The Super Blue Three Abuse Champa at the Start, Participate In The Power Conference

Chapter 81 Bodyguard · King! Always online! 【Subscription】

'Boom~~!!' On the way to fly upside down, Piccolo smashed a stone pillar, and his body was embedded in the rubble.

Seeing this, Palaton didn't give Piccolo the slightest time to breathe, raised his hand, and a golden light appeared in his palm.

In the next second, a destructive beam of energy poured out from his palm, the power was terrifying.

'Boom~~!!!!!!' The destructive energy set off an extremely violent explosion, the roar was deafening, and the energy covered the area where Piccolo was.

Rocks fluttered and smoke filled the air.

Piccolo was buried in thick smoke, and his life and death are unknown.

Retracting his fist, Paraton continued to maintain vigilance, and those cold eyes stared straight at the center of the thick smoke.

He knew that Piccolo would not be killed by himself so easily.

Otherwise, the super Namek of the Seventh Universe would not be able to arouse his interest.

The next second, his hunch was verified.

A large hand continuously stretched out, breaking through the smoke and attacking towards his neck.

"I knew you wouldn't be defeated so easily by me! But instead of doing harm to me, this method exposed yourself." Dodging the attack of this huge palm, Paraton had already discovered Piccolo's location.

Piccolo, who had given up everything, rushed towards Paraton again, his white arrogance surged, energy filled his body, and he exerted 100% of his full strength.

Here, the battle intensified and entered a white-hot stage.

the other end.

In the shadows of the ring.

Because after getting some of the breath from Frieza, Son Goku has recovered a lot of physical strength and energy, and after his physical injuries have also recovered, he can already exert nearly 60% of his normal strength.

At this moment, he is also constantly walking around the arena, avoiding being discovered by other Universe contestants.

For him now, having more time to rest is the key.

He can also quietly recover more damage and strength.

All the breath was sealed in his body by his restraint, and not leaked out at all.

But even so, he still has to be more careful, because this is the arena of the power conference that is full of dangers. The top warriors in every universe gather here, and their perceptions are very powerful.

Even though his ability to conceal his own breath is very good, there is still a very individual existence who can perceive his existence.

At this moment, not even Son Goku himself knew, he had been discovered.

With a strange movement in the space behind him, Son Goku's body trembled, and he instinctively pulled away from him.

In the space behind him, a person similar to the existence in his memory appeared out of thin air.

Adoratite people!

The Adalite who taught him the skill of Instant Transmission!

When Namek exploded, he accidentally passed through the Universe ship of the Frieza Legion and entered the Adrat planet, and lived with the Adrat people of that planet for a period of time.

This face, he will never forget in this life.

It is also because of them that he can become alive.

"Are you... from the Adalat star?" Noticing the Adorat star in front of him, Son Goku had cold sweat on his forehead. If he was found, the situation would not be very good.

The perception ability of the Adorat star is very good, and it must be directed at him to appear here.

This Adlat star is also the Adlat star Jimis of the second universe in the original book.

Taking advantage of the fact that the seventh Universe's strongest fighting force, Son Goku, was seriously injured, he wanted to eliminate the opponent from this arena and give their Universe a little hope of survival.

"Huh?! Does our Adlat family also exist in your Universe? It's surprising." Jimmy was surprised, but soon recovered his calm.

The immediate priority is to eliminate Son Goku.

He couldn't pass up such a good opportunity.

Eyes narrowed slightly, Jimmy looked for Son Goku's flaws and waited for an opportunity.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to meet the Adlat star family again, even though you belong to another universe..." Taking a deep breath, Son Goku put on a fighting stance, his eyes locked on Jimmys.

Regardless of whether it is from the Adorat star, the other party is all directed at him.

In this ring, no matter who is the enemy, as long as it is the enemy, Son Goku will never slack off.

He will do his best.

If he still maintains the playful attitude of the previous battle, there is no doubt that his end will definitely be very miserable.

Jiren, has taught him a profound lesson, and now, he has to regain his physical strength and strength, and face the battle at the last moment.

Now, although relying on a trace of energy given by Frieza can barely restore some combat power, it is still far from a high-intensity battle.

At least, now he can only fight in his normal state, and he can't even become Super Saiyan.

Unless, at this time, he can use the pressure of battle to force himself to go beyond the limit again.

In other words, fighting while recovering.

