It was a lot of fun visiting Fishman Island.

Even though Shi Ji had seen these things in Golden Lion’s memory, he was still very happy

to experience them himself . After playing for a long time, Bai Xing was already a little tired. On this day, there were ups and downs of emotions, coupled with a long period of play. The sudden incident consumed a lot of Bai Xing’s mental and physical energy, so she said goodbye to Shiji and went to rest. Without Shirahoshi by his side, Shiki can do his own thing. Riding on a fish taxi that looked like a manta ray, Shiki arrived at the Mermaid Cafe. After the fish-man island alert incident, although the alert has been lifted, the cafe did not immediately return to its previous bustle. Shiji pushed the door open and entered. The cafe uses a large number of shells as decoration, giving it a strong marine feel. It is divided into two parts. One is the seawater area used by mermaids to move around. The depth of the water is higher than the average person’s thighs. One part is a dry area for walking and placing furniture. At this time, there was no one in the cafe. There was only a mermaid with pink fish tail, light green short hair, wearing a black suspender T-shirt with yellow stars, and a bubble swim ring on his waist, doing some wiping work. When she heard someone coming in, she looked up at the door

“Hello customer, welcome to the Mermaid Cafe~”

The girl’s unique clear and lively voice sounded.

Shiji responded, walked along the dry area to the table and sat down.

Kemi came over with the swim and apologized to Shiji said:

“Because of today’s warning incident, many sisters are in a bad mood, so there are no dancers performing today.。”

“It doesn’t matter, just serve me some special dishes first. ”

Shi Ji said it didn’t matter.

He didn’t come here this time for the so-called dancers to perform.

Shi Ji felt the back room, kept peeking at himself, and

ate his food calmly.

Leisurely music played, and it turned out

that It was Kemi who was afraid that Shiji would feel too monotonous, so he turned on the music in the coffee shop.

Then Shiji was no longer in a hurry and

quietly enjoyed this rare peaceful time.

Although it seems very peaceful now,

but in the Two years later, with the emergence of the so-called extremely evil generation,

the world’s structure will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The old emperor will fall and

the new emperor will rise.

So, in this era of upcoming chaos, Shi Ji is certainly not willing to be reduced to the world. The nourishment of his son.

He is about to be reborn and

is determined to realize the unfinished dream of the Golden Lion.

Of course, it is also Shiji’s own desire.

Shiji has never canceled the task of [King of the World]. He

did not wait too long At that time,

Mrs. Charlie took her own crystal ball in her hand and walked out of the back room.。

“Little Kemi, you can go back today and I will complete the rest of the work.。”

“ah? Madam, there are guests here~”

“It doesn’t matter, this guest is my friend, I will just entertain him. ”

Hearing what Mrs. Charlie said, Kemi stopped insisting.

She put down the things in her hands and

left after work.

Charlie walked to the bar, brought a cup of black tea, and floated over with a bubble swim ring.

You’re welcome Sitting on the sofa in front of Shiji’s desk.

Shiji faced the beautiful mermaid who came uninvited. He

looked up and down at the beautiful scenery in front of him unceremoniously.

The beautiful mermaid in front of him was wearing a dark purple hooded top, only buttoned up. The button in the middle reveals a deep groove and a flat belly.

She has short black hair that covers the right side of her face, cold blue eyes, fair skin, and a fairly plump upper circumference. The

front half of her tail is dark blue, and the back half is dark blue. It is white, with a dorsal fin on its lower waist, and a pair of small fins near the tail. The tail fin is crescent-shaped. Judging from the shape of the tail, it

should be from the blue shark mermaid tribe.

Feeling unscrupulous, Charlie looked at her body Looking at him, his face darkened involuntarily: “You rude fellow!”

“Hey, hey, this is an injustice to me. It’s just an instinctive appreciation for beautiful things. ”

Shiji shrugged, not caring about Charlie’s attitude.。

“Well, I wonder if this beautiful mermaid lady came to me for something? ”

Shi Ji asked directly without any hesitation.。

“You rude fellow, who came to find you? Didn’t you come to the Fishman Cafe on your own?。”

“Oh, okay~”

Hearing that Charlie was so arrogant,

Shiji said nothing and continued to enjoy his food.

For Shiji, he didn’t like to guess.

Even if the other party was a beautiful mermaid Miss, but there are too many beauties in this world.

He has not yet reached the point where he needs to lick his b face and

upper body to please others.

Seeing that Shiji stopped talking, Charlie was a little anxious.

For the person in front of him Man, she is really curious.。

“You are not the Golden Lion Shiji! ”

Charlie looked at the old man in front of her who was exactly the same as Golden Lion Shiji, and suddenly said coldly。

“Um? ”

Shi Ji looked up at her and felt a little confused.

What is this woman crazy about?

He didn’t think there was anyone in this world who could understand what “time travel” meant.

Looking at Shi Ji who didn’t show any panic expression,

Charlie felt Some shouldn’t。

“I did a divination on Shiki, the golden lion, and his destiny has no connection with Fish-Man Island.。”


“And you have a completely different fate from the Golden Lion!”

