“The lion’s power is extremely low.”

Ying Ju has been sheathed, and Mu Ku is held by both hands. His arms are raised high

like Zoro using “Two Gangli Luo” . On the blade, black and gold domineering particles condense with light. . As Shi Ji slashed down from the sky, the light fell like a meteor. In an instant, the sky and the earth were aligned. Mu Ku fell directly behind Garp.

“ha! ”

This sword was something Garp didn’t expect. His knowledge of what he had seen and heard had aroused him to the extreme.

But he didn’t realize

when Shi Ji came behind him.

For a time, he could only use a large number of armed colors to strike. The domineering force was transferred to his back.


This sword broke through Garp’s domineering defense and drew a blood mark on his back, and

the blood poured out “tsk”。

“drink! ! ! ”

Garp roared angrily,

twisted his waist to the side, and his domineering energy condensed on his fists,

like black armor. With the help of the twist of his waist, “Four Three Zero” swung at Shi Ji at high speed.。

“Fist and bone impact! ”

Shi Ji slashed with the knife and had no time to adjust his posture.

He could only use his abilities as much as possible, control his body, and try to avoid the vital position. He

was hit by this heavy punch, and

his body was shaped like a C. Then

, like a pebble floating in water, it bounced on the ground a few times, and

then stopped after collapsing a tall house.。

“Wow! ”

The tall house floated as if it had lost weight. Shi Ji walked out of the ruins.

As soon as his mind moved, his slightly twisted body made a crisp sound and fully recovered.

“Pooh! ”

Shiji spat out a ball of bruised blood.


an excited smile appeared on his face:

“Jie~ Haha, that’s really awesome, Garp!”

“You too! ”

Garp’s face was gloomy and extremely serious.。

“Was that just a case of killing on sight? ”

Although it was a question, Garp’s tone was very certain.。

“Ah~, it’s just a trophy from the battle with Roger.”

Shiji said in a very calm tone, which surprised Garp. Can

such a top-notch ability

be learned casually?

“What a terrifying monster! Shiki! ”


A gust of wind blew by, rolling up a cloud of dust on the ground.

After the smoke and dust, Shi Ji’s figure had disappeared.

Even though he could no longer perceive the sight, hearing and color,

Garp still has the world’s top physical fitness,

and dozens of Years of combat experience.

The moment Shiji appeared next to him,

Garp’s heavy punch hit him hard。

“Bang bang bang! ”

Shiji’s ghostly figure kept flashing around Garp.

It was like countless figures

attacking Garp together.

As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose.

Even Garp has unparalleled reaction ability.

But also He couldn’t completely block Shiji’s attack.

After a while,

under Shiji’s attack,

his whole body was covered with blood marks.

In the end, Garp couldn’t bear it anymore, and he just took a sword from Shiji, and

then punched him . It hit Shiji hard.

But this time Shiji was not hit by Garp and

floated away easily.

But his attack rhythm

was also interrupted by Garp.

At this time, after the two people fought, After the aftermath,

most of the buildings in Rogge Town have been destroyed.

Every time Shiji swings his sword, although most of the power is borne by Garp.

But the aftermath of every slash can tear the world apart. .

Every swing of Garp will form a huge shock wave,

destroying countless buildings.

The islands are torn apart under Shiji’s slashes.

A large amount of seawater pours into Rogge Town through the cracks. Among them.

Now, there are only two people, Garp and Shiji, on the entire island.

Smoker and his group of sailors have all evacuated to the warships.

Through the telescope,

they are looking at the situation on the island from a distance. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Smoker sa

felt really painful in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and hated himself for being so weak.

He also hated himself, why didn’t he work hard before? Exercise,

now facing the villain, []

can only watch helplessly here, it has no effect at all。

“Jie~Haha, come again, come again! ”

This time Shi Ji no longer used that kind of surprise attack.

It didn’t have much effect.

At their level,

they couldn’t be dragged to death.

Shi Ji held the sword, and the black and gold color on the sword spread even more. Rich. With a kick of his foot, he rushed towards Garp

with a very long black gold wire. Garp grinned and raised his fist as big as a casserole. The battle just now was too frustrating for a rough man like him . Youyou The black armed domineering energy is like flowing water, constantly flowing in the hands.

“Bang! ! ! ”

The black mist generated by the fusion of Shiji’s fruit ability and hegemony

was connected with Garp’s top Ryuzakura hegemony.

There was a huge muffled sound and

powerful power that shook the entire island.

Shiji was shaken by this power. He stepped back,

but immediately floated into the air under the control of the fruit’s ability………..

Very close to Garp,

a sword was pressed against Garp’s fist, and the other sword grazed his arm and reached Garp’s neck.

The advantage of dual swords is that combat requires more flexibility and weirdness.

But Garp has been fighting for so many years,

let alone the double sword style,

he has also seen the 16 sword style.

Therefore, facing Shi Ji’s double sword style, he responded very calmly.

On one side of his body, he

turned his hands and pressed Ying Shi and Muku under his arms.

Then with the help of the power of Shiji’s sword, he jumped up directly and kicked Shiji with

a sword-like kick with a sonic boom. This level of attack cannot be easily withstood with the body! As a last resort, Shiji turned his sword to block Garp’s kick. The huge force collided and brought up a wave of air. Garp punched Shiji into a ball of shadow. Shi Ji’s figure flashed and appeared in another space, with light flashing above the dead wood. Meteors fall and the sky and the earth flash!

“The lion is extremely powerful”

“Fist and bone impact! ”

Garp’s white hair danced wildly, and the armed domineering force in his hands was like water, as if boiling.。

“Bang! ! ! ”

The place where the fist and sword intersected

was like a planetary ring,

sending out a circular shock wave.

It swept away the buildings on the island.

Slashes and shock waves

kept erupting on the island.

Rifts, earthquakes, and

so on . The island kept breaking.

Looking at the battle that was gradually getting real,

I saw the broken appearance of the island.

On the coast, the faces of the navy on the warships were extremely solemn.

Smog 2 deeply exclaimed: “It’s really impossible. I thought that the world’s top combat power, fighting with all its strength, could be so terrifying! ! ! ”

The navymen next to them were also very shocked.

Although they knew that Lieutenant General Garp must be very strong,

they did not expect that

Lieutenant General Garp, who was fighting with all his strength, would be so strong!

This was the same Lieutenant General who could even sleep with his nose bubbling while standing. General?

Thinking about Lieutenant General Garp who is either sleeping or

eating senbei and donuts every day.

He can level a huge town in a short time. They

feel it is so unreal!!!

Bogart’s face couldn’t help but become a lot weirder

when he heard these navy say that they were fighting with all their strength in this situation. The battle on the island was still going on. But what the navy didn’t know, the island’s On the other side, several reporters sneaked back to Rogge Town. At the same time, the video phone bug was turned on!.

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