The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1130: Hu Xixi's mother

Huo Yuanzhen nodded in satisfaction and glared at Su Yang: "Hey, boy, what did you mean by that just now, do you show mercy to the man named Chen?"

Su Yang couldn't help but stunned: "You... did you see me competing with her?"

"From the beginning to the end!" Huo Yuanzhen said angrily: "Your kid's shot is too damn, right? Just this girl movie, you can beat her half to death the first time you shot, mother-in-law beat her for a long time, and finally this one In the end, what do you mean? Are you planning to pity Xiangxiyu?"

"I... I didn't mean that..." Su Yang couldn't help but feel embarrassed, what kind of fairy Huo Yuanzhen is, she is simply a demon, the one who can't chat.

Huo Yuanzhen said: "What does not mean this, it does not mean that. I tell you, this kind of woman, don't show her face. At first glance, the family is spoiled, and you should just let her She suffered a big loss and she will be honest in the future."

Su Yang lowered his head and couldn't speak, and Lu Donglin even looked to the side, pretending to not understand at all.

Lu Donglin is not usually like this. How strong the God of War of the North Palace is, and the development of Lu Donglin is also very strong. However, in the face of Huo Yuanzhen, Lu Donglin couldn't be strong at all.

Because even the God of War in Beigong respected Huo Yuanzhen very much, not to mention Lu Donglin.

Huo Yuanzhen's strength is average, how strong the North Palace God of War, only on strength, he would not fear Huo Yuanzhen at all. He really respected Huo Yuanzhen because of some things that Huo Yuanzhen had done before and he had to obey. And Lu Donglin's weakness in front of Huo Yuanzhen is also because of this.

Huo Yuanzhen complained a few words, glanced at Lu Donglin and stared: "What are you still doing here? Are you going to overhear us?"

Ordinary people, who would dare to talk to Lu Donglin like this. However, when Huo Yuanzhen said that, Lu Donglin didn't dare to be dissatisfied at all, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Miss Huo, then I'll go first, you talk, you talk."

After that, he ignored Su Yang at all, turned around and ran away, leaving Su Yang and Hu Xixi in the air.

Su Yang was speechless for a while. Where did Lu Donglin's usual loyalty go?

Huo Yuanzhen glanced at Su Yang, then looked at Hu Xixi beside him.

Su Yang's expression changed, and he quickly pulled Hu Xixi behind him, and said awkwardly, "Miss Huo, this matter has nothing to do with her..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Huo Yuanzhen interrupted Su Yang directly: "I didn't say anything about looking for her. This little girl is also a pitiful person. I can still eat her if I can't? I said, what's the matter with you? Am I such a cruel and vicious person in your eyes?"

Su Yang was even more speechless. Huo Yuanzhen really couldn't chat.

Hu Xixi's expression was indifferent. She knew that Huo Yuanzhen was Huo Qianfang's grandmother, but she was not afraid at all and looked straight at Huo Yuanzhen.

"Little girl, are you going to Yunvfeng?" Huo Yuanzhen asked directly.

"Yes!" Hu Xixi answered bluntly.

"Can't you go?" Huo Yuanzhen asked.

Hu Xixi shook his head, very simply.

"Then you have to think about it." Huo Yuanzhen said: "Once you go to Yunvfeng, you will not be able to marry in this life. If you dare to marry a child, you will end up just like your mother. Catch Yunvfeng back, you can never step out of Yunvfeng!"

"What!?" Hu Xixi's expression changed drastically. She only heard from her father that her mother had returned to Yunvfeng, but she didn't know these things.

"Do you really think that the world's outer sects are the same as public toilets. You can enter when you want to enter, and you can leave if you want to go out?" Huo Yuanzhen said coldly: "Since it is called the world's outer sects, once you enter, you will be born. In general, everything in this life must be restricted by the rules of the sect. The reason why Yunvfeng is called Yunvfeng is that every descendant must be a Yunv and will never be broken. Once the rules are broken, they will be punished. Luck. Better, future generations can still survive, and those with bad luck, even future generations and their lovers have to die together!"

Hu Xixi's eyes widened: "That...then I..."

Huo Yuanzhen said: "You are lucky, the people of Yunvfeng came out to exercise the rules, wanting to kill your father and you, according to the rules of Zheng Yunvfeng. As a result, they were saved by the passing Su Family Patriarch, and everyone in Yunvfeng was defeated. Forced to swear, no more troubles with you and your father, just bring your mother back to Yunvfeng!"

Hu Xixi couldn't help being stunned. It was the first time she knew about this, and it was the first time she knew that her parents had such experiences.

Su Yang was also astonished: "Patriarch of the Su Family? You mean, the Su Family of Yanbei?"

"Yes!" Huo Yuanzhen nodded.

"The people from the Su family in Yanbei, actually intervened in the affairs of Yunvfeng?" Su Yang said in amazement, "Why would that Yunvfeng give up? This Yunvfeng also belongs to the world's sect, and the place where law enforcement is insurmountable is no better than Yan. Is the Beisu family bad?"

"It is indeed no worse than the Yanbei Su family now, but at that time..." Huo Yuanzhen sneered: "Hmph, Yunvfeng is in front of the Yanbei Su family, what is it!"

Su Yang was stunned: "So, at that time, Yunvfeng's strength was quite weak?"

"You boy, how can you think differently from normal people?" Huo Yuanzhen stared at him: "Why don't you think about it because the Yanbei Su family was strong at that time?"

"Uh..." Su Yang scratched his head: "So, now the strength of the Yanbei Su family has weakened?"

"Yes, Patriarch has changed, can it be weak?" Huo Yuanzhen sighed.

Su Yang didn't know whether he should be happy or speechless. Now the strength of the Yanbei Su family is weaker, which is good news for him.

"So, I have to ask you clearly first." Huo Yuanzhen said: "Your mother, I had a relationship with me back then, and also answered three questions for me. It played a very important role in my practice. .So, I can’t just ignore you. Hu Xixi, if you go to Yunvfeng, or the people at Yunvfeng will not punish you because of the original rules, but you are there, don’t even think about it. It's better. And once you enter Yunvfeng, you don't think about marrying Su Yang anymore. Therefore, you have to think clearly about the stakes in this before making a decision. Don't be too hasty!"

Hu Xixi was dumbfounded. She had never seen her mother since she was a child. The biggest wish in this life is to see her mother. And she finally got to Qinghe College, and, finally, it is possible to see her mother, but she learned such news. How should she choose?

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