The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2240: Monkey Qitian

Zulong's voice sounded again: "If you have time in the future, you can go to the Demon Abyss to explore and see what is in the Demon Abyss. Of course, you must pay attention to safety. In the Demon Abyss, even the saints go in and don’t want to leave alive. Yes! Okay, Lao Long won't say much. These are the last words of Lao Long. If I have bones left, I will be buried next to the saint. If not, forget it, Lao Long doesn't care about this! "

The sound stopped here, but Su Yang's heart became more uncomfortable.

In this battle, Zu Long came out with the determination to die from the very beginning. In the end, it really died for the human world. Although it doesn't care about it, it feels very sad when others listen to it!

Taking a deep breath, Su Yang put the token away. Looking at the little turtle next to him, he sighed slightly and patted its shell.

In the distance, the golden phoenix and the three football crows also flew over. Although these two guys are very strong, they can't help much in the battle of the saints.

Su Yang was not idle for a while. He took the Rongshi Furnace out of the Valley of Storms and began to send people from the human world into the Rongshi Furnace.

This time, the saints of the Seven Realms estimated that they would dare not come to the Human Realm for a while. Su Yang wanted to take advantage of this time to send as many people as possible into the furnace.

When King Shura shot, Su Yang saw it clearly. If the saint wanted to kill these mortals, it would be too easy. With a mouth open, hundreds of thousands of lives are killed. If the saints make a big shot in the human world, Su Yang can't stop it at all!

After half a month, Qinghe College finally had another change.

Su Yang was shocked, and immediately sent the Rongshi Furnace into the Valley of Storms, and then returned to Qinghe College to wait.

What was moving this time was the Demon Realm Sarcophagus. About two days later, the Demon Realm Sarcophagus opened and a monkey holding an iron rod rushed out of it.

Su Yang frowned. He knew this demon saint, whose name was Qi Tian, ​​and he was a rather grumpy being. Before betting with King Shura, he started first. Later, they stopped King Shura and asked Su Yang to kill Tu Yuan, which Qi Tian did.

Unexpectedly, the person who broke into the human world this time would still be Qitian!

After the monkey walked out of the sarcophagus, he looked around, as if he was observing the situation in the human world. He didn't even look at Su Yang in the sky.

After a while, he flew into the air, looked at Su Yang in the air, and said loudly, "Hey, boy, do you want to fight me?"

Su Yang froze for a moment, what kind of talk is this?

"If you want to kill people in the human world, I will never allow it!" Su Yang said loudly.

"Who said I'm going to the Human Realm to kill people indiscriminately!" The monkey curled his lips: "I came to the Human Realm, just want to take a look at the artifact, just take a look and leave, I won't grab it!"

Su Yang frowned slightly: "I'm sorry, the artifact is fused with my father, I can't take it out, and I can't lend it to you!"

"That's it!" The monkey scratched his head: "If that's the case, you can only fight one game!"

Su Yang sighed, after all, he still wanted to fight. However, now Su Yang, the power of the remaining saints is not much.

The strength of this monkey is not much worse than that of King Shura. The iron rod in his hand is also a semi-artifact. If it were to fight, Su Yang would definitely not be his opponent. This time, it is impossible to defeat him!

However, at this time, Su Yang is absolutely impossible to shrink back.

He took a deep breath, raised the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and said loudly: "If you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

"Okay, sure enough!" The monkey laughed, and suddenly flew over Su Yang's head, waving an iron rod and smashed it down: "Then let's fight!"

The iron rod descended from the sky and quickly became larger, and finally turned into a huge pillar covering the sky and sun, like Optimus Prime, and smashed down towards Su Yang.

Su Yang's expression changed sharply, and Xuanyuanjian quickly slashed up, trying to block the blow.

"Not enough, not enough strength!" The monkey yelled, and while talking, the iron rod and Xuanyuanjian had already collided with each other.

Without any suspense, Su Yang was directly smashed to the ground, and the iron rod forced Su Yang into the ground.

Su Yang was extremely angry, and quickly flew out from the ground, shouting: "Qi Tian, ​​can the battle between you and me not affect mortals?"

The monkey scratched his head: "That's what I said, go, let's fight outside the world!"

Su Yang was stunned. Is this monkey good to talk? It's not the same type as King Shura!

Su Yang quickly flew out of the sky, and the monkey had been waiting here.

"I should have been here long ago!" The monkey looked at the vast endless starry sky and said loudly, "If you fight in your human realm, you are afraid of your hands and feet, for fear of accidentally killing a group of mortals with a stick. Come to this endless Starry sky, you can let go of your hands and feet. Come on, little guy, let me see your true strength!"

When he reached the endless starry sky, Su Yang had nothing to worry about, and rushed up with the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, fighting with the monkey.

The monkey didn't keep it, holding an iron rod, and constantly banging against Su Yang.

However, the strength of this monkey is still too strong, much stronger than Su Yang. The two played against each other, and Su Yang was knocked into the air every time, but the monkey was unscathed.

After beating for a while, the monkey couldn't help it anymore: "How can you fight this? How weak is your strength? This way, I bully people. What's the point?"

Su Yang gritted his teeth and said nothing. Is the monkey insulting?

The monkey thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Well, I don't need a weapon and let you have one hand, how about it?"

Su Yang was stunned, what is this?

After the monkey finished speaking, he really put away the iron rod, and at the same time, rushed up with one hand behind his back to fight Su Yang again.

Su Yang hesitated, but still rushed up with Xuanyuan Jian.

This time, when the two played against each other, the situation was much better. Although Su Yang was still at a disadvantage, he could at least fight back. He was no longer the same as before and was completely passively beaten.

"Happy! Happy!" The monkey shouted loudly, playing with excitement. Suddenly he hit out with his other hand and directly knocked Su Yang away.

Su Yang was stunned, didn't he say a good hand?

The monkey was also stunned, staring at his hand for a long time, and suddenly furious: "What are you doing? What are you doing with the hand I said? Ah, ah, how can I lose my faith?"

Su Yang stared at the monkey stunned, and after a while, the monkey suddenly roared and tore off his arm abruptly.

Su Yang's eyes are almost staring out, what is this for?

"Okay, now it's all right." The monkey said loudly: "I punished myself. I won't grow out my arm for the time being, so it's okay to hit it!"

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