The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1062: Su Yang's hint

Zhao Dongming didn't stay in Su Yang for long, and left after chatting a few words.

When he returned to his dormitory, Zhao Dongming's expression immediately became gloomy.

Standing next to Zhao Dongming was one of his closest associates named Tao Yong. Seeing Zhao Dongming's expression, Tao Yong couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Ming, what did this person surname Su say?"

Zhao Dongming has a special trust in Tao Yong, and this person has a very clever mind. He is regarded as a counselor of Zhao Dongming, so Zhao Dongming basically does not hide anything from him.

Zhao Dongming also told Tao Yong what happened to Su Yang just now.

After listening, Tao Yong's brows suddenly frowned. He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "This Su Yang, he is hinting at us."

Zhao Dongming nodded slowly: "Yes, he is hinting at us, let us pay attention to the Chen family."

"But, he hinted that we didn't make much sense." Tao Yong said: "This matter is always between him and the Chen family and the Fang family. Even if we know that the Chen family did it, we will not help him. what……"

Zhao Dongming shook his head: "You are wrong. He didn't intend to let us help him. On the contrary, his purpose is just to let us know the Chen family!"

"What do you mean?" Tao Yong asked in surprise.

Zhao Dongming looked at Tao Yong and said softly: "Su Yang actually wanted to use our mouth to spread the news and let the Fang family know about it. Therefore, let the Fang family transfer the target to the Chen family. Use the hands of the Fang family to consume the strength of the Chen family!"

Tao Yong's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "Don't tell me, it's really possible. This surnamed Su, he alone is definitely not an opponent of the Chen family. Moreover, since the Chen family has already taken action, he must fight back. Therefore, he can only do everything he can to deal with the Chen Family by using all available power. If the Fang Family knows that Fang Ping was killed by the Chen Family, the Fang Family will definitely not give up. This is just right. He has achieved his goal!"

After that, Tao Yong looked at Zhao Dongming again and said in a low voice: "However, this surname Su is too shameless. Tell us this news, just want to use us to spread the news. This matter, We can't help him!"

"Why don't you help him?" Zhao Dongming said softly.

"Huh?" Tao Yong couldn't help but stared at Zhao Dongming in surprise: "This is his Su Yang's business, it has nothing to do with us, why should we help him..."

"Where is the Chen family?" Zhao Dongming whispered, "The relationship between the Chen family and us is not particularly good!"

Tao Yong was silent for a moment, and the Chen family had a bad relationship with them. Zhao Dongming had been insulted by the Chen family before. Zhao Dongming wanted to retaliate against the Chen family, that was for sure.

Zhao Dongming walked to the window and whispered: "Send the news, but don't be too obvious, do you know what to do?"

Tao Yong nodded and hesitated: "Brother Ming, if we do this, don't we mean that we are helping that surnamed Su do things? This Su Yang is also very cunning and has to be guarded!"

"This person must be guarded, but the matter between me and him is limited to this Qinghe Academy." Zhao Dongming smiled lightly: "My teacher father came forward to help him solve this matter, and now he, He has the brand of my master, which he cannot get rid of. Therefore, those people will definitely treat him as someone on my side, and even before he enters the advanced class, they will try to deal with him. Oh, isn’t this the result we want?"

Tao Yong's eyes lit up, which is true. What they want is that Su Yang can consume the strength of those people!

Lu Donglin did not say, this person must know Su Yang's identity, and this person is not that easy to deceive. However, Ge Kaiyang is different from Wu Feizhi.

If Su Yang can consume the power of these two people first, then the next thing will be much easier.


Nothing happened overnight. Early the next morning, Zhao Jun took the list and searched all the dormitories.

Although Zhao Jun's injuries were not light yesterday, they recovered that night after using Su Yang's elixir. Not only that, Su Yang's medicine also changed their physique and made their bodies stronger, which is a blessing in disguise.

Now, even the dark horse has completely followed Su Yang with his people. The people around Su Yang have risen to thirty or forty people, which can be regarded as a small force.

In fact, with Su Yang's current identity and strength, he should be able to gather more people. However, most of the people in the school had a bad relationship with Su Yang, so they couldn't follow Su Yang. Secondly, many people feel that Su Yang is too domineering and will definitely attract advanced classes to deal with. Therefore, many people are unwilling to follow Su Yang, and are even waiting to see how Su Yang is driven out of school.

But if anyone on the list did not leave Qinghe College, they would be beaten by them and then thrown out of Qinghe College. And this list is the list of those who were in the gym before.

There are almost a thousand people, most of whom have left Qinghe College before last night. However, there is still a small group of people who, with a fluke, feel that Su Yang can't remember everyone, so they stay in school for the time being.

As a result, these people were found one by one by Zhao Jun, and after clearing up, they threw them out of the school.

During this process, although many people were dissatisfied with Zhao Jun and the others, they did not dare to resist. No way, the strength that Su Yang showed before was really terrifying. Even the Fang family came to Qinghe College in person, and eventually came back with much frustration. Who would dare to fight Su Yang against the members of these lower-level classes?

Su Yang stayed in the dormitory. He didn't follow Zhao Jun and the others to do this. He was still busy feeding Little Turtle and Little Huang.

After defrauding Xiao Huang's bronze rubbings before, Xiao Huang's appetite surged in revenge. Every meal is twice as much as before, and the elixir is tripled.

Coupled with the elixir that the little turtle eats every day, although Su Yang has a lot of stock here, it is about to bottom out. If he eats at this rate, Su Yang's elixir will not last long.

Fortunately, Su Yang has set up the Alliance of Miraculous Doctors to receive all kinds of elixir from everyone in the world.

Before the major medical sects were also collecting elixir, but before they used money to collect it, the effect was not good. After all, to some big power and big families, money is actually nothing at all.

Now the Magic Doctor Alliance exchanges the pill that they have refined, and the effect of collecting the elixir is much better. Jiang Zier contacted Su Yang two days ago, and the first batch of elixir received will be sent to Qinghe College soon.

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