The Super Blue Three Abuse Champa at the Start, Participate In The Power Conference

Chapter 205 One Punch Breaks the Star! 【Subscription】

Super Haz, who could not control his body, smashed directly on the ground like a super huge meteor.

The deafening roar of 'Boom~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!' was heard incessantly.

In an instant, the entire planet began to shake violently.

The ground beneath him collapsed in an instant, and countless cracks filled the air.

The terrifying impact swept across the world at an extremely astonishing speed.

If this planet hadn't been huge and hard enough to be the main place for battle, it would have destroyed the entire planet as early as the moment the aftermath poured out.

Just an understatement of the power of one punch, this can devour the Seed of Universe, the self-proclaimed ultimate godslayer's Super Haz suppression, and the horror of Bergette can be seen.

Jiren, who had removed all the shock waves, was even more stunned, and a large amount of cold sweat fell on his forehead.

Just now, he heard the light and cloudless word that came out of Bergette's mouth.


What exactly does this word represent... Why does it make him feel a sense of distance from his heart...

That absorbed the Seed of Universe, the energy in the body is enough to be comparable to the super Haz of the entire Universe, and it was suppressed by Bergette's punch and word...

You must know that Super Haz, who is the ultimate god-killer, is so powerful that they are far away.

The strength of the other party has surpassed Gods of Destruction.

It even reached the level of approaching Angel.

Back then, Bergette was at a disadvantage in the face of Angel Martino, who had not yet fallen, but in just a few months, the gap had become so big that it was comparable to the ultimate godslayer of Angel Martinu, who had not fallen.・Super Haze, crushed by an understated blow, and even nearly killed!

in the void.

Bergette blew into her smoking fist, dispelling the smoke.

[That guy... should not die so easily...] Bergette mused in her heart.

What kind of magical effect the Seed of Universe contains, even he doesn't know too much.

This thing, Bergette only knew, was the key item needed to create one.


Just as Bergette pondered, the breath of Super Hazy resurfaced in Bergette's perception.

"Huh?!" Her eyes narrowed, Bergette turned her eyes, and her sharp eyes locked on the ruins filled with golden aura in the distance.


The entire planet trembled again because of this terrifying aura, and in an instant, a terrifying golden beam of light suddenly rose from the ground, like a holy dawn like the light of hope.

What followed closely was a terrifying coercion comparable to the coming of a demon.

Super Haz, who was punched deep into the ground by Bergette before, charged back in front of Bergette with a grim look on his face.

"Bastard!!!!!!!!" An angry roar resounded through the sky, and Super Haz's facial expression was cruel and ruthless like a demon. Now he has been beaten by Bergette's god-killing punch. Completely insane.

He devoured the power of the Seed of Universe, and he has surpassed Gods of Destruction and even Angel!!!

As strong as him, he could be injured by Bergette's devastating blow, and the injury was not light, which made him very angry, angry, and twisted.

After absorbing the Seed of Universe, he is so conceited that he doesn't take everything seriously, he doesn't even care about God!!!

Now, with this power, he can be compared with the supreme Grand Priest and Zeno!

What is a mere Bergette?! It's just that a slightly stronger Saiyan can hurt him. This strong contrast makes Super Haz unacceptable!!

"poor guy.". "Bergette just stared at the crazy Super Haze, with a look of disdain and pity.

This guy is still living in a dream, living in the world he imagined.

Zeno and Grand Priest, the two symbols of the world's top figures in Dragon Ball, can be compared with a mere universe.

Having absorbed the seed of Universe, you are powerful enough to surpass Gods of Destruction, even comparable to the lowest-ranked Angel.

But in front of the truly powerful Angel, they are nothing but ants that can be wiped out at the click of a finger.

The furious Super Haz, after hearing Bergette's contemptuous words, became even more angry in his heart.

Bergette, just a mere Saiyan, is only stronger, what qualifications can he have to deny what he has now!!!

Bergette...what are you!!!

Angry Super Haze Total liberation of the Seed energy of the Universe.

In an instant, the terrifying energy and aura skyrocketed, from the original 3 positives to a steady rise.

His aura became more infiltrating, and his body swelled several times because of the overflowing energy.

The combat power showed an explosive growth, and under the influence of the majestic energy of the universe, he had forgotten his true heart.

Combat strength data is 3 positive... Combat strength value is 5 positive... Combat strength value is 8 positive... Combat strength value is 10 positive...

Combat strength value is 15 positive... Combat strength value is 20 positive... Combat strength value is 30 positive!!

This exaggerated combat power has been directly increased by nearly ten times.

The breath of Super Haz spread throughout the Eleventh Universe.

With his rampage, at this moment, he also has a strong murderous intention to destroy everything.

He raised his hand, and the light of the law of gravity floated in his palm.

The huge law of gravity runs through the atmosphere of this planet and goes straight to the universe.

'Boom~~~!!!!!!' Suddenly, a deafening roar came from the space, and the whole world seemed to be overturned.

"Lord!!!!" Ragus, who had been avoiding the aftermath of the battle, had a terrified look in his eyes.

The current Hazy, who has already ignored it, has completely lost his mind, and is like a madman who does not care about the lives of others.

Even himself, was included in the range of attack by this guy.

I saw that in the outer part of the atmosphere, a super-giant four-star that was comparable to the size of a planet and had a diameter of thousands of kilometers was attracted by the ability of Super Haz. Looking at the posture, it was going to smash everyone. die!

