The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2703: Where did Su Yang go?

The Terran didn't care much about this battle, but before they went out, Su Yang repeatedly reminded them to go all out and never underestimate the enemy. Therefore, everyone is more serious.

And when the war began, they understood why Su Yang reminded them like that. Because this battle is much fiercer than any previous battle.

In the previous battles of the Guardian God, he was still regaining his strength, mainly tentative. Moreover, the guardian **** also has some people behind as a reserve army, ready to support the kind. Therefore, in the previous wars, the guardian **** actually did not dispatch the entire army.

This time, the situation is completely different. The Guardian God was completely dispatched by the entire army, and the Lao Lao didn't even leave a single person behind. This was a completely desperate way of playing for the Human Race.

Faced with such a situation, the human race was confused. They never expected that the guardian **** would be so desperate.

The human race is not as strong as the guardian god. When the guardian **** is desperate, the human race is naturally unable to resist it, and it will soon fall into a disadvantage. Less than two decades after the start of the war, the human race was beaten back and forth, and the front line was pulled back again and again, gradually approaching the position of the nine realms. The stronghold of the human race was pulled out one by one, which can be described as a series of defeats.

On the side of the Guardian God, there are also a lot of damages, but the Guardian God has no plans to retreat at all, it is completely to fight to the end. Therefore, despite hitting this level, the guardian **** continued to push forward all the way.

After more than ten years, the battlefield was already outside the Nine Realms, and it might be here at any time.

The strong humans are desperate. After such a long war, the losses on both sides are extremely serious. But the guardian **** is stronger after all, so the damage is less than the human side.

Today, the guardian god's military strength can be said to be twice or more than that of the human race.

According to this situation, continue to fight, Human Race is definitely not the opponent of the Guardian God. In other words, the Nine Realms are very likely to fall, and the guardian **** might be killed in the Nine Realms.

All the sky warriors are extremely depressed. Once the Nine Realms are breached, the problem is not just as simple as being taken away from the Heavenly Path Stele.

Reincarnation is in the Rongshi Furnace. Once the Nine Realms are breached, the Rongshi Furnace will also be snatched away by the Guardian God. At that time, reincarnation fell into the hands of the guardian god, how can these war dead, how to use reincarnation to bring them back?

Therefore, at this time of the war, it is no longer a question of the stele of the Heavenly Path, but a question of the survival of these heaven warriors.

At this time, these sky warriors also knew very well that they had no choice at all. The only thing they can do is to desperately defend the Nine Realms and prevent the Guardian God from killing them.

Once they fail, the human race is completely finished. It's really hard to tell whether the strongest people alone can make a comeback!

Almost all the sky warriors were fighting desperately outside, and at this time, people suddenly discovered a strange situation: as the leader of the human race, Su Yang did not participate in this battle!

Everlasting Immortal Venerable personally led people outside to block the guardian god. He also noticed this and couldn't help flying to the nine-headed demon yuan: "Nine-headed, where is the lord?"

Nine-headed Moyuan shook his head: "How do I know, I have come out and fight the guardian **** desperately!"

"Is he still in the Nine Realms?" Changsheng Xianzun looked at the direction of the Nine Realms, frowning and said: "Everyone has killed at the gate of the Nine Realms, and he hasn't come out to fight, what does this mean? Does he have to wait for these guards? If the God of God kills the Nine Realms, will he make another move? Humph, really consider himself a rich man?"

"Hey, be careful when you speak!" The nine-headed demon yelled, "Dare to be disrespectful to the leader, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Changsheng Xianzun glanced at the nine-headed demon yuan and took a sip, disdainful in his heart. This nine-headed demon element was scared by Qi'er before it would become Su Yang's doglegs. The Immortal Venerable Changsheng completely disdains to associate with such people.

Although he was also stepped on by Su Yang, he was still very unwilling and very unconvinced in his heart.

This time, when the war reached this point, Su Yang did not show up, which gave him a feeling of hope.

Are you Su Yang not showing up? That's right, just take advantage of this incident to make you discredited, and see how you will be the leader of the human race in the future!

Of course, Longevity Immortal Venerable would not be so stupid to talk about it himself. He winked at some of the cronies who were still in contact with him secretly, and they nodded in succession.

"Where is the leader of Su League? We can't hold on anymore, why hasn't the leader of Su League come out?" a person shouted immediately.

Others immediately followed suit: "Yeah, why didn't League Master Su come out?"

"As the leader of the human race, why not come out to fight with us?"

"Leader Su, are you going to watch us all die outside? If we lose, the Nine Realms will definitely fall. Who can escape the human race?"

"Leader Su, can't you come out anymore?"

These people yelled loudly and also attracted the attention of others. These people were fighting before, and they didn't observe it carefully. Now, when they look closely, they are all stunned. Su Yang is indeed not at the scene.

"What does he mean by this?"

"As the leader of the human race, how can I boost morale without even showing up?"

"Escape before battle, retreat without a fight, how can such a person be our leader?"

"It's so hateful, how can there be such a person? How tall and tall I usually say, when something really happens, I immediately shrink my head!"

The crowd continued to curse, but there was no movement among the nine worlds behind, and Su Yang seemed to have not heard it.

On the side of the guardian god, everyone laughed.

"With so many heavenly warriors here, you are looking for a stinky brat to be your leader. Tsk tsk, don't you deserve to be exterminated?"

"Look for a leader who dare not show up. Is the Human Race really out of talent?"

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, the leader of the human race, scared to hide. You shrimp soldiers and crabs, are you going to work hard here?"

"Is it useful to hide in the world below? When we get in, no matter where you hide, we will find you!"

"Everyone, work harder, these human wastes are almost too much to hold!"

The guardian **** kept shouting, and he was extremely proud, and his combat effectiveness increased a lot.

On the Terran side, everyone's expressions have become even more ugly. Su Yang did not show up, so that their morale was low. On the contrary, it boosted the morale of the guardian god. This is simply a disaster for the human race!

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