Time flies, and twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Twenty years have passed since the end of the first battle between Bergette and Black Bergette.

During these 20 years, Universe seems to be calm, but the crisis behind it is surging, and there is a plan for the dark world that is about to begin.

For twenty years, Bergette, since the war, has entered into a period of penance.

Now, after twenty years, he has finally woken up.

The combat power of the whole body increased at a terrifying speed, and it was strengthened to an extremely astonishing realm.

Now, just being normal, he has come to the fifteenth dimension of terror.

Now he, in a sense, has achieved true omnipotence.

When the small world in the body is completely constructed, he has completed the transformation.

Completely entered the world's highest level - combat power.

It is located on one of the highest peaks in Sarada.

Bergette stands here.

His eyes are solemn, looking at the void, his eyes are full of solemnity and expectation.

Just now, he received a message from the Grand Priest.

After 20 years of plotting to attack the dark world, it is finally about to start at this moment.

The Grand Priest hopes that Bergette will also join the fight, and with the addition of this top fighting force, their Universe's odds of winning will be greatly increased.

"After waiting for so long, I didn't expect that such a scene would finally be ushered in, joining forces with the gods to fight against the fallen Angel... It's exactly what I want!" Bergette is looking forward to the next battle, Because, this day, he waited too long.

Twenty years ago, the humiliation he endured was all in his heart. For an existence like the fallen Angel, after killing one or two times, he couldn't stop anymore. The pleasure of the enemy.

Moreover, he seems to be able to meet different masters from the twelve universes.

There are so many things that can be changed in 20 years. No matter what kind of existence, as long as it represents the strongest combat power in this universe, it has been invited by the Grand Priest to participate in this world-crossing battle. fighting.

Bergette is looking forward to it, he is the representative of the sixth universe, so who are the representatives of other universes.

As early as a long time ago, there were rumors in other universes that many warriors were at a level that was equal to Angel, but they never showed up, and they didn't care about the existence of the universe at all.

After being dispatched by the Grand Priest this time, these warriors will agree to the dispatch of the Grand Priest for the sake of the Angels' condescension and go to the dark world together.


Suddenly, where Bergette was located, a white portal was opened, and behind this portal was the final destination of their operation.

Seeing this, Bergette retracted her thoughts, the corners of her mouth undulating slightly, and a wicked smile of anticipation appeared on her face. In the next second, he stepped into the portal without hesitation.

Through the portal, Bergette Bergette crossed the universe, crossed the realm of the gods, and crossed a higher dimension, leading directly to a mysterious new world.

Here, is an endless dark world, and in front of it is a realm like the gate of the devil.

"Here is it!" After seeing this scene, Bergette's pupils shrank, this place he had never seen before, there was no sign of any life breath at all, what greeted his eyes was death and dead silence...

"Bergette-san, you are finally here." At this moment, a call came from behind Bergette, which made Bergette stunned and turned her head immediately.

What catches the eye is the Grand Priest, the Twelve Angels and the Twelve Gods of Destruction, as well as characters representing the peak combat power in their universe.

Among them, there are quite a few raw faces, people Bergette has never seen before.

Just a glance at Bergette can tell that these people are extraordinary, very powerful, at least, they are all characters in the realm of Angels, and their power is even beyond the twelve Gods of Destruction.

It seems that this all-out attack organized by Grand Priest has really paid off.

"There is no need to say more, Grand Priest, what should we do next?" Bergette went straight to the subject, her eyes fell on Grand Priest, waiting for Grand Priest's answer.

After all, this attack was organized by Grand Priest, so he must have a plan.

If there is no plan, who wants to come here to die?

Moreover, Bergette could not believe that, as the supreme god in the Dragon Ball world, Lord Grand Priest, is a reckless and reckless man.

After five minutes, Grand Priest stated all the plans for the operation. After getting everyone's approval, they hid their aura together and shuttled into the Devil's Gate.

It's just that this action seems to be seamless, but in fact, it has been discovered as early as the moment they have not entered the gate of the devil.

As the ruler of the dark world.

That adult has already noticed everything.

He also issued his own orders, specifically instructing all his subordinates to deliberately avoid Bergette, so that Bergette could come to the deepest part of this dark world unimpeded along the way to meet him.

All the fallen angels didn't understand, what was the real intention of this lord, why did he leave the supreme god Grand Priest alone, but let a Saiyan come to see him.

However, as subordinates, they don't ask much.

The thoughts of adults are not something that their mere subordinates can speculate.

Bergette here.

After entering the Devil's Gate, he entered a brand new world. Along the way, he acted cautiously, and he concealed his own breath, and he was constantly moving towards the depths of this world.

This way, it was a little too smooth.

It was so smooth that even he himself felt very strange.

It seems that there is a strange conspiracy, and it has slowly started its own plan.

However, Bergette didn't pay much attention to it. He traveled in the dark world, using the coordinates provided by the Grand Priest, and after a while, he came to the position of the adult.

Originally, Grand Priest's plan was to release the power of coordinates after Bergette arrived, and all of them would be teleported to this place in an instant, hit Huanglong in an instant, and take down the ruler of this dark world. .

It's just that the moment Bergette arrived here, the power of coordinates collapsed, as if it was scattered by some mysterious power.

Bergette was startled. He, who has always been extremely smart, was suddenly stunned. He understood that he had been fooled!