Every time they fight, as long as they are in a desperate situation, Saiyan will bring unexpected results. A desperate situation is an opportunity for them to break through.

Of course, this possibility is very small. At present, his physical condition is very bad, and if he is a little careless, he will be thrown out of the ring directly.

"It's not my intention to shoot you in this situation, and I have no choice but to do it. Son Goku of the seventh universe, your existence is a serious threat to any universe." Son Goku said: "Whether it's you, or Saiyan from the sixth universe, or that Jiren, we all have to defeat. For the survival of our second universe, we must maintain the numerical advantage, so I can only be sorry. , Son Goku!”

As soon as the voice fell, in an instant, Jimmy cast Instant Transmission and disappeared in place.

Appeared again, had already crossed the space, and came behind Son Goku.

A signal of danger came from the intuition of the battle, causing Son Goku to sweat coldly on his forehead. He had already sensed the danger, but he couldn't dodge it.

If it was him before, no matter how sudden the blow was, he could easily dodge it, and even cause a devastating blow to the enemy.

But now, the body is too injured, and this broken body can no longer support the high-speed battle.

To be able to react so quickly, it is also thanks to his years of practice that he has increased the strength of his body and made his toughness strong enough to support him to achieve this step.

Of course, there is also that rich combat experience!

'Bang!!!' a muffled sound.

Jimmy's hand knife hit Son Goku in the neck, and he wanted to knock Son Goku unconscious with this blow, thereby throwing him out of the ring.

This blow is neither strong nor weak, it was Son Goku at his peak, and he didn't suffer.

But now, his physical condition is not good, and this attack, which is usually inconsiderate, is a serious blow to his body.

Enduring the severe pain, Son Goku gritted his teeth, turned around and kicked Jimmy away.

Even if the situation is very bad, he will not sit still and just wait to be eliminated.

"Son Goku, you are really dangerous, even in this situation, you can counterattack me. 35 can't help taking a breath, Jimmy is troubled by Son Goku's strength.

What kind of monster is this, he can launch a strong counterattack even when his stamina is exhausted.

If he was at his peak, this battle would probably end at the first sight of meeting?

Certainly, must not let Son Goku stay in the ring.

This is Jimmy's determination.

However, the people of the Seventh Universe will not watch this kind of thing at risk.

Just as Jimmy was about to launch another raid, a purple energy beam hit him.

Not expecting someone to attack him at all, Jimmy was dumbfounded.

Unpredictable, he was hit on the right shoulder by the devastating energy.

The sound of '咻~!' resounded.

Jimmy's right shoulder and the rock behind him were pierced in an instant.

"Huh?!" Son Goku was taken aback by such a killer move.

Who was so cruel?

Turning his head, Son Goku was in disbelief once again.

Frieza again!!!

"Fu... Frieza?! You've been near me to protect me??!" Son Goku's eyes widened in surprise.

Frieza, what the hell is he thinking, he is getting more and more incomprehensible now.

"Humph!!! Don't get me wrong Son Goku, I'm not helping you, but I need you to deal with that monster in the end." Frieza glanced at Son Goku, pretending to be indifferent.

"Uh~~~!" Embarrassed by Frieza's words, Son Goku laughed and said, "I know, you will never do anything meaningless."

"Don't think you can beat me like this!! Guys from the seventh universe, both of you will be eliminated by me! Jimmy clenched his teeth and endured the pain of his right arm being penetrated. He cast Instant Transmission and attacked Frieza's in front of you.

Unfortunately, as soon as he started to act, Frieza seized the opportunity and restrained his neck with one hand.

Kacha~! 3 The strength of the attack occurred slightly, and a bone crunching sound came from Jimmy's neck.

In just an instant, Jimmy lost his ability to fight completely, waiting for Frieza's slaughter like fish on a sticky board.

"Hohohoho~~!! The guy who dares to take action against this king, who knows nothing about the sky, must punish you." With a sinister smile, Frieza revealed his cruel nature at this moment.

As soon as these words came out, Son Goku on the side secretly said that something uncontrollable was going to happen.

He was about to stop Frieza, but it was too late.

A muffled sound of 'bang!!'

Frieza's punch had already penetrated Jimmy's abdomen.

The terrifying power caused Jimmy's internal organs to be subverted, and a mouthful of black blood was spit out from his mouth, and his breath became wilted in an instant.

