The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2253: I feel wrong

"What do you think about these Three Realms?" Saint Yuqing smiled lightly.

"What else do you think..." The sage of the ghost realm said directly: "Our six realms, just divide the three realms, the two worlds, and divide one realm. According to the amount of effort, we can determine the final resource allocation. That's it!"

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at Human Realm Su Yang and Ye Wantong.

The ghost domain saint said so, it seems to be very fair. However, everyone can hear that they are actually targeting the human world.

What is the amount of effort, and then to determine the final distribution?

To put it bluntly, it depends on the strength of your world to determine your resource allocation.

And the human world, although it is safe now. However, the human world has been weak for many years after all, and the strength is far from keeping up. In addition, there is only Ye Wantong, a saint in the human world, which is simply incomparable with other worlds.

Therefore, if you want to divide according to strength, the human world may not be divided into even one Chengdu. This is basically aimed at the human world.

Su Yang frowned slightly, although the human world had the strength, he could guarantee his safety. However, the strength is not strong enough, and it is still frustrated everywhere in this kind of external affairs!

Saint Yuqing did not directly agree with this sentence, but just looked at Su Yang and Ye Wantong and smiled: "Ye Daoyou, Su Leng, what do you think?"

Ye Wantong did not speak, Su Yang was silent for a while, and said solemnly, "I don't think it's right!"

"What's wrong?" The sage of the ghost realm was directly angry: "What's wrong with this? This kind of thing should originally be divided according to the amount of effort. Can it be said that everyone is equally divided? If it is really necessary to split equally, then everyone sent the personnel The quantity must be the same too, I can speak ahead!"

Saint Yuqing didn't speak, but just looked at Su Yang with a smile, wanting to see how he resolves this matter.

Su Yang looked at the saint of the ghost realm and said softly: "I want to ask first, what are you going to do to divide the three realms?"

"Does this still need to be said?" The ghost domain sage said coldly: "Pillage aura and resources for his own world!"

"What about the people from the Three Realms?" Su Yang asked.

Ghost Realm Saint: "Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish! Ultimately they will be used by us and become our members."

"I'm not talking about cultivators..." Su Yang whispered: "Those mortals I talked about, those mortals who haven't cultivated. Are they also those who obey and die?"

"What's the value of a mortal, don't care about it!" The Ghost Domain Saint said directly.

"But, after you plundered the aura and resources, aren't those mortals dead?" Su Yang whispered, once the aura and resources are plundered, that world will lose any vitality, and life is impossible. .

"You think too much, right?" The ghost domain saint stared: "Could it be that you still have to consider the life and death of those mortals?"

"Since they are all lives, why not consider it?" Su Yang said softly.

"Are mortals still a life?" The ghost domain saint said coldly.

"Sorry, I have also cultivated from a mortal!" Su Yang said softly.

The sage of the ghost realm became angry and shouted: "What do you mean by the surname Su? You say that, you intend to save those mortals? If you even care about the life and death of those mortals, what do you say? Or, All lead them to your human world, and your human world protects them? I think you just eat too much and have nothing to do. You want to protect the mortals of the human world, I don’t say anything, after all, you are a member of the human world. But, you control Can you get other worlds? Do you really think you are the savior and can take care of everything in the Nine Realms?"

Su Yang sighed softly: "I just feel that killing so many people at one time is really unacceptable. After all, those are all living beings!"

The sage of the ghost realm still wanted to speak, at this time, the sage of Yuqing spoke.

"Leader Su is right. Whether it is a mortal or a saint, it is life. It is life, and it should be respected!"

The ghost domain saint stunned for a moment, and stared: "Then you mean, shouldn't we plunder the resources of these three realms?"

"Resources are still to be plundered. It's just that the situation has to be changed a little bit!" Saint Yuqing smiled: "I invite you all to come today, there is a third thing, I want to talk to you."

Everyone looked at the saint Yuqing in amazement, what else was there besides the distribution of these three realms?

Saint Yuqing turned his head to look at the endless starry sky, and said softly: "Do you feel that the crisis of the Nine Realms is getting more and more serious!"

"What do you mean?" Everyone was surprised.

"The fierce beasts attacking the Nine Realms are more frequent than once." Saint Yuqing whispered: "Next time, maybe we will send more people to guard the moon!"

Everyone frowned, and Su Yang's heart hung up. He knew about the orcs, could it be said that the guardian **** was increasing the number of beasts attacking the nine realms?

"What is in the endless starry sky, no one knows. However, there is no doubt that this crisis is increasing, and the Nine Realms are becoming more and more dangerous." Saint Yuqing said: "Even, I suspect that this crisis will become more and more in the future. When it's serious, the saints of the Nine Realms don't even want to protect themselves, they have to come and guard on the moon themselves!"

"Isn't it?" The feather world saint frowned.

"In this endless starry sky, anything is possible." Saint Yuqing whispered: "We are indeed the most powerful group of people in the Nine Realms, but in the endless starry sky, we guess there is a dust. It's not as good. So, don't be too arrogant. Compared with this endless universe, we are nothing at all!!"

Everyone looked at the endless starry sky, and their brows were also frowned tightly.

As the saint Yuqing said, in the endless starry sky, they are really nothing.

This endless starry sky is like a fierce beast that might swallow people at any time. No one knows what dangers are hidden inside.

Even though they have become saints, they cannot enter the depths of the starry sky, and they don't know what's in the starry sky. Even as saints, when facing the endless starry sky, all they have is the deep sense of powerlessness.

"The crisis in the endless starry sky is getting more and more serious. If you want to keep the Nine Realms, you must improve the strength of the Nine Realms as soon as possible!" Sage Yuqing said softly: "In dealing with the dangers of the endless starry sky, the Nine Realms are one, we Everyone is on the same front. Therefore, I hope that you can put aside your previous suspicions and work together to enhance the strength of the Nine Realms as much as possible to withstand the coming crisis of the endless starry sky!"

Everyone was stunned. It was not long before the war of saints ended. Then saint Yuqing wanted to unite the nine worlds?

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