The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1783: Farmland of Rongshilu

Su Yang didn't know that so many things had happened in the capital. Since the last time he designed to pit these people once, he has been hiding because he knew that there would be many people searching for them outside.

During this period of time, Su Yang and Lu Donglin have been hiding in the furnace, first to improve their cultivation, and secondly, they are also waiting for this time to pass.

The incident last time allowed Su Yang to see the determination of Lingxiao Pavilion Tianya Haijiao to kill the second elder. Therefore, Su Yang himself did not intend to blend this matter too much. Anyway, if he didn't make a move, the people at Lingxiao Pavilion and Tianya Haijiao would chase and kill the second elder Yumian Judge. I am in danger.

During the period of hiding in the Rongshi Furnace, Su Yang practiced while taking the fat man to explore the Rongshi Furnace.

The scope of this world in the furnace of Rongshi is very wide. In fact, it can be seen from the gravity that is much beyond the human world here that this world is much larger than the human world.

Although Su Yang and the others have not been here for a short time, in fact, they have always been active in this small area and did not dare to go too far. Even Su Yang didn't know what was going on in this world or what was in this world.

However, after the fat man took Su Yang to see the situation in the valley before, Su Yang became more curious about the world.

According to the records in the Destiny Book, after this world is refined, there is no one in it. So, what happened to the people in the lake at the bottom of the valley? Is the situation of this fusion furnace different from the situation recorded in the Destiny Book?

Su Yang knew that the records in the Destiny Book must not be wrong. Then, the only reason is definitely something special happened in this melting furnace.

Moreover, after seeing the situation in those valleys, Su Yang vaguely felt that there should be some chance for Fatty in this world. Therefore, he simply took the fat man to explore this world, and he might gain something.

Of course, Su Yang was also very careful about this exploration. After all, the beasts in this world are not simple. The unicorn wolves that Su Yang saw at first were relatively weak. The truly powerful beasts, even Su Yang, would never take it lightly.

To be safe, Su Yang still took the little tortoise and the little chicken cubs together. The combat effectiveness of these two little guys is also very strong, and the cooperation with Su Yang is also very close, so it is most suitable to take them out for adventure.

Su Yang and Fatty walked out of the scope of their exploration, marching all the way to the depths of this world.

During the period, the two indeed encountered various situations. For example, the fat man discovered more than a dozen valleys, and the conditions in each valley were similar to the valleys they had seen before.

Su Yang discovered that as long as the depth of these valleys reaches a certain level, a lake will appear. And in the lake, there is a person standing, and all the beasts in the valley are controlled by this person, which is very strange.

Another discovery was that near the valley, there were no beasts, only a lot of plants growing. The beasts, as if terrified of the valley, did not dare to approach the valley at all.

This discovery made Su Yang and Fatty walk a lot easier in it. Once they encounter a large number of beasts, they will immediately find a valley and fled to the vicinity to avoid the attacks of these beasts.

These beasts did not dare to get close to the valley, so in the end they gradually dispersed after watching from a distance. This made Su Yang and Fatty's adventure a lot safer.

After walking like this for about half a month, when the two of them walked out of a forest, Su Yang suddenly found that a large open space appeared in front of them.

The fat man was still walking forward with his head buried, but Su Yang stopped immediately and frowned and looked around.

"What's the matter?" The fat man asked in surprise, "Why don't you leave?"

Su Yang didn't speak, he walked slowly to the vicinity of this clearing. The area of ​​this open space is not small, about the size of three or four football fields. The open space is full of various weeds, and the weeds in this world are also very vigorous, with one person coming up high, just like sorghum.

The reason why this is a clearing is that there are no trees growing here. Su Yang and Fatty walked here for a long time. Most of this area of ​​the world is covered by trees. There is rarely such a large area where weeds grow but no trees.

Su Yang circled the clearing, suddenly walked into the weeds, pulled out two weeds from the inside, and walked out with them in his hands.

"What is this?" the fat man asked curiously.

This weed grows weird, with some fist-sized fruits growing in the middle. Around a wild grass, dozens of such fruits grow densely, and it seems that they are indeed fruitful.

Su Yang picked off one of the fruits and opened the outer skin, revealing a white fruit inside. I touched the outside of the fruit, and it was still powdery, like starch.

"What is this stuff? Can you eat it?" the fat man asked curiously.

"It should be edible!" Su Yang said: "This is called Bailiangguo, which is a plant similar to wheat. This kind of Bailiangguo can be ground, and the ground powder is similar to flour, which can be made into various foods! "

"Really?" The fat man was dumbfounded.

Su Yang shrugged. Of course he didn't know these things. However, there are records in the Destiny Book, so he can recognize it.

"If this is the case, then let's collect some fruits and go back. Maybe we can grow them and eat them ourselves!" The fat man smiled, "How about using this white grain and fruit powder to make meat tongs? It must be delicious, right? ?"

Su Yang smiled and said: "This kind of white grain fruit is originally a kind of crop, and it is grown on a large area, just like our wheat and rice."

"Really!?" The fat man was overjoyed: "Then let's hurry up and gather some, and go back and plant it too!"

Su Yang looked at the clearing and whispered: "Don't you think this clearing is like an abandoned farmland?"

The fat man looked at the open space over there, then looked at the Bailiangguo in Su Yang's hand, and touched his head: "Don't tell me, it looks a bit like it!"

Su Yang took the fat man along the open space for a week, and the fat man suddenly discovered that there was actually a side of the ground separated by rocks around the open space. It's just that these stones were buried by weeds, so they couldn't see clearly. It was Su Yang who observed them carefully before discovering. Otherwise, if the fat man is here, he will definitely not see it.

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