The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1696: Life and death

"Old Ge!" The second elder finally couldn't help it, and said anxiously: "This evil barrier is too strong, and your internal injuries have not healed. Or, let Palace Master Lingxiao do this third palm for you?"

Jade face judge smiled: "It's okay, second elder, I am not a murderer, why should I be too strong?"

While speaking, Jade Mian Judge still shot, and this palm was slapped to the forehead of the God of War of Beigong.

When the Jade face judge was speaking, Beigong's God of War suddenly opened his eyes, and his expression changed in an instant. Seeing the Jade face judge hit this palm, he hurriedly stepped away, trying to avoid the blow.

However, the Jade face judge had already expected all this, and he took a step earlier and grabbed the neck of the God of War of Beigong.

The power of the Beigong God of War and the Jade Mian Judge were in the middle, and the Jade Judge took the lead, and the Beigong War God was seriously injured. At this moment, he couldn't escape, but was slapped on the forehead by the Jade Face judge.

After hitting the third palm, Jade Face Judge took a step back, took the bag in the hands of the Three-eyed Ghost King, threw it to the God of War, and said with a smile: "Bei Gong brother, I always talk and do it. Now, you can gone!"

Everyone in the distance was anxious, and the second elder hurriedly shouted: "Can't let him go!"

Everyone in the four major sects also looked nervously at the God of War in the North Palace, to prevent him from running away.

The God of War of the North Palace did not move. He held the bag tightly, staring at the Jade Mian Judge, and said, "You are so mean!"

"Hahaha..." Jade face judge raised his head and smiled: "Brother Beigong, the so-called soldiers are not tired of fraud. I just said to hit you three times, and I didn't say that I wanted to kill you. You gathered the strength of your whole body to counteract it. The heart of a villain saves the abdomen of a gentleman? I just want to seal the power of your whole body, nothing more, you still cooperate so as to gather all the power of your whole body to seal me, then what can I do?"

Hearing this, everyone below suddenly applauded, and the second elder was extremely excited. They didn't expect that the Jade Mian Judge actually sealed the power of the North Palace God of War. That's it right now. They can then grab the Beigong God of War, first they can force the Beigong God of War to do things for them, and secondly they can use the Beigong God of War to force Su Yang to appear!

The God of War of Bei Gong did not speak, he gritted his teeth, and tremblingly took a step forward. Behind him, a small whirlpool appeared again.

"Brother Beigong, you also forced the Cairo student!" Jade face judge whispered: "You know, at this time, Cairo student, but at the cost of your own life. Moreover, you simply leave. You can't drop it, you should understand!"

The War God of Bei Gong did not speak, and after opening Rashomon, he threw the bag in his hand tremblingly.

The bag entered the center of the whirlpool and quickly disappeared, and the War God of Bei Gong was also staggered, and the whirlpool disappeared.

During the whole process, the Jade face judge did not stop him. The God of War of Beigong is basically a waste now, and he can't run, so what is the point of sending away his sister's bones? What they want is the Beigong God of War. If this person stays, nothing else matters!

"Brother Beigong, now, you can have nothing to worry about!" Jade face judge smiled: "Well, are you willing to surrender to our heavenly court?"

The God of War of the North Palace did not speak, he slowly backed up several steps, and suddenly he let out a roar like a beast, and his whole body began to tremble.

Jade face judge's complexion changed directly, and he hurriedly flew towards the God of War of the North Palace.

However, after all, he was still a step slower, and the body of the Beigong War God suddenly burst into light, instantly enveloping the Beigong War God.

Even though he was as strong as a jade-faced judge, he was directly rushed out by this light, and he couldn't get close at all.

These luminosity are in the body of the Beigong God of War, one after another, like a cocoon, and the Beigong War God is firmly enveloped in it.

Everyone around was watching all this, only to see that the light became more and more prosperous, and the War God of Beigong was also wrapped more and more tightly.

The Heavenly Sword Peak Master has also recovered a lot now, his face is full of anger, suddenly he clenched a long knife, and rushed over.

"Never!" Jade face judge hurriedly stopped him, and said in a deep voice: "These rays of light are all the powers of the Beigong God of War, and he has released all these powers now. The current Beigong War God is a useless person. But , These forces around him will firmly protect him. No matter how you attack him, the attacking power will bounce back. Unless your power is more than ten times stronger than him, you will never be able to break this light cocoon."

"Really?" The Heavenly Sword Peak Master stopped, frowning and said: "What kind of exercise is he?"

"This should be the unique secret method of Beigong War God's cultivation. I have seen some records before." Jade face judge said solemnly: "He is doing this now, which is equivalent to starting to cultivate life and death. In this case, it is to change the body. Become a dead person, the power condenses around him. Unless he can break through the life and death barrier in death, he will sleep like this forever. After decades, these forces will be exhausted, then he will be completely dead. Up!"

"Life and death!?" Tiandao Peak Master frowned, "What if he wakes up?"

"Then his strength will have a qualitative sublimation, reaching an unattainable height!" Jade face judge said.

"Huh?" The Heavenly Sword Peak Master was a little anxious: "Then how to stop him?"

"This can't be stopped!" Jade face judge paused: "However, don't worry. If the life and death barrier is so easy to break, then how many people will have to break through the life and death barrier. This kind of life and death barrier, thousands of people , Even among hundreds of millions of people, there may not be a breakthrough. Bei Gong War God, huh, he is no different from suicide!"

The Heavenly Sword Peak Master breathed a sigh of relief. With such a small chance, there is no need to worry at all.

"Furthermore, we can also bury him and set up a circle around him so that he cannot feel the surrounding situation at all. In this way, he cannot feel everything outside, and he will never be able to break through the life and death barrier!" Jade face judge Said with a chuckle.

"Can you still do this?" The Heavenly Sword Peak Master was even more energetic, and immediately said: "Then make arrangements quickly, dig deeper, set up institutions around, and set up a circle, so that he can't break through!"

The people of the four major sects did not neglect, and hurriedly started to dig and dig the ground to bury the **** of war in Beigong.

These people really suffered a great loss from the Beigong God of War, and they were also afraid that the Beigong God of War would wake up after breaking through the life and death barrier. Now that there is a way to stop this, how can they miss it? Of course, they must do everything they can to completely seal the North Palace War God!

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