The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1117: The meaning of the top ten

"How is her situation?" Lu Donglin asked.

Su Yang looked at Hu Xixi and said softly, "It's okay, it will be fine after a few days of rest."

Lu Donglin breathed a sigh of relief. He and Su Yang jointly decided this plan tonight. However, when such a thing happened, Hu Xixi suffered such bad luck, and he was very sorry.

Knowing that Hu Xixi's life is not in danger, he has nothing to worry about.

"Where is Zhao Jun?" Su Yang asked suddenly.

Su Yangneng and Lu Donglin made plans in advance, entirely because of Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun was persuaded by Su Yang. After leaving Qinghe College, he immediately called home, especially his brother to announce the good news.

As a result, the news shocked his brother.

And it just so happened that his brother was one of Beigong's many subordinates.

After the news spread, it naturally reached Lu Donglin's ears.

Lu Donglin asked people to contact Zhao Jun and asked what happened in Qinghe College.

After that, he contacted Su Yang through Zhao Jun to make this plan.

Speaking of which, Su Yang and Lu Donglin's plan was also the result of Zhao Jun's tie in between.

Without Zhao Jun, Su Yang and Lu Donglin, who had not met so far, naturally there would be no such plan.

Before Su Yang took Hu Xixi to the small restaurant, Lu Donglin announced that he would let Su Yang hand over Hu Xixi and Huo Qianfang. In fact, they were both acting and played for Wu Feizhi and Zhao Dongming. The two people felt that the contradiction between Su Yang and Lu Donglin was irreconcilable, and the outcome was bound to be decided.

Even the match between Su Yang and Lu Donglin in the small restaurant was also for Zhao Dongming to estimate Su Yang's strength and how long Su Yang could last under Lu Donglin's hands. Therefore, Zhao Dongming only gave a ten-minute deadline.

Later, when the fight really started, Su Yang and Lu Donglin fought in the air, and no one could see how the two of them fought. In fact, the two people were just acting in the air, and the huge sound was just made by them, and there was no actual confrontation at all.

When Su Yang landed, it was just acting, making these people mistakenly believe that Su Yang was defeated, so they took action against Lu Donglin.

Su Yang seized the opportunity to kill Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi's men.

The original plan was for Su Yang and Lu Donglin to join forces again to defeat Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi to completely solve the matter.

As a result, the appearance of Ge Kaiyang directly affected the entire battle, causing Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi to take the opportunity to escape. Their plan can only be regarded as half the success.

Fortunately, Xiao Huang appeared in the end and knocked down Ge Kaiyang, otherwise, this time the situation would only be more troublesome.

"He has already gone back." Lu Donglin said: "This matter will be found out soon. I asked him to go to my uncle, so that no one can hurt him!"

Su Yang nodded, Zhao Jun was considered his friend, and, for playing such an important role in this matter, Su Yang certainly couldn't let him be in any danger.

Zhao Dongming, Wu Feizhi and Ge Kaiyang are both very insidious people. Dealing with these three people, of course, cannot be taken lightly.

"Tomorrow night, I can recover 70% of my strength, I can help you stop one!" Su Yang said.

"No." Lu Donglin shook his head: "I am enough."

Su Yang glanced at Lu Donglin and had to say that Lu Donglin's strength was indeed very strong. When Su Yang met him for the first time, the two competed, and Su Yang is indeed not his opponent.

However, it is not easy for Lu Donglin to play against Zhao Dongming, Wu Feizhi and Ge Kaiyang alone.

"After this game is over, I will leave Qinghe College." Lu Donglin said: "Next, the advanced class of Qinghe College will be handed over to you."

"Why?" Su Yang couldn't help being stunned. Lu Donglin's words were too sudden. He has been busy for so long and everything has been resolved, why did he leave? Isn't he going to take the top ten in the advanced class?

"My purpose in entering Qinghe College is to defeat Zhao Dongming and the people in Beijing!" Lu Donglin said, "As for other things, it has nothing to do with me, and I don't need it either."

"Then you stay, at least you can become the top ten in the advanced class." Su Yang said: "It won't take long."

"It does not take long to become the top ten in the advanced class, but the problem is that it will take a long time afterwards." Lu Donglin said, "I don't want to waste time on this."

"Huh?" Su Yang was surprised, what did this mean?

Lu Donglin looked at Su Yang's stunned expression and was also stunned: " don't know what it means to be the top ten in the senior class, do you?"

"I don't know!" Su Yang replied directly, of course he didn't know.

"Then what are you doing at Qinghe College?" Lu Donglin asked in surprise.

"Because a close relative asked me to come." Su Yang paused: "What does it mean to be the top ten in the advanced class? Why are so many people fighting?"

"Looking at what you said like this, you don't even know what Qinghe College is!" Lu Donglin said.

Su Yang shook his head. Of course he didn't know it. This was the secret he always wanted to know.

"Qinghe College is actually a place to select talents." Lu Donglin said: "The people who eventually become the top ten in the advanced class will be sent to ten sects and become the descendants of these ten sects."

Su Yang was stunned. It was the first time he heard about this.

"Ten sects, which ten sects are they?" Su Yangqi said.

"There are ten sects of the world, and they are all extremely powerful sects." Lu Donglin said: "These ten sects are all places where law enforcement cannot get involved. I don't know much, listen to me My uncle occasionally talked about a few of them, such as Qianxue Palace, Xiantian Sect, Dawei Longmen, etc. Anyway, they were all sects that did not appear outside the world."

Su Yang was stunned, he had never heard of these sects. However, Lu Donglin said that the law enforcers could not get involved in this sentence, but he was very shocked.

What a powerful sect would be a place that even law enforcement officers can't get involved? That is the place where the strength is not weaker than that of the Yanbei Su family!

No wonder so many people want to be the top ten in the advanced class. If they can become the top ten in the advanced class, they can enter these ten sects and become their descendants. In other words, to be able to cultivate among these sects that even law enforcement officials cannot get involved, can the attraction be weak?

Such a sect, whether it is the cultivation of secret skills, cultivation resources, or background strength, is an existence against the sky. Who can not envy or want it?

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