The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2232: Tu Yuan lost

Su Yang didn't give him a chance to recover, and quickly attacked and killed him, and he was defeated by Tuyuan Festival.

Half an hour later, Tu Yuan's body was shattered again.

Tu Yuan escaped again, healed his body in panic. However, Su Yang still came to kill with a sword, also beheading frantically.

In this way, Tu Yuan's body was broken more and more times, and his situation became more and more critical.

If the saint is immortal, it also scores the situation.

He was as strong as the Emperor Xuanyuan, and was eventually beheaded, let alone Tu Yuan, a newly promoted saint?

It didn't take long for Tu Yuan to be beaten all over his body. He couldn't even recover from his injuries and was completely at a disadvantage.

Tu Yuan was also really panicked. Given his current situation, if he continues to fight like this, it is estimated that his life will really be explained here.

He never expected that Su Yang would be so strong and so crazy.

Every time Su Yang shot, he was desperate, regardless of his own safety, just to fight the opponent with all his strength.

But the problem is that Su Yang's bones are too hard. In fact, Tu Yuan beat Su Yang far more times than Su Yang beat him. But the problem is that Su Yang is just suffering, but he won't get hurt, but when he was hit, he definitely got hurt.

Under such circumstances, the result of Tu Yuan in this battle was basically doomed from the beginning!

Tu Yuan finally discovered the problem now, but it was too late at this time. He wanted to escape, but Su Yang would give him a chance to escape.

If Tu Yuan could choose to escape a few days earlier, Su Yang might not be able to stop him. But he is now seriously injured and most of his strength has been consumed. Under such circumstances, wanting to escape is completely dreaming.

Su Yang made an all-out effort to stop Tu Yuan, constantly using Xuanyuan Sword to severely inflict him.

After another seven full days of fighting like this, Tu Yuan finally couldn't hold it, his body had become fragmented, and he had already felt the threat of life.

"Save me, save me..." Tu Yuan shouted toward King Shura on the moon.

King Shura's expression changed drastically, and he could also see that Tu Yuan was indeed very dangerous now. He rushed forward immediately, wanting to help Tu Yuan in the past.

At this moment, several saints rushed out from the moon at the same time and stopped in front of King Shura.

"King Shura, have you forgotten our previous agreement?" The sage of the feather clan jokingly said: "This is a battle of life and death, we can only watch, we can't help!"

"Nonsense!" King Shura roared: "Tu Yuan is a member of my Asura clan. Why can't I help if he is in danger? What do you mean by helping Su Yang like this? Are you going to stand with the human race?"

"Of course we won't be on the side with Human Race, but don't forget, we made a bet before!" The ghost domain saint smiled: "King Shura, if you make a move, what about this bet? , Your two great sages of the Asura clan attacked Su Yang together, want to pit us?"

King Shura looked irritated, looked at Tu Yuan who was in crisis, gritted his teeth and said, "It's nothing, this bet, count me as losing, it's okay. Now, you can let go!"

Everyone smiled at each other, but didn't mean to let go.

"Since we are betting, of course we have to win by our ability!" The ghost domain saint smiled: "What do you mean if you lose? You are unwilling and reluctant, and don't admit it later, what can we do? So ah , I think it’s most suitable for them to make a difference based on their ability. What do you mean?"

Everyone nodded their heads, expressing their support for the Saints of the Ghost Realm.

King Shura was extremely angry. Of course he understood what these people meant. These people simply wanted to stop him from saving Tu Yuan.

To put it bluntly, the eight realms are in competition, and there is a competitive relationship between any two realms. Under such circumstances, if the Asura tribe lacks one saint, then the strength of the Asura tribe will inevitably drop. This is the situation that the other seven realms are most willing to see.

However, the saints rarely fight against each other. Because the battle of the saints has a very wide scope and the consequences are still serious. Even if the most powerful saint kills the weakest saint, there is a price to pay.

And this price is something they don't want to see.

For example, the sages of the Buddha realm are one of the top existences among the sages of the eight realms. However, after the original battle with other saints, the artifacts of the Buddha's domain were damaged, and the strength of the Buddha's domain plummeted. This was a very painful price.

Therefore, the battle of the saints basically does not happen in peacetime. Even if it happens, it won't be such a battle of life and death. It just ends. The existence of saints is just a deterrent, a symbol of strength, just like an atomic bomb!

However, the fact that the war of saints does not happen does not mean that they don't want other saints to die. In fact, they can't wait for the saints of other worlds to go to war, they can't wait for these saints to die, so that they have more power to speak.

Now, the battle of the saints finally happened, and there is really a saint dying. Without their efforts, without paying any price, they can see a saint beheaded, which is of course the situation they would like to see most.

Therefore, at this time, the people of these seven realms must stop him from saving Tu Yuan.

Su Yang also felt the saint's change over there, and knew that King Shura was coming to save Tu Yuan, so he speeded up his shot. This time, he was going to kill Tu Yuan anyway!

When King Shura saw Tu Yuan's situation, his heart was even more anxious, and he roared, "Get out of me!"

"King Shura, who are you scaring?" The ghost domain saint said coldly: "We just won't let go today, what can you do?"

"Do you really want to be my enemy?" King Shura roared.

"We are just reasoning, nothing more!" The Yu clan saint said with a light smile.

King Shura was furious and suddenly rushed forward: "I see who dares to stop me!"

Several saints nearby shot at almost the same time and stopped him.

"What can't you dare?" The monster monkey said nonchalantly, "Today, they must be allowed to play this game fairly!"

King Shura was almost crazy: "Do you want to provoke the battle of the saints?"

"King Shura, if you continue to do this, unreasonable, we don't mind fighting with you!" A saint in the heaven flew over and shouted coldly.

King Shura's expression changed, he looked around, and now seven or eight saints were surrounding him. In other words, the saints of the seven realms were basically staring at him, and these people would definitely not let him go to save Tu Yuan.

At this time, no matter how strong he is, it is useless. These people would not be afraid of him because of his strength. On the contrary, if he loses his temper with these people, he will only cause trouble for himself.

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