The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2516: The holy kings are trapped

The guardian **** did not know that the manipulator behind all these things was Su Yang.

What the King Jinghong said, Su Yang asked him to tell the guardian god. The so-called clues investigated by the Guardian God were also deliberately created by Su Yang.

At the same time, the investigators of the Guardian God were also captured and killed by Su Yang.

All these things were caused by Su Yang alone.

And its purpose is to provoke a war between the guardian **** and the monsters.

Only by driving the monster clan to a dead end can the human clan become more useful!

The Guardian God didn't really disappoint Su Yang. After less than a month, the Guardian God once again sent envoys to the various Great Sage Emperors, requesting all the Great Sage Emperors to go to the place of protection for a meeting. If you don't go, you will be at your own risk!

This time, the guardian god's attitude is very tough.

The Great Sage Emperor of the Monster Beast clan didn't know what had happened, they still wanted to resist and didn't want to go to the place of protection for a meeting. However, this time the guardian god's attitude was so tough that in the end they didn't dare to resist and went to the guardian place obediently.

These great holy emperors were really terrified by the last war. Moreover, they are also more conceited, thinking that with so many of them, the guardian **** will not do anything to them.

However, the facts are completely different from what they imagined.

These great sage emperors were immediately surrounded by the guardian **** and trapped in the guardian place.

Almost all the senior officials of the Guardian God were dispatched to interrogate these great holy emperors, where the Skykiller phantom was, and what plans they had.

These great holy emperors didn't know what happened, so naturally they didn't know how to answer. They kept saying that they didn't know, but the more they answered like this, the more the guardian gods felt that they were pretending, and the contradiction between the two sides became more and more serious.

This kind of interrogation lasted for three days, and the guardian **** saw no progress at all, and was completely angry, and started to kill these great holy emperors.

At this time, these Great Sage Emperors knew that even if they had so many Great Sage Emperors coming together, the result would be the same. No matter how they compromise, the guardian **** can kill them at will.

Therefore, these great holy emperors also violently counterattacked. There was a big battle between the two sides. In the end, seven great holy emperors died in battle, and the other great holy emperors ended up wounding.

And these great sage emperors are also regretful at this time. Knowing this situation a long time ago, they shouldn't have been here. Bringing all the monsters under his command to fight against the guardian god, the result would not be so useless.

Now that they are trapped here, they can't go back and report to someone for help. They are just throwing themselves into the net. This time, if they all die here, the monster clan will completely become a piece of scattered sand, unable to resist the Guardian God at all, and will only be completely wiped out by the Guardian God.

The guardian **** didn't pay attention to this, after defeating these great holy emperors, they directly sealed them into the special space magical weapon. Take away all the spiritual source space artifacts carried by the Great Sage Emperor, and there is no aura in this space artifact, these big Sage Emperors are completely trapped inside, and it is impossible to recover their injuries.

This specially-made spatial magic weapon was made jointly by many powerful men of the guardian god. The space wall outside the space magical artifact is very powerful, and these great holy emperors can't break it. After they entered, they couldn't escape, they could only stay inside.

From time to time, the guardian **** would go in to interrogate these great holy emperors, mainly interrogating the issue of the phantom of the Skykiller. For the guardian god, it doesn't matter what conspiracy the monster clan has, even if the **** of the nine palaces is dead, it doesn't matter. If you can get the phantom of the Skykiller, then the guardian **** of this big world can become the strongest of the guardian gods, and will be able to rule all the big world, this is the most critical.

If there was no such thing as the phantom of the Skykiller, the guardian **** would have killed all these great holy emperors long ago, and they would never have trouble. It was only because of the phantom of the skykillers that the guardian **** never killed them, but kept interrogating like this, killing a great holy emperor from time to time to kill chickens and monkeys.

This situation lasted for half a month, and five more Great Sage Emperors were beheaded one after another. The remaining big holy emperors are basically desperate.

All the great sage emperors were trapped in this place, unable to go out and ask for help. Moreover, even if the monster clan knew about this, what could it change? As the most powerful monsters of the monster clan, these great sage emperors are completely trapped in this place. Even if the remaining monsters kill the guardian god, aren't they here to die?

Under such circumstances, an unexpected situation occurred.

On this day, the great holy emperors were still as usual, huddled in this space artifact, waiting in panic for the guardian **** to interrogate again. Every time they are interrogated, they have to endure a torture, and even one unfortunately will be beheaded directly in front of them.

Suddenly, they felt as if the entire space was shaking. Before they could react, a crack suddenly appeared in the space wall next to it. Following this, the space was directly shattered, and the powerful space force raged and impacted on these great holy emperors.

The great holy emperors were all shaken off, but they soon felt the familiar aura. These great holy emperors didn't know what had happened, but they were all overjoyed, and quickly began to greedily absorb these auras.

They were all very seriously injured, and they had not been able to absorb the aura to repair for so long. Now that they finally have aura, how can they let it go?

"Everyone, I'm late!" At this time, a hearty voice rang in the ears of these great holy emperors.

Everyone immediately looked up and saw a tall man standing not far from them.

The man was covered with scars, his complexion was slightly pale, and his injuries were not light. He carried a long knife in his hand. The long knife has a strong breath, and it is extraordinary at first glance.

Is it this long knife that split this spatial magic weapon?

A Great Sage Emperor who knew this man immediately said in surprise, "Leader Su!?"

This man is Su Mo, the leader of the Skywarrior Alliance incarnation of Su Yang!

Although the other great holy emperors did not know Su Mo, they immediately guessed Su Mo's identity when they heard this name.

And these great sage emperors are all surprised, Su Mo actually rescued them? what is happening? The human race saved the monster clan?

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