The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1113: Lu Donglin's background

Su Yang's sudden shot shocked everyone on the scene.

Everyone thought that Su Yang was finished, who could have imagined that Su Yang actually rose up, and was so badly injured Xie Kuang, this was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi, who were fighting against Lu Donglin, were confused. Who could have thought of such a situation.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Dongming suddenly shouted: "Brother Su, you are not injured? Great, hurry up, the three of us, together to defeat Lu Donglin, this is the best chance!"

Su Yang ignored it and suddenly took a step, and the dark clouds above his head gathered again.

"Su Yang, what are you doing!" Wu Feizhi was anxious: "We are a group, our enemy is Lu Donglin, don't make a mistake!"

"Brother Su, defeating Lu Donglin is our goal. Come and help!" Zhao Dongming was also shouting, "Lu Donglin wants to take Miss Hu. You have to protect Miss Hu!"

"You two don't need to shout, it's useless to shout to break your throat!" Lu Donglin sneered: "Zhao Dongming, Wu Feizhi, do you think that your little secret can be kept from everyone? Su Yang and I have long been I know that you two are colluding together. This is our plan. Today, it is not us who will break down, but you two!"

"What!?" The two exclaimed at the same time.

At this time, Su Yang had already started. Several times of sky thunder fell from the sky, and the thunderbolt smashed towards those people who thanked Kuang below.

The strength of these people is not weak, and they have taken action to resist the thunder.

Su Yang no longer had any hiding this time, Mo Tun Tian Xia made a strong move, and a huge phantom rose up behind him, constantly devouring the power of these people.

Although the sky thunder consumes a lot of power, the power consumed by the sky thunder can be greatly supplemented by the full operation of Su Yang Demon Swallowing the world, and the sky thunder is completely continuous.

Finally, someone couldn't hold it, and was bombarded by the sky thunder to the ground.

Wu Feizhi was so anxious that he wanted to turn around and attack Su Yang. However, Lu Donglin had already done his best at this time, leaving him and Zhao Dongming all over there, and neither of them could free up.

Zhao Dongming's expression was also completely cold. He knew that Su Yang had dealt with Wu Feizhi's subordinates, and the next step was to deal with his subordinates.

Lu Donglin's strength far surpassed his expectations. He and Wu Feizhi joined forces, and they were both inextricably fought with Lu Donglin. The two of them couldn't help themselves to protect their own people.

When Su Yang solved the two groups and attacked them again, the two of them would be finished. Tonight, I am afraid that the two groups of them are really wiped out.

Su Yang Tianlei is extremely powerful, and in the end, there are only a few people who can stand on Wu Feizhi's side. Xie Kuang was still struggling to support, but his whole body was scorched and it was only a matter of time before he lost.

Su Yang no longer cared about these people at all, just let the thunder keep coming down that day.

Finally, these people all fell to the ground, and they were all scrapped by Su Yang. Next, these people can only leave Qinghe College.

Seeing all his men fall, Wu Feizhi felt like he wanted to vomit blood.

However, he couldn't do anything. Lu Donglin was still entangled, and he could only fight Lu Donglin with twelve points of spirit.

Su Yang solved Wu Feizhi's men, then quickly rushed to the other side, and transferred the target to Zhao Dongming's men.

Still the same as before, these people didn't last long before they were all knocked to the ground by Su Yang.

At this moment, Wu Feizhi and Zhao Dongming have also completely become polished commanders, and there is no one left beside them.

The hearts of the two are like knives, how long have they planned for this moment. They thought that everything was under control, but they didn't expect that it turned out to be such a result in the end, which really made them unacceptable.

"Su Yang, I'm not treating you badly, why are you treating me like this!" Zhao Dongming shouted bitterly.

"Zhao Dongming, don't you feel ashamed to say this?" Su Yang said coldly: "From the time you asked me to hold on for ten minutes, I knew that your goal included me!"

Zhao Dongming's face was gloomy, he didn't need to say anything, because he said nothing more.

"How do you know our plan?" Wu Feizhi said unwillingly.

"Zhao Dongming, Wu Feizhi, you can keep your secrets from others, but can you keep them from me?" Lu Donglin said coldly: "I can step on all the dudes' heads in the capital. You really think that I am just strong enough. Is it strong?"

Wu Feizhi was stunned. He gritted his teeth and said: "I know you have a strong background, but can you be better than Wu Zhuangyuan? Don't forget, Zhao Dongming is Wu Zhuangyuan's apprentice!"

Zhao Dongming sighed: "Don't talk about it!"

"Why?" Wu Feizhi looked surprised, isn't Wu Zhuangyuan's title enough?

"What about Wu Zhuangyuan!" Lu Donglin said coldly: "My uncle has never served Wu Zhuangyuan!"

"Your uncle?" Wu Feizhi couldn't help but stunned: "Who is your uncle?"

Lu Donglin smiled, and he glanced at Wu Feizhi: "You are really ignorant. Looking at the entire China, whose relatives can step on all the faces of the dudes in the capital? How united are these families in the capital when they are outside. I stepped on so many people in the capital, why no one dared to deal with me?"

Wu Feizhi was stunned, this is also a question he has been puzzled by. He guessed that Lu Donglin's background was very strong, but Wu Feizhi really couldn't guess who his background was.

Seeing Wu Feizhi like this, Zhao Dongming finally couldn't help it, and whispered: "His uncle is the God of War in Beigong!"

"What!?" Wu Feizhi exclaimed.

Su Yang was also taken aback in the distance. He only knew that Lu Donglin had a strong background, but he did not know that Lu Donglin turned out to be the nephew of the God of War of the North Palace.

Su Yang has studied the situation of the God of War in the North Palace. This person suffered major changes in his family in his early years and almost everyone died tragically. And he never married and had no heirs. It is said that the only relative who survived was his sister.

However, this younger sister died earlier, as if she had gone through a love change and she was gone when she was very young. Apart from that, he has no more family members.

Unexpectedly, his sister, still left a son, Lu Donglin!

In this way, Lu Donglin was the only relative of the God of War of Beigong and his only descendant.

Under such circumstances, Lu Donglin is equivalent to the son of the God of War of Beigong.

Not to mention that Lu Donglin stepped on the faces of all the dudes in the capital. With the strength of the Beigong God of War, Lu Donglin provokes the Wu champion, and the Beigong God of War dared to pull off the tiger's whiskers!

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