The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 252: Charge interest

"Huh?" Chen Shao was stunned. This is for interest.

He looked at Sun Guofu angrily, if it weren't for this **** to cause trouble, how could such a thing happen? Five hundred million, if you want interest, how much is it?

Sun Guofu was so scared that his calf was trembling, he was just looking for an excuse to take Qi'er away. Who could imagine that this excuse was actually used by Su Yang on them in turn.

" much is that..." Chen Shao asked with a trembling voice.

"How much do you think it should be?" Su Yang asked rhetorically.

"This..." Shao Chen paled, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Six...600 million?"

This number is astronomical for Chen Biao. Moreover, if Chen Biao knew that it was because of his son that caused the money to increase by 100 million, Chen Shao would not think about it after he went back.

"Heh..." Su Yang picked up the tea cup on the table, ignoring Chen Shao at all.

Chen Shao swallowed and tremblingly said, "Then...700 million?"

"Fatty, go to the kitchen to see if our dishes are ready!" Su Yang didn't even look at him.

"I... we can spend up to 800 million..." Shao Chen's voice started to cry: "We really don't have that much money. No matter how much money, we...our industry can't continue, then We will be completely...completely finished..."

"Hehe..." Su Yang put down his teacup and said slowly: "Do you know Old Ghost Xie in Xiqiu City?"

Chen Shao nodded, this is a figure with his dad's reputation, of course he knows.

"Old ghost Xie returned the money to me last month. He paid back one billion at that time!" Su Yang laughed and said, "How much do you think you should pay back?"

"Ten billion?" Chen Shao exclaimed, " are simply robbing, how can we have so much money? One billion, you are forcing us to sell the family property, then ...After that, how will we mix..."

"I didn't say you want to give one billion!" Su Yang smiled.

Chen Shaoshu sighed, but Su Yang's next words made him confused again.

"You want to give 1.5 billion!" Su Yang said softly.

"What!?" Chen Shao jumped straight up: "1.5 billion? You... why don't you grab it? Where are we going to find you 1.5 billion? What are you talking about?"

"How can you rob? Robbery is illegal!" Su Yang smiled and said: "This is what you owe me, and I deserve it. Little son, if you can't be the master, call your dad and ask him to follow I talk, how?"

"No need to fight!" Chen Shao said loudly: "This is impossible. We can't give you 1.5 billion. If you have the ability, you will kill me!"

Su Yang put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Chen Shao with a non-smiling smile: "Do you really dare not kill you when you treat me?"

At this moment, Chen Shao had already given up, and said angrily: "1.5 billion, you just want us to die. Su Yang, I know you are very good in Nanluo City, and the big guys in Pingnan Province are also afraid of you. But, don’t forget, this is Zhongchang City, the site of my Chen family. You can use other forces to crush me, but the distant water can’t save the nearby fire. Kill me and see if you can get out of the middle. Chang City!"

"Good point!" Su Yang shot up and said with a smile: "It's a good sentence that distant water can't save the near fire. The little boy can see clearly."

Chen Shao held his chest proudly. In his opinion, Su Yang was so majestic only because of the power of the top ten families. If you really want to go all out, Zhongchang is their territory, and if a few hundred people come, they can't kill Su Yang?

So I walked to Shao Chen, patted Shao Chen on the shoulder, and smiled: "But when does someone Su do something, when do I need remote water to save? Now, call your dad and ask him to take the money. send over."

"Remember, I only give him three days. If he fails on the first day, I will break your hands. If he fails the next day, I will break your legs. The third day is your life. It’s up. Whether you can go back completely depends on your dad’s speed!"

"Dare you!" Chen Shao yelled: "If you dare to flick my finger, my dad won't let you out of Zhongchang City alive!"

With a slap, Su Yang directly slapped Chen Shao's face, and Chen Shao suddenly flew out.

Su Yang said coldly: "No more nonsense, I'll knock you out!"

Shao Chen was trembling with fright, really dare not even say a word. He had already seen it, he couldn't threaten Su Yang at all.

The fat man sat next to Su Yang and mumbled: "Su Yang, it's not that I said you, this kind of person, what do you give him time for. There are still three days left, shall we stay here for another three days?"

"Stay now, I just have something to do!" Su Yang said.

"That's fine!" The fat man immediately waved his hand: "Hey, that Sun Guofu, come here."

"Huh?" Sun Guofu walked over tremblingly with a look of horror.

"Go, arrange the best hotel in town." Fatty said.

Sun Guofu let out a long sigh of relief and quickly said: "Okay, I...I will make arrangements..."

Seeing that Sun Guofu ran out, Master Fang couldn't help but wonder: "Master Lu, why let this kid arrange this kind of thing?"

"You don't understand!" The fat man said: "Let him arrange, we don't need to spend money!"

Master Fang: "..."

Everyone at the scene: "..."

This time it takes hundreds of millions of people to manage people, and are you planning to save this hotel money? Moreover, it's a small hotel in town, how much can it cost?

After dinner, Su Yang returned to the hotel and Su Yang took Chen Shao directly to his room.

"The surname Wang came to see you, what's the matter?" Su Yang asked.

Major General Chen turned his head to the side and said coldly: "Let me go, I'll tell you!"

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled: "The mouth is very hard, well, I'll give you this chance!"

Su Yang walked to Chen Shao's side, took out two silver needles, and pierced them directly into Chen Shao's body.

"What are you doing?" Chen Shao asked anxiously, the silver needle entered his body, his whole body was stiff and he couldn't move at all.

"You'll know soon." Su Yang smiled: "I'll go out for half an hour to eliminate food. You think about it and see if you can say it!"

Su Yang walked out of the room with his hands on his back, and it didn't take long for Chen Shaogui to cry and howl.

"Don't run, you come back, I will tell you, I will tell you..." Chen Shao yelled, crying.

However, Su Yang ignored him at all, went to Fatty's room, and fought with Master Fatty Fang for half an hour to fight the landlords, and then returned slowly.

Chen Shaozu howled for half an hour, and now his voice was hoarse. Seeing Su Yang coming back, he almost trembled as if he had seen a savior, "Uncle, uncle, I... I said, I said... You forgive me..."

Su Yang smiled slightly: "It's so good to say earlier, why do you play with my character?"

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