The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2004: Asura Purgatory

"Sui, don't talk about these instigating nonsense. I belong to the Asura tribe. How can I be scared by you!" Sarutobi screamed: "Today, I am Asura, I want to kill you!"

Su Yang was speechless, and this Sarutobi Shanzang was indeed an idiot. He didn't bother to talk about it, just pretending to attack with all his strength, as if he was preparing to attack and punish.

There was a huge amount of punishment over there, and it seemed that it really had accumulated extremely powerful power.

Sarutobi Shanzang was extremely excited, and he stopped Su Yang with all his strength to prevent him from disturbing the punishment.

After about a minute, the punishment finally let out a roar.

Sarutobiyamazang was overjoyed, and quickly turned his head to look around, is he ready to take a shot?

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a scene that he had never thought of.

The punishment had actually rushed behind him and slapped Sarutobi Shanzang's body with a heavy palm.

Sarutobi Shanzo only felt a powerful force rushing into his body, quickly impacting the meridians of his whole body, condensing all the power of his whole body, rushing into his sea of ​​qi, and supporting his sea of ​​qi. stand up.

"You...what are you doing?" Sarutobiyama was stunned. He really couldn't understand why the long-awaited blow would hit him?

"Don't understand?" Su Yang curled his lips: "I reminded you several times just now. The punishment doesn't care about your life or death. He will use your life to delay time for him so that he can escape. !"

Sarutobiyamazang's eyes widened. For some reason, the power in his body quickly expanded, swelling the meridians all over his body.

This power continued to wreak havoc in his body, and Sarutobiyamazou could obviously feel that his body could no longer hold it. If this power continues to expand like this, his body will burst!

Of course, this process is also extremely painful. Sarutobiyamazang stared at the punishment, he couldn't make a sound anymore, he could only ask about the punishment with his eyes, and asked if what Su Yang said was true!

Ecua coldly glanced at Sarutobi Shanzang, and said contemptuously: "Idiot, what do you see, it is your greatest honour for a person like you to fight for the Lord, are you still not satisfied?"

This sentence made Sarutobiyamazang completely certain, and Su Yang was not false at all. The punishment is indeed using him.

He couldn't help but think of what Su Yang said before. He did not die in Su Yang's hands, but died in the hands of the punishment he regarded as his own.

Now, he really regretted, regretting why he didn't listen to Su Yang at that time. When Su Yang asked him to choose, he should choose the human world, why choose the Asura world!

No wonder Su Yang would say that this was the worst decision he made.

Now Sarutobiyama also knew that this was indeed the worst decision he had made.

However, he was still unwilling and looked straight at the punishment, his eyes seemed to be asking why.

Why do you do this to him? Why is he so loyal to the Asuras, but the punishment would kill him?

"Your life is worth nothing compared with the punishment. If you kill you and can save the life of the punishment, do you think the punishment will be done?" Su Yang said coldly: "You really think he Think of you as a member of his own tribe? In his eyes, you are just a waste of a little use value. He doesn't treat you as a member of the Ashura tribe at all!"

Sarutobiyamazang looked desperate, and he completely believed Su Yang's words now. Because he looked at his eyes without any mercy at all, some were just contempt.

"Leader Su is right!" Ecua sneered, "However, there is another main reason. At that time, when you asked him to choose the human race or the Ashura race, this trash hesitated. Although he finally chose Asura tribe, but he hesitated, indicating that his will to the asura tribe is not firm in his heart. If this is the case, then he is damned!"

"The ant still steals a living. He wants to survive. There is nothing wrong with it." Su Yang calmly said, "You Asuras are really overbearing. Even hesitation is a capital crime?"

"What kind of thing is he, he's just a slave of my Asura tribe, how dare you hesitate?" Ecua said coldly: "Do you think he should die?"

Su Yang shrugged: "Asura, you are really domineering. But, don't you run away? Shouldn't you take this opportunity to run away?"

"Run?" Ecua sneered: "Why should I run? Su Yang, you are the one who should run away now!"

"Why should I run?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

Ecuador laughed wildly: "Su Yang, as I said just now, I have three great tricks, and Shura Qijue Zhan is just one of them. Do you really think I lied to you?"

Su Yang frowned slightly, and suddenly looked at Sarutobi Shanzang who was standing not far in front of him. At this time, he just felt that there was something wrong with the power in Sarutobi Shanzang.

In fact, he had felt the power of Sarutobi Shanzang before, but he thought it was because the punishment was about to kill Sarutobi Shanzang. But now it seems that the power accumulated in Sarutobi Mountain is too much, and this power has reached a terrifying level.

The most important thing is that Su Yang felt that the original power of Sarutobi Shanzang was also stimulated, which was very terrifying.

Although Sarutobi Shanzang's strength is not as good as Su Yang, the original strength is different. The power of the source will be used once less, but the power is really very powerful.

Most people will never use all the power of the source. And now, the original power of Sarutobi Mountain Hidden has been fully stimulated, fused with the power in his body, and it is constantly rushing, as if it would explode at any time.

The current Sarutobi Mountain Zang is like a bomb that can explode at any time. Once the power rushing in the body erupts, its power is no worse than the previous Shura Qijue Slash.

It's impossible for Su Yang to dodge at such a close distance!

Seeing Su Yang’s shock, Ecua sneered: “This trick is called Shura Purgatory. After his power erupts, you will experience what is called purgatory. His body will burn completely and burn him. All of his power is transformed into the power of Shura, which can raise his power to another level."

"Moreover, the explosive power is a full-scale attack, which is different from my previous Shura Qijue Slash. Your head is hard enough, but what about the rest of your body? Su Yang, you can resist my Shura Qijue Slash, but you Can you withstand this trick of Asura Purgatory? Once it breaks out, the nearby area is all within the scope of the explosion. Do you think you can run it?"

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