The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2256: Did i show off

With the addition of Ye Jiansheng and Wu Zhuangyuan, Su Yang's team has grown stronger, and everyone is confident.

"What are you doing now?" Ye Jiansheng flew around with his long sword, very excited. After all, I have been trapped in the Tower of the Moon for more than ten years, and I feel aggrieved.

"Stay focused!" Wu Zhuangyuan curled his lips and said: "I have been receiving the Moon Tower for hundreds of years, and I am not like you!"

"People are not the same as people, I am a person, happy or not!" Ye Jiansheng said, looking from a distance: "Is there any sub-sacred beast near here? I haven't been here for a long time. Holy beasts or whatever!"

"Then you can be regarded as coming to the right place!" Su Zhan looked into the distance: "We are now in the fifth area, and maybe even close to the sixth area. The sub-holy beasts around here are getting more and more That's too much, here, the king of monsters is as worthless as ordinary monsters, and the sub-sacred beasts are everywhere!"

"Really?" Ye Jiansheng was overjoyed and quickly looked around: "What are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Seeing Ye Jiansheng's anxious look, everyone also laughed. Ye Jiansheng's personality is like this, he belongs to the type that can't sit still. He was able to travel around the world alone because of this.

After guarding the Moon Tower for so long, he had already been suffocated. It's hard to come out now, of course, I have to toss about this endless starry sky.

As everyone moved forward, Su Zhan said to Ye Jiansheng: "Lao Ye, don't be too excited. There are many sub-holy beasts in this area, and many of them even live in groups. We have so many people now, but don't be here. There is too much noise here. Once too many sub-holy beasts are attracted, then we have nothing but to run away!"

"Oh?" Ye Jiansheng asked in surprise: "Is there so many?"

"Isn't it? Some time ago, we were besieged by more than fifty sub-sacred beasts. If we weren't all wearing divine tools, we probably wouldn't even think about coming back!" Qi Zhishan said next to him.

Ye Jiansheng looked at Qi Zhishan, then at the next Wu Zhuangyuan, and said, "These guys are showing off their magical tools again!"

Everyone suddenly laughed, which is true. Among these people here now, only Ye Jiansheng and Wu Zhuangyuan have no magical tools, and even Su Yang can use the Blade of Heaven Slashing.

"That's why you have to be more honest!" Su Zhan summoned Jiuyou, playing with in his hands, and smiled: "If you are in danger, I will give you an idea. You just go straight to it. The bald donkey runs there, his ninth-rank lotus platform is very defensive, so it’s no problem to protect you!"

"Then why don't I run to Zhang Lao Er, his Donghuang Bell is more defensive!" Ye Jiansheng pouted.

"That's different!" Su Zhan shook his head: "You and Wu Zhuangyuan are here, do you think Zhang Lao Er is busy protecting you or protecting him?"

Ye Jiansheng was dumbfounded, and only after a long while he said: "What's the meaning of these, my daughter is still a saint in the human world, have I shown off?"

Everyone was silent for a while, did you show off very little?

"Okay, everyone, let's go!" Su Yang smiled next to him: "I feel that not far in front, there is a wave of power coming, everyone, go and take a look!"

Everyone nodded one after another. They came to this endless starry sky now. One reason was their experience. Another reason was hunting in the endless starry sky.

In the later stages of cultivation, the resources of the Nine Realms are actually not enough. If you want to further enhance your strength, you need resources from the endless starry sky.

For example, Black Widow, she is now only one step away from Yasheng. And her strength can be improved in this way because Su Yang and Su Zhan, in the endless starry sky, continuously hunt down powerful monsters, decompose the power of the monsters and then melt them, practice them into pills, and supply the black widow to practice. , So that the strength of Black Widow has been improved by leaps and bounds.

In the same situation, Lu Donglin also received a lot of resources, which were given to him by the God of War and Zhang Er. Monk Wunian was the same, receiving resources from Mahakaya, and his strength quickly improved.

Among the nine realms, Yasheng is extremely rare. As for the saints, they were not born solely on the resources of the Nine Realms. Every saint appeared because of some adventures and obtained some resources from the endless starry sky to become a saint.

The Ashen can indeed be born from the resources of the Nine Realms, but the resources of the Nine Realms cannot support too many Ashens.

Therefore, plundering resources from the endless starry sky is one of the shortcuts for the birth of Ashen.

What's more, on the Human Realm side, there is still the back garden of the Rongshi Furnace. The resources of the Rongshi Furnace are much more powerful than the Nine Realms combined.

It is under such circumstances that the human world can gain leaps and bounds in strength in this short ten years. Now in the human world, even if there is no need for saints, the strength is comparable to that of the Ashura world. Going further, it can be compared with the ghost realm feather realm demon realm and the like.

Of course, at that point, the human world must open up the furnace of the world, which is also the content of the previous negotiations.

In fact, the strength of the human world could reach that level long ago. It’s just that, in order to make the world more competitive, Su Yang accumulated a lot of resources during the period, and prepared to use them again when they were really unable to cover it in the future. It would be best to raise the strength of the human world to the level of the heaven. Can have absolute right to speak in the nine realms.

Hunting in this endless starry sky is what Su Yang and the others are doing to enhance the strength of the human world.

Everyone moved forward quickly. After half an hour, a black spot suddenly appeared in front of them.

Everyone immediately came to their spirits. Su Yang hadn't spoken yet, and Ye Jiansheng flew over with his sword first, and in the blink of an eye he came to the black spot.

"This guy!" Su Zhan looked speechless, and quickly led everyone to chase him.

When they rushed to the vicinity, everyone finally saw clearly that this black spot was a huge monster.

This monster looks strange, it looks like a giant cabbage worm. He was covered with fat, and his skin was crystal clear, as if he had no defense at all.

However, when Ye Jiansheng's long sword slashed past, it slid directly on its skin. The skin of this monster beast seemed to be slippery, like a loach. Such an attack on the body could not hurt it.

"What's this?" Ye Jiansheng slashed two swords one after another, but failed to injure the monster, making Ye Jiansheng's face full of surprise.

Everyone was also at a loss, and they had never seen such a monster. This monster looks too strange, and its ability is too strange, right?

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