The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1056: Zhang Qi Gongzi

Fang Mingyuan was very angry, and roared: "Huo Yuanzhen, you dare to insult me ​​like this, do you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed? I think you are a woman, and you don't say anything before, don't shame you. Fight, I haven't put you in my eyes yet!"

"Of course, the Fang family has been shamelessly famous for so many years, I am definitely not your opponent!" Huo Yuanzhen sneered: "But, have you ever played Lian Wanxiong?"

"Lian Wanxiong?" Fang Mingyuan's expression changed, then he turned his head and looked around, and said in a deep voice, "He... is he here?"

Even Wan Xiong is now ranked tenth on the top ranking list, and his reputation is growing, as everyone in the capital knows. Although Fang Mingyuan is strong, he also knows that there is a gap between himself and the Tianban.

Huo Yuanzhen said: "He is not here..."

Fang Mingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and Huo Yuanzhen continued, "However, he is not far from here. He still has some things to deal with. After dealing with these things, do you think he will come to you?"

Fang Mingyuan's expression suddenly changed. After thinking about it for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said: "Huo Yuanzhen, this is the capital city, and the capital city has the rules of the capital city. You entered the capital city, you have already exceeded it, and you want to make a second in the capital city. You really think that you are alone. Two, can they run rampantly in the capital?"

"I didn't plan to be aggressive in the capital, I just planned to kill you!" Huo Yuanzhen said coldly: "Why, do you think that based on your popularity, the land gods in the capital, will help you? Not to mention, this The second thing you did is so despicable and shameless. Who wants to help you, isn't it running to make a fool of yourself?"

Fang Mingyuan was extremely angry, and Huo Yuanzhen's words completely blocked the way of others. At this time, even if some land immortals had good acquaintances with him, they couldn't help him. If you help him, wouldn't it be as shameless as him? After all, he sneaked an attack on a venerable person behind his back, and it was really not good to spread it out!

After gritting his teeth, Fang Mingyuan said solemnly: "Huo Yuanzhen, I know you have Lian Wanxiong behind you. But don't think that our Fang family will really be afraid of you. Don't forget, our Fang family once came out. After seven land immortals, my eldest brother is still there, but he has never returned. Although Lian Wanxiong is the tenth in the sky list, he may not be my elder brother's opponent!"

"Then call your big brother back!" Huo Yuanzhen said directly.

"You..." Fang Mingyuan was extremely angry, but in the end he couldn't refute it. His elder brother is not there, but Lian Wanxiong is indeed in the capital. If he really fights, he must be dangerous!

"Huo Yuanzhen, are you really going to make enemies with our Fang family for this little person?" Fang Mingyuan gritted his teeth.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Huo Yuanzhen replied bluntly: "What's wrong with the little man? The little man is not a human life? Can you trample on him at will?"

Su Yang looked speechless in the distance, Grandma Huo, how can you speak like this? I'm still listening here, why am I a little person?

Fang Ming was trembling with anger. As a land immortal, it was easy for him to kill Su Yang. Unexpectedly, Huo Yuanzhen inserted a bit here, but Huo Yuanzhen was backed by Lian Wanxiong, which made him afraid.

However, what can he do now for this? Huo Yuanzhen's aggressive momentum made him extremely angry. In this matter, if he just accepts it, will the Fang family's reputation drop again in the future?

However, if he refuses to accept the softness, he will stand up with Huo Yuanzhen. With Huo Yuanzhen's character, she must be here to fight him on the spot. And once Huo Yuanzhen starts a fight with him, it will definitely attract Lian Wanxiong, and he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

Fang Mingyuan was extremely troubled, and he didn't know how to deal with this matter.

Just when Fang Mingyuan was hesitant, an ordinary car came slowly in the distance. The driver was an old man with white beard and hair, and sitting behind was a middle-aged man.

"Master, here it is." The old man said softly.

The middle-aged man nodded slowly, got out of the car, and walked straight over.

The sudden appearance of this middle-aged man did not attract the attention of many people. However, Fang Mingyuan saw him, and Fang Mingyuan's complexion suddenly changed, and his body began to tremble slightly involuntarily.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Mingyuan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Seven brothers, you are here!"

Everyone around was stunned. This middle-aged man seemed to be about the same age as Fang Mingyuan. However, everyone knew that Fang Mingyuan was a land immortal, and his age on the outside could not be seen at all.

Fang Mingyuan is the fifth uncle of the third elder of the Fang family, which shows how old this person is. In fact, Fang Mingyuan is over 130 years old, and his age is extremely high.

However, why does he have to be so respectful to this middle-aged man, and he is also called Brother Seven? Could it be that this middle-aged man is also a land immortal?

Huo Yuanzhen also saw this middle-aged man, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

The middle-aged man nodded towards Fang Mingyuan, walked straight to Huo Yuanzhen, nodded slightly, then looked at the people in Qinghe College, clasped his fists and said, "Teachers, long time no see!"

The teachers nodded one after another, and the instructor nodded and said, "Master Zhang Qi, my father is good!"

"Thank you, my father is well." The middle-aged man chuckled lightly.

Su Yang was even more surprised when he was standing here. The identities of these teachers at Qinghe College should not be simple. But, what is the situation with this young Master Zhang Qiu being so polite? What is the identity of this seventh son?

Master Zhang Qi also turned his attention to Su Yang at this time. He looked Su Yang up and down and said with a faint smile: "This is Mr. Su Yang. It is indeed a well-deserved reputation. Mr. Su, it is really the Dragon Wind among people. !"

Su Yang was even more puzzled. The Seventh Young Master had heard of his own name? Does he know his identity? But, what exactly is this person here for? He is Fang Mingyuan's seventh brother, isn't he here to seek revenge?

However, Su Yang also clasped his fists in response, and he still had to have basic courtesy.

Young Master Zhang Qi smiled slightly, turned his head to look at the Fang family, and said loudly: "My father asked me to come over and say a word, Fang Ping was not killed by Su Yang, the Fang family should not seek revenge from Su Yang. Moreover, Qinghe College is a place outside the Fang and cannot be disturbed by others. Therefore, my father hopes that the Fang family can return first. For Fang Ping's matter, investigate clearly, and then make a decision. You should not vent your personal anger indiscriminately, so as to avoid innocent casualties! "

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone at the Fang family was anxious.

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