This is also Hatz's last game. He is angry, and now he just wants to destroy everything and get back all the dignity and face he lost before!

That huge planet, under the blessing of the law of gravity, the destructive power is infinitely amplified, and once it hits this planet, it will explode.

The entire planet, including the people above, will be reduced to powder.

"Is this guy crazy...!!" Feeling the super meteorite full of deadly crises, Jiren showed a tricky look.

The horror of this blow, he thought about letting himself resist it, but without exception, he couldn't stop it!

Even if you risk your life and burn your life in exchange for strength, you can't win.

Jiren's eyes fell on Bergette again, in his gaze, can this man really change everything?

Can he stop such a terrifying blow...


Standing above the void, Bergette raised her arrogant head and looked at the looming super-giant meteor in the sky.

That sense of tension, that sense of oppression, is indeed completely different from the most direct feeling of any previous battle.

But, that's all, Bergette doesn't care about that at all.

To him, this was just Super Haz's final counterattack before he died.

Just a part of the power mobilized by the law of reality shattered this guy's self-confidence and strength in an instant, causing him to go mad and run wild.

Even if he kills his partner, Lagus, at all costs, he will not hesitate.

His goal has been achieved, and he has successfully fused with the Seed of Universe. He no longer needs anyone's assistance. This poor girl from the glass family has only been deceived by him from the beginning.

"Hazy, don't you still understand the gap between us? You presumptuously used the law of gravity to block the surrounding space, leaving me nowhere to hide, think, with this level of attack, I need to hide ?" The voice fell, Bergette's fist clenched again, and the power surged frantically under his mind, converging on the fist.

At the same time, his form has undergone tremendous changes.

The state of Super Saiyan dark blue evolution, directly transformed to the third-order full power of Super Saiyan Blue color!

Once again, the combat power has been increased by a hundred times, and Bergette's combat power data has been raised to the limit of 500 positive!

His power overwhelmed Super Haz more than ten times in an instant.

The next second, his iron fist that ignited a dark blue aura, swung it out again, as simple, violent, and direct as ever!

This time, he did not mobilize the power of the laws of reality, but relied on his purest violence and combat power.

Baizheng-level combat power is enough to make him despise everyone!

The fist was clenched tightly, and a faint golden light condensed on the fist, forming a protective film around the infiltrating dark blue energy, which faintly caused the space to tremble.

The power of this punch is strong enough to smash everything, even a planet is enough to be smashed.

"I don't believe it!! Your fists are really invincible!!! Die under my power!!!" Super Haz, who was desperate, roared hysterically. For some reason, it was expanding and shaking.

"It's ridiculous! Your self-righteous power is worthless in front of me." The confident Bergette increased the output of energy, and the violent shock wave turned into a sky-high blue beam of light and shot straight at the huge and incomparable. meteor.

‘Boom~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ The deafening roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the entire planet was shaking non-stop.

The space was shaken by the aftermath of this blow.

A large area of ​​space vibrated, and countless cracks spread rapidly.

The seemingly terrifying, indestructible super-giant meteorite swayed violently under the power of Bergette, spreading from the bottom to the whole body, and countless cracks were spreading rapidly.

"This...impossible!!! How is this possible!!!!!!" Roaring loudly, Super Haz's eyes were about to pop out.

This is... all of him!

The destructive blow of all his powers... so... so!!!

I was smashed by this man...with one punch!!!

'Boom~~~!!!!!!!!!!' Under Super Haz's terrified gaze, his thousand-kilometer meteorite exploded on the spot, turned into rock fragments that filled the sky, and scattered down.

This scene made everyone stunned.

Super Haz was shocked.

Ragus was terrified.

Jiren was also stunned.

Even Lord Grand Priest, who was watching the battle in the eleventh universe from the temple of Zeno, showed disbelief.

The twelve Angels were even more surprised and horrified by Bergette's incomparable strength. (Note: Due to the fall of Angel Martinu of the Twelfth Universe, the vacant seat of Angel of the Twelfth Universe is now filled by Angel Myers, an intern of the Seventh Universe.) (Okay)

It does not contain any law power, but the power of God and pure power have long been such a terrifying power. Looking at the twelve Angels, no one can achieve this step.

on the battlefield.

Bergette maintained the posture of punching. At this moment, his eyes were firm and his expression indifferent, like an invincible god of war.

The recovered Super Haz was soaked in cold sweat all over his body, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

An unprecedented emotion spread to my heart.

It's been a long time... dread!!

He finally understood why Kamba gave up resistance before dying... can't win at all!!

"Impossible... This kind of thing can't happen... I am invincible by absorbing the power of the Seed of the Universe!!! This is fake!! Everything is fake!! Die!! You must die!!!" Unwilling to accept the cruel truth, Super Haz kept roaring, and he had to erase the existence of Bergette.

The small emerald green spheres surrounding him in all directions were driven and began to rotate at a high speed.

Each of these spheres contains an extremely high amount of energy, and even only one sphere can suppress the powerhouse of the eleventh dimension.

Scary as they are, can these gadgets really work on Bergette?

Super Haz doesn't care so much, he has lost his ability to judge, he just wants to erase the existence of Bergette to consolidate his position and cover up the fear in his heart.

Now he looks like a jumping beam clown.

Bergette also dismissed it.

Only when you truly see how grand this vast world is, will you know that you who are in it are just an insignificant speck of dust in this vast world.

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