The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1075: Eight coffins

After the remaining people were thrown out of Qinghe College, Zhao Jun immediately ran to the teaching office and reported the current situation in the school to the dean.

Now there are only more than 70 people left in the low-level classes in the school, which is less than the number of the advanced classes. By convention, people like them can directly advance to the advanced class, only waiting for the notice from the school.

The dean was still the same, but when Zhao Jun saw him again, he didn't dare to neglect the slightest. You know, when Su Yang was fighting with Fang's family at the school gate, the dean of teaching brought several teachers to show up. The scene was very shocking.

In fact, the students in the school did not pay attention to the dean. After all, it is common in this school to fight each other. Besides, everyone here is competing with each other. If you don't fight, how can you keep it till the end? Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, the position of the dean of teaching is imaginary, and no one will look at the dean of teaching at all.

But now it’s different. Now everyone knows that none of the teachers in the school is simple. Some people even suspect that Yuan Tiangang and Wu Daozi, the two old lamps, are also big players in the game.

But, think about what these two old lamps did before, and how they fleeed desperately when they were collecting debts by those little gangsters outside the school, and they were blocked in a small alley and beaten up. The image of these two old lamps in everyone's mind immediately dropped again.

Therefore, people now have the same feeling in their hearts: every teacher in this school is not simple, except the two old lamps!

Wu Daozi and Yuan Tiangang must have fished in troubled waters in this school. Otherwise, how could they teach such a biased subject, and no one has ever gone to them to study?

After listening to Zhao Jun’s report, the director nodded slowly: "I know, I will report it to the school, so please continue to class."

"Okay!" Zhao Jun retreated respectfully, daring not to say a word.

If it were before the change, he would definitely say that there are more than 70 students left in the lower-level classes in the school. What classes are there? Two or three students in a class?

Zhao Jun left the teaching office, and the teaching director got up and left the teaching office. He walked through the school alone, through the dormitory area, and came to the teachers' building at the back.

Walking into the teacher's building, the dean did not go upstairs, but went straight into the basement.

The basement is very dark, and almost no one will run into this basement.

The dean walked along the passage in the basement to the last room.

The door of the room was locked, the instructor unlocked the door and walked in. The room was even darker, with many old equipment in it, which looked like a warehouse.

The dean of instruction walked all the way to the end of the room. He reached out and tapped on the white wall, and a hole appeared in the ground. The instructor jumped into the hole, and the hole quickly closed again, as if it had never appeared before.

The instructor kept landing for tens of meters, and finally landed on the ground.

Below this is a spacious stone room, and the dean is now standing in the middle of the stone room. And around the stone room, there are eight coffins, and the lid of each coffin is closed.

The instructor swept across these coffins, sighed lightly, and said in a low voice: "Everyone, this time the battle is not over yet, but Qinghe College has encountered a problem that has never occurred, and I cannot decide alone. So, just If you can disturb the heroic spirits, please help you choose one or two."

When the instructor finished speaking, he bent over and bowed and waited quietly.

After a long time, one of the coffins suddenly heard a light click. Immediately afterwards, the other seven coffins also heard soft noises.

The dean could not help but congratulate, and said respectfully: "Thank you!"

When he raised his head, the lids of the eight coffins had been slowly opened. No one came out inside, but the coffin was shining with bursts of light, as if answering the instructor.

The dean did not neglect, took a deep breath, and quickly explained the current situation of Qinghe College, and finally whispered: "Since the establishment of Qinghe College, there have been various situations in lower-level classes, but never once. As it is now. Less than two months after school started, there are only more than 70 people left in the lower-level classes. You know, the reason why the lower-level classes are lower-level classes is mainly because the people in the lower-level classes are all ordinary people. Such a special situation has never happened. Those who are really strong will be selected by those people, enter the advanced class in advance, become special enrollment students, and will not enter the lower class. Even if there are really strong people who enter the lower class The class will also be selected in advance and sent to the advanced class in advance. Therefore, this situation has never happened before, and I don’t know how to choose for a while!"

After saying this, the dean of instruction bent down again.

The light shining slowly among the eight coffins, as if thinking about what the dean said.

After a while, a voice came from one of the coffins: "Why, this person was not selected..."

The voice was halted, as if it had accumulated a lot of power to speak out.

The dean hurriedly said: "During this period of time, most of our people went to participate in the Heavenly War. I originally planned to wait for them to come back and discuss this matter with them. As a result, I didn't expect it. , Su Yang, shot so quickly..."

The light in the eight coffins shined again. The dean of instruction waited for a while and couldn't help but whispered: "Our bet with those people has been lost seven times in a row. In the battle of heaven, those people have already failed to work. Our efforts are getting harder and harder. If we continue like this, I’m afraid we...we really can’t hold it anymore. We really need a victory to help us stabilize the situation! More than 3,000 people have been beaten Su Yang was so disturbed, and in the end there were only more than 70 people left, who were not screened by us at all. How many people can be selected from these more than 70 people?"

Having said that, the dean paused and whispered a little hesitantly: "Or, let's re-enroll students?"

"No!" This time, a decisive answer came from one of the coffins.

The light of the other seven coffins was also shining, and it seemed that they were still thinking about it.

"But, if we lose again this time..." The dean looked embarrassed.

"If you lose or lose, but as a human being, you have to say what you say!" The voice in the coffin was also intermittent: "Don't leave words for those people!"

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