It's not over yet, Frieza's brutality and cruelty have only begun.

"Stop it! Frieza!!" Son Goku tried to stop Frieza, but to no avail.

Frieza's brutality is on full display at the moment.

He changed his tail to lock Jimmy's neck, and his fists hit Jimmy's abdomen again and again.

The terrifying power caused Jimmys to spit out a large amount of blood, his breath became sluggish, and he was on the verge of death.

Obviously, Frieza's attack has seriously injured Jimmy, and he only needs to drop him off the ring.

But the ruthless Frieza did not.

He was still torturing Jimmys, seeking the kind of pleasure he wanted.

Every attack was deliberately dodging Jimmy's key points and controlling the power, so that it did not launch a fatal super blow to his body.

Attack after attack, Jimmy was on the verge of collapse, his spirit was broken, his eyes were white, and he had apparently passed out.

".~ It's really boring. I thought this toy would be able to play with this king for a while, but this is because I think this toy too much."" With a sigh, Frieza spread his hands and loosened his tail, and put the dying Jimmys down. .

Immediately afterwards, Frieza raised another foot and stomped on Jimmy's head, just like that, still rubbing back and forth.

Such a brutal act showed his identity as the emperor of evil.

"Frieza, stop now, this guy is dying, if he dies, you will also lose your eligibility to continue the competition because of murder. 35 Jimmy's aura is about to disappear, Son Goku, who is a good man, naturally doesn't. Let Frieza fool around.

At the same time, he was extremely angry with Frieza in his heart.

Although he has high expectations, this guy is still the demon lunatic he used to be.

Nothing has changed, cruel, ruthless, and the most eerie and terrifying monster.

In fact, Son Goku is too conceited.

He doesn't even think what time is it?!

Frieza did it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

By doing this, he can also make the seventh universe's deterrent more powerful, so that no one will bother again.

This is also helping Son Goku, lest someone else come and attack.

"Hmph~! This king will not make such a low-level mistake. It's just that it is one of the joys of this king to ravage these ants and make them feel fear." Without too much explanation, Frieza smiled cruelly and kicked directly. Kicked Jimmys off the ring.

Such an act, even Gods of Destruction would take a deep breath.

The Gods of Destruction·Jerez of the Second Universe was stunned, her eyes fixed on Frieza, with anger in her eyes.

She was disgusted by such existence.

"This Frieza from the Seventh Universe... is such an ugly guy! Even such a guy can participate as a contestant, the Seventh Universe is really hopeless." Jerez couldn't help but issued her criticism.

There is no doubt that if Frieza was her Universe, she would have destroyed it long ago.

The viewing area of ​​the seventh universe.

"That guy Frieza is still the same cruel and (well done) ferocious. This ruthless and resolute method is inferior to even me as a Gods of Destruction." Beerus couldn't help expressing emotion towards Frieza.

This guy, in a sense, is more fit to be Gods of Destruction than any of them.

Evil, pure evil!

However, he's also the kind of person who is the least likely to be Gods of Destruction, because once he becomes Gods of Destruction, Universe is really going to be messed up.

"I have to say, it seems that it was because of Beerus-sama's relationship, which caused Frieza to intensify. Now this appearance is also in line with his identity as an emperor. Gods of Destruction in other universes are all shocked by his methods." Whis With a slight smile, he explained.

Hearing this, Beerus recalled what happened back then.

I chose Frieza for convenience.

"Hum~! Anyway, it doesn't matter what happens, as long as we can eliminate other Universe players without breaking the rules, that's in our favor! Beerus put on an expression like Frieza will be fine.

In his opinion, Frieza actually has a very clear purpose, as long as their Universe can survive, no matter what means are feasible!

Vile? Abominable? Evil?

So what? Noon!

Winning is the key!

If you lose, you really have nothing.

The viewing area of ​​the sixth universe.

"The Frieza of the Seventh Universe...not only looks similar to Frost, but his methods are much more cruel than that of Frost's sinister villain. I didn't expect Beerus to invite such a dangerous guy to the competition. Cut~~! Really I can't come to the table. After seeing Frieza's behavior, 99 Champa said involuntarily.

Disdain is his greatest performance now.

For him, it was the jumping beam clown.

"Although they are very similar, our Universe's Frost is far worse than him. If Frost can compare with this Frieza, our Universe's overall strength will be improved. Vados said on the side. .

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