
When he heard the other party say the word"big snake", the cutting king nodded, with a hint of awe in his tone. He looked at the king and the woman who fell on the ground and was supposed to be his prey with some reluctance, and then left quickly. down the block and disappeared into the shadows

"OK, was it successful?"

"What were they talking about just now?"

"do not care.....At least the risk of combat is avoided."

The king breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, and his heartbeat gradually slowed down.

He lowered his head and looked at the woman on the ground. She seemed to have passed out now.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The king leaned down and shook the other party slightly.

At the same time, he was able to see the other party's appearance carefully.

This woman had rare long blue wavy hair and was wearing a white dress. The curves of her figure are completely outlined, but it seems that there are many frayed spots under the skirt due to her hasty escape.

She wears glasses, but she obviously has a very delicate face. 3

"I, am I not dead?"

As if she heard King's call, the woman slowly opened her eyes and looked at King with a confused look, but in the next second, a surprised expression appeared on her face.


"The weirdo is gone and it's okay."

King said slowly.

But before he could finish his words, the woman hugged him directly, buried her head in his arms and cried bitterly.

"Really, really grateful......"

"I thought I was dead....."

"Thanks to you, Lord King!"

"I, my name is Sykes, I don’t know how to thank Lord King....."2

The woman who called herself Sikes burst into tears. While speaking, her body pressed closer to the king.

Just when she was about to express her gratitude to King again, she didn't expect King to stand up directly.

"It's my duty to fight off the weirdos, there's no need to thank me."

King said calmly,

"I have more important things to do now."

What king is referring to is that he has to rush back to his previous residence to rescue his other gaming peripherals.

For king, there is nothing more important than this, so he doesn't want to continue to waste time in this place.

No By the time Sikes reacted, the king had already strode away.

"Really, it messed up my plan."

Sykes looked at King's retreating figure, but a malicious smile appeared on his face, and his eyes narrowed, like a strange poisonous snake.

She is a person with super powers, and the former Sykes was because of Through the third eye, she predicted a desperate future, which gave her the idea of destroying all mankind.

Therefore, Sykes secretly created and gathered a large number of weirdos, secretly forming the Weird Association, lurking in the desert. The known underground city of Z is waiting for the opportunity to completely exterminate human society. 3

However, no one in the Weird Association knows the true identity of Sykes. She usually hides in a secret room 1,500 meters underground. Sikes created a powerful weirdo named Orochi, and remotely controlled a flesh-and-blood puppet named Da Jiongyan with super powers, secretly controlling the actions of the Weird Association. The Sarcoma who just ordered the Cutting King to retreat was also secretly controlled by Sikes. No one knows about these things.

The Heroes Association will definitely become a huge obstacle in Sykes' plan and must be eliminated, and just when Sykes is preparing to spend a long time laying out the plan to eliminate the Heroes Association. At that time, she learned about King's existence. Rumors about King quickly spread among the weirdos association, and almost all the weirdos heard about the existence of King, who was known as the strongest hero on the surface.

Sikes was extremely fearful, especially after seeing King's power in the martial arts competition on live TV, Sikes was even more sure that King was a huge threat.

However, Sikes was also very curious about King's true strength. I knew that King had reservations during the martial arts competition, so I prepared to reveal his true identity to contact King and learn more about King.

Maybe I would also have the opportunity to transform King into a weirdo and win him over to his Weird Association. In this way, their strength will be further improved.

Only humans can do this kind of thing. If they directly dispatch cadre-level weirdos from the association, they may not only be eliminated by the king. Since the Monster Association is still in the development stage, Sykes does not want to take the risk of exposing his plan now, so today Sykes deliberately ordered the Cutting King to attack the city as Da Jiongyan to create a relationship between himself and himself. opportunity to contact king.

According to Sykes' plan, after king 'rescued' himself, he would use the name of repaying his kindness to get closer to king. While obtaining information about the other party, he might also be able to King was lured into the territory of the Weird Association.

1 In this case, it would be much more convenient to get rid of King or win him over as his companion.

But King did not give Sykes any chance and left directly. This disrupted Sikes's plans

"Don't worry, I have plenty of time."

Sikes smiled slightly, stood up, and the dust on his body automatically fell to the ground.

"But what on earth is this guy King busy with?"......

At around eight o'clock in the evening, King returned to Fubuki's home.

He had just secretly returned to his previous residence. Although the place was surrounded by a construction team, King still rushed to rescue his game console, figurines and some clothes before they officially started work the next day, and put them in into the huge new backpack I bought.

At this point in time, the weight of so many things cannot be ignored for King. When he returned to Fubuki's house, King felt that he was shaky and about to faint.

"King, are you back?"

Fubuki quickly walked out of the room and cast her eyes on the king.

"Why are you back so late? And I just received a notification that a ghost-level monster is appearing in the city......."

【PS: It will be released next Friday, please support me. 】1

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