowing what to write there.

When you study hard, time always flies by.

It wasn't until someone knocked on the door that Xiuge broke away from the state of learning. At this time, he had basically mastered the magic patterns of the three basic tricks.

They are "Evoking Light" for lighting, and "Magic Water Creation" that can create a small amount of clear water.

Of course, there is also the "Mage's Hand" that Xiuge has been coveting for a long time, which can extremely limitedly improve the caster's "power" and the convenience of life.

Seeing that Xiuge was always in a dazed state, Weilin took the initiative and opened the door.

As a self-disciplined mage, she is very satisfied with the learning attitude of her "students".

A waiter at the Adlon Hotel tremblingly delivered the pre-ordered lunch to the living room under the surveillance of multiple Ymir Legion soldiers.

At this time, Xiuge realized that he was very hungry.

The waiter diligently delivered the lunch for the two to the dining table in the living room.

This is a very classic Kingdom of Walter dish, which can be summed up simply as "a lot of meat", "a lot of vegetables", and "a lot of sauce".

However, unlike the practices of Walter folk chefs, the chefs of Adlon Hotel obviously have better quality ingredients and better cooking tools and conditions. When a piece of thigh comes from the "needle pig" in the Black Nest Mountains, After the meat is carefully marinated in a special sauce, it is then fully roasted using some kind of kitchen utensil engraved with a simple fire trick, which makes the surface of the meat extremely crispy.

The vegetables next to them have gone through a classic Walter cooking process-washed in magical water, soaked and cooked in another herbal juice, and then frozen in ice. Quickly cool down in water.

This will allow the previous herbal juices to form a light film on the surface of the vegetables. They can not only remove the greasiness brought by the meat, but also act as an appetizer.

"'s much better than the food at the Legal Committee."

Wei Lin spoke highly of the lunch provided by the Adlon Hotel, probably because Shuge and the two were still under the supervision of Princess Sophia. They not only received high-quality meal supplies, but also received comprehensive At least Xiuge could now feel the strong traces of magic on the two meals. Weilin pointed out that they had undergone "toxin detection" magic many times before being sent in.

This is enough to ensure dietary safety.

"How's the progress?"

"I am learning simple magic patterns. I have mastered ten of the twenty-two simple magic patterns. I will be able to memorize them all in another hour."

Wei Lin nodded. She did not question Xiuge's learning progress. As a spellcaster who has completed magic engraving and can directly use multiple magics, such progress is normal.

"What about the tricks? How many have you mastered?"


Xiuge made a cut on the piece of meat, and then announced the names of the three tricks he had learned.

At this time, Wei Lin finally had a satisfied look on her face. She smiled at Shuge and picked up a piece of chopped vegetables with a fork: "Actually, there is one thing that is not mentioned in books. That is, at any stage, the learning of magic and the control of magic require a lot of practical exercises to improve... Well, if conditions permit, you'd better let magic penetrate into your every moment."

Xiuge was a little confused. He stopped what he was doing and waited quietly for Weilin's explanation.

After swallowing the piece of vegetables with satisfaction, Wei Lin wiped her mouth and said: "To put it simply, you have to gradually learn to tie your life to magic, and the hand of the mage is to carry out the process. One of the best ways to practice.”

As he spoke, a blue mage's hand appeared next to Wei Lin. It floated to the dining table, picked up two clean cups, and placed them between the two of them.

"That's it."

Wei Lin smiled: "Don't use your own hands to solve everything that can be handed over to magic. Doesn't Mr. Shuge usually need to write and take notes? You can try to hand them over to the hands of the mage."

Along with her words, the mage's hand made a "please" gesture towards Xiuge: "Come on, Mr. Shuge, as a student, you can try to pour half a glass of wine for your teacher now. Think of it as your first practice.”

"Okay, I'll try."

Xiuge nodded, he transferred part of the magic power, and tried to use five different magic patterns to construct the Mage's Hand trick in his spiritual world.


With a soft sound, Shuge's trick was successfully performed.

However, Wei Lin, who was sitting across the dining table, frowned. She stared blankly at the mage's hand floating next to Xiuge, with a look of confusion on her face.

Xiuge himself also fell into silence.

I don’t know why, but the mage’s hands that appear as light blue or icy blue in all magicians appear to be dark green in Xiuge’s case, as if they contain some kind of dark corrosive drama. Generally poisonous.

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