The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2282: Pathfinder

Pluto looked at Su Yang and suddenly said, "Leader Su, where did you hear these words? You didn't make a fool of yourself, right?"

The others didn't speak, and everyone was very curious about the origin of Su Yang's words.

Su Yang's expression was calm, and he whispered softly: "This is the information I got from Demon Abyss!"

"Moyuan!?" Everyone was shocked, and they had doubts about other places. However, they would never doubt the information from the Demon Abyss.

The three death Jedi, only Demon Abyss, is the most mysterious and powerful. Who dares to doubt the information that comes out of it?

"So, is there really a difference between a yellow-level aura and a profound-level aura?" Saint Yuqing muttered: "Then...where can I find a profound-level aura? Is it really going to an intermediate world? But, where shall we find an intermediate world?"

Other people are equally at a loss. To be honest, the difference between these three worlds, if it were not for Su Yang, they still don't know. Now let them find an intermediate world, not to mention. In their perception, there is no other world except the Nine Realms.

"It is not necessary to find the Intermediate World." Su Yang smiled and said: "What we want is only the profound level aura. With the profound level aura, we can be promoted to the holy sovereign."

"Where can I find the mysterious aura?" The Demon Emperor asked.

Su Yang looked up at the sky and whispered, "The sixth area!"

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback, and the Pluto said strangely: "Don't you want to find the mysterious aura? What do you want to do in the sixth area?"

"There can be a saint in the sixth area, you say, will there be a mysterious aura there?" Su Yang asked rhetorically.

"Uh..." Everyone immediately recovered, and their expressions suddenly became happy. If they could find the aura of the profound level, then they would have the hope of being promoted to the saint.

"So, we still have to enter the sixth area!" Saint Yuqing whispered: "Leader Su, the sixth area, there is something guarded by the six-line sage. If we enter the sixth area, then we will break in. The territory of the Six-Yao Sovereign. Once it angers it, isn’t the Nine Realms in danger?"

"Although it is said that, but I think that this matter may not be as complicated as we imagined!" Su Yang said: "Imagine that the Nine Realms are not small, but it can only be a small world. No saint can be born. So how big is the middle world?"

"Six-Yao Sovereign rules that area. I guess that area must be much larger than the Nine Realms. Maybe it is a medium-sized world. And how big a medium-sized world is, this is beyond our imagination. Things. However, I will judge based on the situation of the Nine Realms. The strongest person that can appear in the Nine Realms is Asheng. And Asheng’s spiritual power is not enough to hold a whole world."

"So, if you can tell from this situation, the Six-Yao Sovereign may not be able to completely guard a middle world. In other words, if we enter the sixth area quietly, it may not find us. We just go in to absorb the aura, no Conflict with them will basically not provoke them. This is not infeasible!"

Everyone glanced at each other and nodded. Su Yang's analysis is quite reasonable.

"So, let's sneak into the sixth area?" Sage Yuqing said: "But how do we know where we can enter and where can't we enter? If we accidentally encounter a holy beast or something, we will be in trouble. It’s gone. Killing the holy beast will lead to revenge from the Six-Yao Sovereign. If you don’t kill it, it will spread the letter, and we are just as dangerous."

"Don't worry about this. I have dragons and worms leading the way, so I can roughly know where there are holy beasts." Su Yang paused: "However, for safety's sake, I still have to go in and explore the way in advance. Take this area After the situation is clear, you can go in and practice again, lest you really confront those holy beasts."

"Pathfinder?" Ye Wantong said immediately: "I'll be with you!"

"No!" Su Yang pointed to the three crystal skeletons: "I will take them with them. Don't go with me to avoid accidents."

Ye Wantong looked at the three crystal skulls, but finally didn't say anything. Su Yang told her about the three crystal skeletons. Sometimes, when doing things, carrying three crystal skeletons is indeed the most suitable thing. After all, these three guys are definitely not easy before they are alive, maybe there are any powerful means of life preservation.

The Second City Lord was unwilling: "Brother, can we not go?"

"No!" Su Yang said straightforwardly: "If you go, you will be able to absorb the spiritual energy of the profound level, and then you will be able to advance to the Holy Venerable. I am doing it for your good. You don't want to improve your strength?"

"Actually... I don't really think about it..." The Second City Lord murmured: "I just want to be a salted fish quietly..."

Su Yang hated the tooth roots and itchy, staring: "How can the salted fish be quiet? The salted fish will be stewed. Do you want me to stew you into bone soup tonight?"

"Uh..." The second city lord immediately closed his mouth honestly. At this time, he was going to challenge Su Yang's temper. That was really asking for trouble.

"That's it!" Su Yang said to everyone: "When I figure out the route, we will enter the sixth area in batches to practice."

"Leader Su, take care!" Saint Yuqing arched his hands.

Su Yang nodded, this time going to the sixth area, different from other things. Inside, there is a holy person, and once you encounter it, it is really dangerous.

After confessing to Ye Wantong and others, Su Yang took three crystal skulls and went straight to the endless starry sky.

When he reached the endless starry sky, Su Yang did not go directly to the sixth area, but took three crystal skeletons and detoured to an uninhabited area.

"Big brother, aren't we going to the sixth area? What are you doing here?" Three City Lord asked in surprise.

"Don't say anything." Su Yang waved his hand: "The three of you, go nearby and guard me. Don't let anyone approach here."

"Brother, what are you going to do to shame?" Second City Lord asked, turning his head.

Su Yang raised his hand and knocked **** his head: "Can you speak?"

The Second City Lord covered his head with an aggrieved expression: "If it weren't for something shameful, why do you want us to check the wind?"

Su Yang was speechless, and the terms used by these two city owners were quite professional. Do you really speak the word wind? Back then, when the three of you went out to be thieves, you didn't lose your hand, did you?

"Nonsense, am I that kind of person?" Su Yang waved his hand: "Go ahead, go and watch!"

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