The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2294: Nine Realms Crisis

Su Yang nodded slowly: "In this case, choose Mochizuki Rhinoceros!"

Next, Su Yang took the golden phoenix and the three-footed colored crows out to kill Mochizuki Rhinoceros easily and occupied the territory of Mochizuki Rhinoceros.

After that, as before, I sent a letter of allegiance to the six-yao saint. After that, Mochizuki's spiritual source was under the control of Su Yang and the others, and the practitioners of the Nine Realms began to practice scattered around the two spiritual sources.

After another ten years, a few people from the Nine Realms were sanctified, and the strength of the Nine Realms had reached an unprecedented level. The current strength of the Nine Realms has increased by at least three times compared to before. This is something that no saint had ever thought of.

During this time, Su Yang also felt the threshold of the Lord more and more clearly. He is really only a step away from the Lord now. As long as he crosses this step, he can truly enter the realm of the nobles.

Everything was going on as usual, and just as Su Yang and the others were practicing with great concentration, a news that shocked Su Yang and them suddenly came from the Nine Realms.

Some time ago, the orc controlling the beast once again drove the fierce beast to attack the nine realms. And this time, among the fierce beasts that attacked the Nine Realms, a sub-holy beast appeared!

You should know that in the past, when driving the orcs to attack the Nine Realms, the fierce beasts they used were actually very ordinary, basically from the first and second areas, at most from the third area. The strength of these monsters is very weak, and they can't pose any threat to the Nine Realms. People on the moon can easily sit here without the slightest difficulty.

Now, the situation has changed. Among the fierce beasts that attacked the Nine Realms, a sub-holy beast appeared, which was unprecedented.

Moreover, this incident is also bad news for Nine Realms.

The orc control began to drive the sub-holy beast to attack the nine realms. Then, will the orc master drive the holy beast to attack the nine realms, and even the holy sovereign?

Once the strength of the fierce beast driven by the orc becomes so powerful, how can the Nine Realms resist?

Before Su Yang, they also felt that Nine Realms had a certain amount of time to improve their strength.

And the sudden news of this made Su Yang and the others shocked that the time left for the Nine Realms was running out!

As soon as he received the news, Su Yang rushed back to the Nine Realms, personally explored the battlefield outside the moon, and found many sub-holy beasts' bodies outside.

In this battle, the Nine Realms really didn't have any defenses, and the orcs would send the sub-holy beasts. In the previous wars, the Nine Realms would basically have no loss. But this time, the Nine Realms suffered heavy losses. The master guarding the moon died almost 10%, and it was the first time that the Nine Realms truly saw how terrifying the crisis of the endless starry sky was!

Seeing the bodies of the guards on the moon, Su Yang's brows wrinkled tightly. This was something they didn't expect at all. How could the orc master suddenly increase the strength of the fierce beast?

"Leader Su, according to this situation, the Orc Master is ready to speed up the attack on the Nine Realms!" Saint Yuqing followed Su Yang, looking at the messy scene, and sighed: "The strength of the fierce beasts attacking the Nine Realms. , Is improving time and time again. The next time the offensive strength will definitely be stronger. When the sub-holy beast is here, the damage will certainly not be less on the Nine Realms side. In my opinion, we might have to send a saint to sit here. Here it is. Otherwise, once the holy beast comes next time, the Nine Realms may not even have the power of defense!"

A gleam flashed in Su Yang's eyes, just as the saint Yuqing said. If the sacred beast really came, and the Nine Realms were not prepared, it would be really dangerous.

The moon is the last line of defense of the Nine Realms. Once there is a holy beast, and the Nine Realms are not at all guarded, the moon is very likely to be directly breached. At that time, these fierce beasts will be able to drive straight into the Nine Realms.

Under such circumstances, even if the saints in the Nine Realms find that the situation is not right and come out to stop them, it is too late. The influx of a large number of fierce beasts into the Nine Realms could not be stopped by a saint. At that time, the Nine Realms still don't know how many people will die!

"In that case, let's discuss it, we still have to send a saint to sit here!" Su Yang nodded and said, "At least, you can't be killed by surprise!"

Others nodded one after another, everyone's thoughts were actually the same. The situation this time made them aware of the crisis, and they dare not care about it.

Next, after a lot of discussions, everyone agreed that the saints of the nine worlds would have a saint sitting on the moon every year, taking turns like this.

After that, everyone dispersed again and continued to practice.

However, the affairs of the Nine Realms also cast a shadow over everyone's hearts. Everyone knew in their hearts that how long the Nine Realms could last is still unknown.

"Leader Su, if it really can't hold it anymore, then we can only take the back road you said at the beginning!" Sage Yuqing sighed.

Su Yang had previously proposed that once the Nine Realms could not be held, let everyone enter the Rongshi Furnace, and these saints would take the Rongshi Furnace into the endless starry sky to escape.

Su Yang had done similar things before when the human world fell.

This matter is not so easy to do. It takes a lot of effort to send all the lives of the entire human world into the furnace of fusion. How much effort would it take to send all the creatures of the Nine Realms into the furnace?

However, this is Su Yang's only retreat at the moment. This is what the Nine Realms really cannot hold and have to leave.

"Let's talk about it later!" Su Yang whispered: "Once the Nine Realms really can't hold them, you can only do this!"

All the saints nodded one after another, and if it were not forced, no one would want to leave their homes.

What's more, is it really safe after entering the endless starry sky?

In this sixth area, there are holy beasts, holy deities, holy kings, and holy emperors. They entered the endless starry sky, met the holy beast, and had hope of survival. If you meet the holy deity, or even the holy king, the holy emperor, you will die.

Even though they are the strongest in the Nine Realms, they are still very weak in this endless starry sky.

Today, the most critical thing is still to increase strength. Only if you have enough strength, you might be able to keep the Nine Realms. Even if they can't keep the Nine Realms and run away later, they can still use enough strength to protect themselves!

Back to the sixth area, after five years, Su Yang took another shot. This time, the three-winged purple ape was also beheaded, including its two brothers, all also beheaded, and its spiritual source was also taken away to supply the nine world saints for cultivation.

During this period of time, more than a dozen saints were born in the Nine Realms, with only two spiritual sources, which was not enough.

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