The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2661: First shrine

Su Yang took out the Blade of Slashing the Sky, and the three crystal skeletons leaned forward and studied it carefully.

"How is it, is there any gain?" Su Yang asked.

"There are some!" Dacheng lord said with joy: "It is the breath of the heavenly stele, I feel it!"

"Can you find the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet?" Su Yang said immediately.

"It's not very sure, but you can give it a try." Dachengzhu looked at the second and third city owners next to him: "What do you think?"

The second city lord hesitated, but the third city lord nodded very simply: "Then try it."

"Okay!" Dacheng lord nodded and turned to Su Yang: "Boss, we are now going to use our secret method to find the location of the Heavenly Path stone stele. However, this process takes a while and cannot be disturbed. You have to help us protect the law. !"

"No problem!" Su Yang nodded: "I put you in the chaotic gourd, no one can disturb you!"

"That won't work!" Dacheng lord waved his hand immediately: "We have to be in the same space as the Heavenly Path Stone Tablet to find the position of the Heavenly Path Stone Tablet. If it is not in the same space, then we won't be able to sense it!"

"Oh, that is to say, you must be in this fairy palace!" Su Yang frowned: "If these guardian gods hide the heavenly stone stele in their portable space, wouldn't you be insensitive? Arrived?"

"So, we can only say it is a try." Dachengzhu shrugged: "If it is in this space, then we can sense it. If not, then we really can't do anything!"

Su Yang nodded slowly, and it seemed that it was really not easy to find the Heavenly Path Stone Tablet.

Three crystal skeletons sat cross-legged in a triangle shape, and a gloomy light appeared in the palm of each person. These three groups of light slowly merged together, and then slowly walked among the three crystal skeletons.

The bodies of the three crystal skeletons were trembling slightly. There is no doubt that using this method will cost them a lot. With their current strength, it is difficult to withstand this loss.

This process lasted about three days, and finally, the three beams of light slowly stopped, as if the position was finally determined.

The three crystal skeletons finally opened their eyes, and it was obvious that all three of them were very weak, but their faces were full of joy.

"Found it!" The Great City Lord said excitedly: "It's not far from here, it's about three years away!"

"That's great!" Su Yang nodded: "In what direction, tell me the specific location!"

The Great City Lord stretched out his hand and gently pushed the gloomy light in the air, and the gloomy light fell into Su Yang's hand and quickly merged into Su Yang's body.

At this moment, Su Yang had some more information directly in his mind, which was a route to guide the route to the heavenly stele.

"This is the specific location!" Dacheng said: "Fortunately, this heavenly path stone monument can be sensed even in this space!"

"Okay!" Su Yang slowly nodded, and said: "The three of you consume too much energy, first go back to the chaotic gourd and rest, I will go over and observe the situation!"

"Alright!" The three crystal skeletons nodded. After this time, the three of them were really worn out and must rest as soon as possible.

After Su Yang loaded the three crystal skulls into the chaotic gourd, the joy on his face receded directly, replaced by a solemn face.

The three crystal skeletons were outside just now, and Su Yang did not show it. In fact, after the three crystal skeletons found the traces of the Taoist stele that day, Su Yang was not happy, but vigilant.

You know, when they were outside before, when they planned to enter the fairy palace, they had conflicts with those in the fairy palace. The Golden Winged Dapeng smashed through the entrance of the fairy palace, and the Buddha and the phantom of the Skykiller jointly suppressed the powerful people in the fairy palace. This was a big deal.

Under such circumstances, these existences in the Immortal Palace clearly knew that Su Yang and the others were going to enter the Immortal Palace, and they were rushing towards the Heavenly Path Stele. As a result, these existences in the Immortal Palace did not hide the Heavenly Dao Stele, but instead placed the Heavenly Dao Stele in this space. If there is no problem, Su Yang would never believe it!

There is no doubt that these existences in the fairy palace must be desperate to guard the heavenly stele. Therefore, at this time, there must be many strong guards near the stone stele of Heaven. Under such circumstances, Su Yang wanted to take away the Heavenly Dao stele, which was tantamount to rushing into the encirclement of these powerful men. What's the difference between it and death!

Therefore, the three crystal skeletons found the traces of the Heavenly Path Stele. This is not a good thing. On the contrary, it clearly shows that there is a trap ahead.

Of course, Su Yang couldn't let the three crystal skeletons know about such things, lest they also worry about it.

After placing the three crystal skeletons in place, Su Yang pondered for a while, and finally decided to take a walk near the Tiandao stele.

This time when he came in, he was rushing to the heavenly stone stele. If he doesn't look for it because there are traps in front of him, isn't his trip in vain? Moreover, when he came in, he came with the determination to die. At this time, he really has no other choice!

Following the guided route, Su Yang flew forward for almost three years, and he really saw a light spot.

This light spot is different from the planets Su Yang saw before. If you look closely, you will find that this is not a planet, but a huge palace standing in the void.

There are four characters written above the palace-the first shrine!

Su Yang's heart moved, could this be the palace of the first god?

According to the guided route, the Heavenly Path Stele is in this palace. In other words, did the heavenly stele finally fall into the palace of the first god?

However, this is normal.

The first **** himself is the leader of the guardian god, and this heavenly path stone monument was found by the servant of the first god. Both emotion and reason should be placed in the first god!

Su Yang didn't approach the past directly, because I didn't know how many people there were and what kind of trap it was. He rushed in, maybe he was besieged by countless immortal palace experts, it would be tantamount to sending him to death.

After wandering around, Su Yang quietly left this place. During the whole process, no one was disturbed, nor did it attract anyone's attention.

On the way here, Su Yang saw several planets. This time, Su Yang chose one of the planets and quietly approached this planet.

As soon as he arrived near this planet, Su Yang felt a powerful pressure on his face, and the guardian **** on this planet finally found him.

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