“You are definitely not a golden lion! ”

Charlie put her hands on the table and looked down at Shiji in a condescending manner, trying to put pressure on Shiji.。

“Woo! so big! so white! ”

As expected of a 5.2-meter big mermaid, although it is not as good as the 10-meter Baixing.

But the seductive smell of the beautiful adult mermaid is something that the underage Baixing cannot catch up with.

Sniffing the faint fragrance,

Shi Ji calmly Eating food, completely ignoring Xia Li’s pressure.

It’s not that he is completely ignoring it,

it can only be said that his appetite has greatly increased.

Maybe it’s because Shi Ji’s eyes are too naked, or maybe it’s because his tricks didn’t work

. Li’s fair face was also a little flushed. She

sat on the sofa again, lit her cigarette, and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She didn’t know if she had really guessed wrong,

but this was the result of the divination.

She couldn’t be wrong.

She had never missed her predictions since she was a child.

The man in front of her must have a huge secret, and she must dig out all his secrets.

Charlie secretly made a decision in her heart.

However, Charlie might not I know there is a saying,

those who are good at water drown in water.

When you want to dig out a person’s secrets, be careful not to indulge in it.

Shi Ji, however, is not in a hurry at all.

Even he is not interested in it. The beautiful mermaid in front of her has thoughts, but she doesn’t want to do anything to her now.

After all, he is still in the body of a golden lion.

If he is allowed to have anything to do with a woman now, he will feel very awkward.

Now that he has obtained the most The hard-to-obtain “pure gold”

can be obtained by waiting for a while, and you can get your own, young body.

At that time,

Shi Ji can enjoy the beauty of this world.

However, although he cannot get substantial enjoyment now,

he can Laying the foundation for a better life in the future.

Shi Ji ignored Xia Li.

He knew that since Xia Li was deeply interested in him, as long as he was not in a hurry, she would be the one who was anxious.

As long as he stabilized himself, Xia Li would take care of himself reveal flaws。

“If Mrs. Charlie only has these incomprehensible words, I think there will be no possibility for us to have a conversation. ”

Shiji knocked on the plate, indicating that if Charlie didn’t have anything else to do,

he would leave after finishing the meal.

Charlie looked at Shiji, who had been keeping silent,

and couldn’t help gritting her teeth. She knew that if this time If she can’t figure out Shi Ji’s secret,

then this mystery will always bother her.


“What a heartless man~”

Charlie held her face with her right hand, her graceful body like a snake, lying on the table, and stretched her beautiful upper body in front of Shiji。

“Since Mr. Shiji doesn’t have enough time, I would like to ask Mr. Shiji if his pirate group needs a mermaid who knows everything~” Shiji put his hand

into Charlie’s hood and

caressed her seductive rosy cheeks. , feel the warm and smooth touch。

“Of course, my beautiful mermaid lady!”

“The Flying Pirates welcome you! ”

Eat the food and don’t waste it.

Shiji stood up and said to Charlie, whose face was still a little red:

“I’ll go back tomorrow. You can stay at Fish-Man Island first.。”

“Is the legendary golden lion going to break his promise? ”

Hearing Xia Li’s excitement, Shi Ji pinched her small chin and put it close to Xia Li’s ear.

He chuckled: “Don’t worry, I still have some things to do here. I will pick you up later.。”

“You beautiful mermaid lady, I will not let you go. ”

Shiji looked at the shy Charlie,

laughed, and walked out of the Mermaid Cafe.

It’s not time yet, Charlie.

There is another thing, if you take her with you, there will be some inconvenience.

In fact, Shiji originally Those who want to take Xia Li away directly, even if they can’t play with her for the time being. It’s easy to

look at at ordinary times.

But when I think about her identity, I realize that if I take her with me, it will be a little inconvenient to go to Nami.

For Aaron and those who People, Shiji is not a straw hat who doesn’t kill.

As Aaron’s half-sister, it is really cruel for her to watch her brother being killed.

For this reason, Shiji decided to keep Charlie first . On Fish-Man Island.

Wait until the right time to pick her up. After

bidding farewell to Charlie, Shiji returned to the “Flying Sky”.

Store the “pure gold” well, and

there must be no accidents in this, otherwise his plan It will be extended for a long time.

Luo and the others are still visiting Fish-Man Island and have not returned. Except for the people left behind, there is no one else on the ship.

Shi Ji will “pure gold” and“S.I.Q”put it together.

Then come to the training room, pick up “Sakura Ten” and “Deadwood”, and start your own training mission.

While Shiki was still playing with Shirahoshi on Fish-Man Island,

Sengoku had already received news of Shiki’s appearance on Fish-Man Island through intelligence personnel.

He and Lieutenant General He discussed for a long time and

decided to take the initiative and lay out arrangements on both sides of the Red Earth Continent.

Ambush the Golden Lion! ! !


The new book is about to set sail. Please give me all the data. Readers, please move your little hands and support me. 3Q

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