The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2630: Strange world

The Chaos Sparrow quickly pecked through a gap, and the four Su Yang rushed out of the chaos and came into a space.

"Boss, did you really give him the wooden box and the key?" Second City Lord said in surprise.

"Nonsense!" Su Yang cursed: "Are you short-sighted? If I really will leave these things, do I need to talk nonsense with him? That's a fake I just made while I was talking. If you can lie to him for a while, it won’t last long. Run!"

"Wow, boss, you are still wise!" The second city lord only flattered: "Following such a boss is simply our blessing!"

"Shut up, you!" Su Yang cursed: "You still have the face to say that you stripped someone's clothes, and you threw the King of Chaos Insects to them. What are you doing? Do you have a brain bubble? We almost died in it this time. It was all you scammed. Will you be a thief? The first time I saw a thief, I didn’t steal many good things, but left a treasure to others. You are What do you mean? Stealing chickens won't lose your rice!"

The Second City Lord was embarrassed: "Boss, I don't want to. What happened in my last life, I...I don't know. If you really know that this Chaos Worm is so powerful, I can't throw it to him. !"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense!" Su Yang was too lazy to scold him, looked around, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know which part of the world it is, we have to leave this area as soon as possible. Otherwise, he If you break the chaos, you can chase it, we can't run far!"

The three crystal skulls nodded again and again, and it would be dangerous to stay here, and the best way to run quickly is the best way.

Although Su Yang knew the map of Three Thousand Great Worlds well, but to be honest, Su Yang really couldn't see where he was at this position. To be precise, among the three thousand great worlds, there is no map of this great world.

They can't judge the position here from the position of chaos, because chaos has no concept of position. A position in Chaos, after coming out, can be any big world, any position.

Coming out of chaos, wanting to reach a designated location, the main way is to open chaos. Only with different opening methods can you reach different locations.

But wanting to do this is not something that the prefecture-level realm can do.

Of course, Chaos Sparrow is not the same as Chaos Worm. It is a product of chaos and naturally has the ability to control chaos.

However, the situation just now was too dangerous. Where does the Chaos Sparrow still have time to think about how to open the chaos, let alone where to go. Therefore, the position after coming out is really uncertain.

The four randomly chose a direction, and then flew quickly in that direction. Although you don’t know where you are now, if you find someone and ask about it, don’t you know?

Everyone flew forward for a long distance without seeing a star field suitable for humans. In the end, Su Yang simply used the method of tearing apart the space and led everyone forward quickly.

Regardless of whether someone can be found, the most important thing is to leave the position just now. Otherwise, once the old man catches up, they will be in trouble.

They kept tearing apart the space and moving forward. After almost two months, Su Yang and the others suddenly reached the edge of chaos.

"I'm on the edge of chaos so soon?" The second city lord scratched his head: "No wonder we haven't encountered a star field or something along the way. Our position is already on the edge of this big world. How? How are we going? Go straight in?"

"What are you kidding me!" The big city lord immediately interrupted him: "That old guy might still be waiting for us in the chaos. Let's go directly into the chaos. Isn't that self-inflicted?"

"Let's enter the chaos from here, may we not be able to run into him?" Ercheng said.

"He is with the King of Chaos Insects that you gave him. Who knows if that thing has any great abilities against the sky." Dacheng Master said: "This is not a trivial matter. I suggest safety first."

"Uh..." The Second City Lord scratched his head and nodded: "Big Brother is right!"

Su Yang also nodded, and went directly into Chaos, which was indeed an inappropriate method. The best case is to enter the chaotic land from the channel of the chaotic land, and then return to the big world, so that it can be safer.

"Let's find the entrance of Chaos Land!" Su Yang said.

The three crystal skulls nodded at the same time, and the second city master took a long time looking at the pergola, and said: "Boss, where are we going to find the entrance to the land of chaos?"

"Look for the guardian **** here, where they are sure!" Su Yang said.

"That's right!" The Second City Lord nodded immediately: "Then let's find a guardian **** and ask!"

"But, where can I find it?" Three City Lord asked.

Su Yang also frowned. The situation in this big world made him very hard to understand. Because, after flying so far, he still couldn't see which big world it was.

He knew the map of the three thousand great worlds, so why didn't he have the memory of this great world?

"Go to the middle!" Su Yang said, "No matter what, there must be a guardian **** in the place of protection."

"Alright!" The three crystal skeletons nodded, and followed Su Yang, quickly rushing to the middle of the big world.

Su Yang and the others tore through the space, rushing for three months, finally encountered a star field.

"Boss, there is finally someone!" The second city lord was very excited: "Go, let's go to this planet, maybe there is a patron saint in it, pretending to be the savior, catch him and you can figure out this big world. That’s it!"

Su Yang shook his head: "There is no guardian **** in this star field!"

"No?" The three crystal skulls were all surprised.

Su Yang's spiritual consciousness far surpassed these three, and he clearly felt it when he was outside here. In this star field, there is indeed no guardian god.

"No matter what, I finally arrived in a star field, let's go in and take a look!" Su Yang said.

The four Su Yang came to the vicinity of this star field, Su Yang felt it, and found that there were quite a few cultivators in this star field. However, the strength of these cultivators is not strong, the strongest are only the three holy kings.

Moreover, these are the cultivators of the human race, and there is no guardian **** at all. Could it be that the guardian **** did not come here to farm?

In addition, Su Yang also saw that this is a medium-sized world, and it is also a very prosperous medium-sized world. But why is this middle world not even a holy emperor born?

"There is something wrong with this planet!" The big city master next to him suddenly said.

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