The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2695: This is the chosen era

Su Yang was a little dazed, Dao Zun's words really hit people's hearts directly.

"From the ancient times to the ancient times, how much did the human race paid and sacrificed?" Dao Zun said coldly: "For what, isn't it just for the human race to control everything about it? There are so many strong people in the ancient times and so many strong people in the ancient times. Sacrifice, why can't later generations sacrifice?"

Su Yang fell into silence. Although he said so, but thinking about it carefully, so many lives were obliterated in this way, and he was really uncomfortable.

"Since you have the ability to obliterate all lives, why don't you selectively obliterate it?" Su Yang said, "Do you obliterate the guardian **** and not the human race?"

"If we can do this, do you think we don't want it?" Dao Zun said solemnly: "But the problem is not as simple as you think. The only thing that can kill all lives is the law of heaven and the earth. We are just borrowing the power of the law of heaven or the earth , To obliterate all lives. However, no matter whether you use heaven or geography, you can't be selective. To obliterate, it is to obliterate all lives. There is no choice!"

After a pause, Dao Zun said solemnly: "Why do you think that the Guardian God is better than us? In so many times, we have wiped out half, and the Guardian God has also wiped out half. This situation is relative. Once the human race has the advantage and the guardian **** has no hope, they will use the heavens to obliterate this era. In the same way, once the guardian **** has the advantage and the human race has no advantage, we will use the land to obliterate this era!"

"Then they won't stop it?" Su Yanqi said: "Once the Guardian God has the advantage, don't they want to maintain the advantage?"

"Then they have to be able to stop it!" Dao Zun: "We want to obliterate the era, using the rules of the earth. The strongest guardian gods have not returned. What do they use to block the rules of the earth. The same principle, if you protect it When God used the way of heaven to obliterate the age, our strongest did not return. How can we stop them?"

"The strongest..." Su Yang looked at Dao Zun: "Aren't you one of the strongest?"

"But I haven't restored my peak strength!" Dao Zun: "Only by restoring peak strength can we stop it. Therefore, for so many times, we cannot stop the Guardian God, nor can the Guardian God stop us!"

"So that's it!" Su Yang suddenly realized that he couldn't help feeling deeply. Who can imagine that so many things happened in the middle.

"But, heaven and earth, have not all been broken?" Su Yangqi said: "How do you use heaven and earth to obliterate an era?"

"Heaven and Earth are broken, but these were born in chaos after all, and can be slowly restored in chaos!" Dao Zun: "You have already got the half of the Heavenly Dao stele, which is restored in chaos. A half-length stone stele is enough to obliterate this era!"

"So it's like this!" Su Yang nodded.

"Then now, we and the Guardian God, who has the upper hand?" Su Yang asked again: "Once we have the upper hand, the Guardian God, will the Guardian God kill this era?"

"Do you know why those heaven warriors will return in this era?" Dao Zun said softly: "Do you know why they all said that everything must end in this era?"

Su Yang shook his head, Dao Zun: "Because, this era has developed to the present, whether it is us or the guardian god, think this is the best opportunity, and will not obliterate this era again!"

"Why?" Su Yang was surprised, the current situation is still very unclear.

"At first, everyone was watching, so we didn't come to kill this era for the time being. But now, the situation has been controlled and can't be killed." Dao Zun: "Our strongest person has already awakened a lot. . Even at this time, the Guardian God wants to obliterate this era with Heaven, we can stop it. Similarly, the strongest of the Guardian God has returned, and we can’t obliterate this era. So, everything, just It will end in this era!"

"In other words, it was the Human Race and the Guardian God who chose this era together?" Su Yangqi said.

Dao Zun nodded, and Su Yangqi said: "But the situation is so unclear. Choose this era, who knows who will win in the end?"

"So, this is the reason for choosing this era together!" Dao Zun: "Only when the strength of the two parties are equal, and the situation is unknown, can both parties be recognized. Once one party is too strong, the other party will definitely obliterate this era. what!"

"That's true too!" Su Yang nodded, but felt the pressure on his body increased. Sacrificing the lives of so many times is ultimately for the last battle of this era. Once the human race is defeated, isn't it sorry for the lives sacrificed before?

"You are here this time, not just to thank me, right?" Dao Zun asked.

Su Yang smiled and told Dao Zun about the current situation of the Nine Realms: "Junior is here this time, and I want to invite Senior to the Nine Realms to preside over the overall situation!"

"There is no need to preside over the overall situation. Now that the Nine Realms have been arranged, I will help you too!" Dao Zun waved his hand, and some people flew out of the distant planet. The leader is the Xuan Yi that Su Yang has seen here before.

These people were all surprised. It seemed that they didn't know why Dao Zun captured them.

However, they didn't say anything, they all bowed in front of Dao Zun.

"The time has come, and I should go too!" Dao Zun said loudly: "I found you to tell you that there are some things you should do!"

Although Xuan Yi and the others were surprised, they still bowed down one after another: "What's the command of Lord Guardian?"

"Before this, I will return your memories to you!" Dao Zun waved his hand, and a cloud of blue light suddenly appeared outside the planet. The green light shattered, and countless light spots inside quickly fell into the planet.

Some light spots fell on the people of Xuan Yi, and the people of Xuan Yi were stunned, as if they were lost in thought. After a long time, the expressions of these people gradually changed, but their faces were very sad, and even, some people had tears in their eyes.

Su Yang was surprised when he saw this scene. He didn't know what was going on. But you can see that these people are very excited.

Dao Zun said at this time: "You are all the genius and strong men of countless previous eras. When those eras died, I collected your remnants and saved them to this day so that you can be reborn. For so many years, I will not recover. Your memory does not want you to bear too much pain and hatred."

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