The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 123: Can you afford a pair of underwear?

Like Fang Jianhong and Fang Cui, Fang Hui disagrees with Su Yang and Lin Qingru's marriage.

When Su Yang came back, Fang Hui was there for the first meal he went to Lin Qingru's house. At the banquet, she was extremely sarcasm with Su Yang, and didn't save Su Yang at all.

If it wasn't for Lin Zeping to get angry at the end and suppress everyone's sarcasm, they would still not know what vicious words to say.

Now, when the two meet, there is naturally a feeling of an enemy meeting.

Su Yang glanced at Fang Hui and saw what she was wearing. She should be the owner of this store. Su Yang had heard Lin Zeping mentioned before that Fang Hui opened a chain clothing store and Lin Zeping bought all of his clothes here.

Unexpectedly, the store she opened is in this Beixing Mall!

"Why are you here?" Fang Hui said solemnly: "Are you following me?"

Su Yang frowned: "I'm following you? What is your logic?"

"The last time you ate at Qingru's house, you held a grudge against me. Two days ago, my son was cheated by you, right?" Fang Hui said angrily: "You are looking for me again now? Why, do you want revenge? "

Fang Hui only knew that her son Qi Mulin was arrested by the police because of Su Yang. She really didn't know what happened. However, because of this incident, she hated Su Yang even more.

Su Yang looked terribly cold: "You take yourself too high, I didn't come to you!"

"You didn't come to me, then what are you doing in Beixing Shopping Mall?" Fang Hui sneered: "You are not here to tell me, are you here to buy clothes?"

"I came here, of course to buy clothes!" Su Yang said.

"Ha..." Fang Hui smiled suddenly: "Are you here to buy clothes? Su Yang, are you mentally sick?"

"Don't look at this place, you come here to buy clothes? Do you know how much is the cheapest pair of underwear in this mall? I tell you, you can't buy a pair of underwear for two months of living expenses. , Do you dare to come here to buy clothes?"

"Your parents are just ordinary employees of the construction machinery factory. How much money can you make in a month? Is that big hole in your house filled? Why did they squeeze some money out of your teeth and let you spend it here? what?"

Su Yang frowned and said solemnly: "You speak carefully!"

"I need to pay attention to you?" Fang Hui said angrily: "If it wasn't for my brother-in-law to protect you, I would have found someone to take care of you. What are you, you dare to pester my Qingru, you Don’t soak your urine and take photos of your own virtues. You also ran to Beixing Mall to buy clothes. You buy, you buy, can you afford it?"

Su Yang looked terribly cold, and this Fang Hui was definitely the most acrimonious among so many people in the Fang family. Compared to her sister Fang Cui, she is much more bitter and mean.

Most of the blows Su Yang suffered since childhood came from Fang Cui. And what Qi Mulin was against Su Yang in school was also instigated by her behind her back, and the two of them had a lot of grievances.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Boss Fang, why are you so angry?"

Turning his head and looking, only a young man with a greasy face came over with a faint smile.

"Oh, Wu Shao!" Fang Hui's eyes lighted up immediately, and she quickly said: "You are here, great, I want to call you. Our store just got a batch of new products, which is best for you. Why don't you try?"

"Okay!" Wu Shao walked in with a smile, and at the same time glanced at Su Yang, a trace of disdain was wiped from the corner of his mouth.

"Boss Fang, was the threshold of your store too low later?" Wu Shao said leisurely, "Can anyone come in now?"

"Of course not. This is here to beg. How can he buy the clothes in our shop!" Fang Hui quickly said, "Wu Shao, can anyone wear the clothes you wear?"

"It's fine if you know!" Wu Shao said proudly: "When I try on clothes, I don't like people here to get the eyes out. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course, of course!" Fang Hui laughed again and again, walked to Su Yang, stared: "Don't you know what to do? I have to call the security guard to come over?"

Su Yang originally didn't want to stay here, but when he heard the words, he became angry, and said coldly: "Why let me go?"

"Nonsense, what qualifications do you have to come to Beixing Mall!" Fang Hui stared.

"Haha..." Su Yang sneered: "I don't understand, how did you see that I was not qualified to come to Beixing Mall?"

"You are so poor, do you still need to look at it?" Fang Hui said loudly: "I will ask you, can you afford even one piece of the clothes inside? You can't even buy one, come on. Here, I just want to steal things, believe it or not, I will call the police to catch you!"

Su Yang was speechless, this Fang Hui would really put the blame on others. With a few words, Su Yang was said to be a thief again, so what a crime he really wanted to add!

Wu Shao also glanced at Su Yang obliquely, and said, "Hey, Ben Shao buys clothes here and asks you to get out. Is there anything wrong with this? What do you mean by being here? Don't take Ben Shao's words seriously?"

Su Yang was about to speak, when a voice suddenly came from behind: "Hey, Su Yang, let you wait for me, why are you running so far, making me look for you!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, only to see Hu Xixi and Zhao Yu approaching.

Everyone shines, especially Wu Shao. Zhao Yu can be regarded as a beautiful woman, but standing with Hu Xixi, Zhao Yu is set off like an ugly duckling, and he can't compare with Hu Xixi!

Wu Shao came to Nanluo from the county below, and didn't know Hu Xixi's name. Relying on the wealth and power of the family in the county seat, the prosperity of Nanluo City has also risen. After hooking up with Zhao Yu, he has gained some fame in the circle of Nanluo City.

Seeing Hu Xixi now, Wu Shao suddenly felt that he had been in vain for the past twenty years. The women he has played with, or even the women he has ever seen, can't be compared to behaved!

Under all eyes, Hu Xixi walked up to Su Yang and directly gave Su Yang a powder punch: "Dare to let me stay for so long, do you want to taste the rules?"

Wu Shao's eyes are all round, why? Why? Why is such a beautiful woman so affectionate with this poor boy?

Su Yang was speechless and said: "I haven't gone far, this is only a few intersections away from there!"

"Nonsense, such a big shopping mall, walking a few intersections, how can I find you!" Hu Xixi waved his hand: "Don't talk about it, do you have any clothes you chose? Do you like the clothes in this store? Do you want to try out two of them?"

Before Su Yang could speak, Fang Hui sneered directly: "This girl, you must pay attention to what you say. The cheapest clothes in my shop are more than 1,000, and not everyone can try it! "

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