This is a trap!

Just when Bergette realized that the situation was not good and wanted to leave immediately, a sound from the void made him stop.

"I've come here, why don't you come in and meet this king. If you just let the guests go away, this is not how this king treats guests."" There was a low voice in the void, making Bergette's face gradually change. become heavy.

Now he was relieved, and everything suddenly became clear and clear.

It turned out that since the moment they entered the Devil's Gate, all of them have entered the surveillance of this guy, but they don't know anything...

This is clearly a gate of hell, and you can't rush in casually.

To leave, or to go?

Bergette chose the latter.

Now that he was discovered, it was impossible for him to leave so unharmed. The other party invited him in. If he didn't go, wouldn't it make him weak and incompetent, timid and insignificant?

Following the guidance of the voice, Bergette officially came to the deepest part of this dark world, where the adult was.

Escape into the depths of darkness, before the throne.

Bergette stared at the lord who was sitting on the throne in front of her.

His intuition told him that this person was the mastermind who had appeared during the Power Conference.

"I've fulfilled your wish, I'm here. If I guess right, you should be the lord Garth said, right?" Bergette was not afraid at all, her eyes were full of dignified colors, his sharp eyes and the throne of the throne. The people above look at each other.

"Hehehe~~!! The courage and courage are good, I am as expected of me in another world." The man on the throne said something that made Bergette feel incredible.

Another world he?

What's the meaning?

Just when Bergette was puzzled, the adult on the throne walked out slowly, and when she saw this person's face, Bergette was shocked.

This guy is exactly the same as himself, not only in appearance, but also in the intensity of breath...

"Another guy who stole my body... hum hum ~~!! A boring fake. 33 Seeing this exact same face, Bergette became angry and experienced the incident of Martino and the After the events of Black Bergette, he now scoffs at these beings who stole his own body.

The invisible ants will only use some small means to show their strength, and their body has become a treasure in their eyes.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

"Steal your body?? No no no no!! I have never stolen anyone's body, didn't I say, I am you... your... the other side?" The existence that looked like Bergette smiled sullenly.

His words also caused Bergette's doubts.

"Perhaps you will wonder why I let you simply enter this dark world to meet my eyes, because I want to make a break with myself, everything has two sides, for example, you, when you cross to this The world has come to the positive world, then the dark world will inevitably breed a you, that you, that is me. 55 As the words of another Bergette fell, Bergette herself showed an unbelievable look.

What this guy said can't be false, it's true!

He... is really another self... not a so-called impostor...

This is another traverser from the dark world. The two traversers are the same person.

"Okay, I've told you everything you want to know, now, let it all end, guide you here, I just want to make a break with you!!! Now, let's start! !!" With an angry shout, the adult also showed his strongest form.

The same body as Bergette, the same fighting power, the same transformation.

That form is Super Saiyan Evil Sublimation, but it is a higher-level Super Saiyan Evil Sublimation, and its combat power has stabilized at the peak of the terrifying eighteenth dimension.


Combat, exactly the same unit as the Bergette at its peak.

"Evil me sublimation... This transformation you will also... It is still a higher level evil me sublimation... It seems that what you say may not be a lie... Hehe, I didn't expect that the master of this dark world is myself, Facing the real me instead of the impostors, this battle may be more difficult than I imagined...‧" muttered to himself

Bergette liberates all the energy in the body, and also uses the transformation of the sublimation of evil spirits, and enters the second stage of Super Saiyan · sublimation of evil spirits, and the combat power value also reaches the same eighteenth dimension peak.

This battle is a battle of fate destined in the dark.

The fateful battle between Bergette of the front plane and Bergette of the dark plane in the world of Dragon Ball.

As soon as the two sides moved their thoughts, the power of the law was used by them. In just a moment, the plane of the entire dark world began to shake.

This fateful battle between the two Bergettes lasted a full month, and this dark world became even more unsightly because of the confrontation between the two Bergettes.

On the one hand, it is Bergette, and on the other hand, it is the confrontation between the fallen angels and the positive angels.

The intensity of the battle can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

The two Bergettes, judged almost identical in every way, are super strong and impeccable at the same time.

Looking at the two of them, it seemed that no matter how hard they fought, it was impossible to decide the winner.

But there are always sudden changes at such times.

The two Bergettes, at the same time in a truce, were full of confusion and puzzlement in their eyes.

The battle was pointless from the start.

They, never had to kill anyone to prove they were the only Bergette.

They are all one, whether it is the positive world or the dark world, they are all destined to be one.

Whether it is Bergette in the positive world or Bergette in the dark world, they are not complete people. Only through complete unification can they become complete bodies and restore their broken souls.


In the center of the battlefield, Bergette of the positive world and Bergette of the dark world, their bodies shone at the same time, the two slowly approached, the body and the soul blended, and they were completely integrated to achieve a complete body and a complete soul.

When the two are completely unified, the positive world and the dark world have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, the gate of the devil that separated the two worlds suddenly disappeared, and the two worlds seemed to be linked by something, and they were completely merged into one world.

Bergette, who is in the center of the light, doesn't know what she has accomplished.

The same person in the two worlds, the fusion of one, also represents the fusion of the positive world and the dark world.

Bergette, became a complete self.

This polarized Dragon Ball world, and therefore Fusion, has completely turned into a complete world.

(End of the book) People.

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