The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2719: Su Yang fights Tianzong

Tianzong said coldly: "Buddha and Heaven Killer, I will kill them myself sooner or later. But now my target is you. Su Yang, since you are so confident, you dare to fight me alone?"

Su Yang sneered: "Play alone? Are you sure?"

"Why, afraid?" Tianzong sneered: "If you are afraid, you can say, I can let you go. After all, you are just a humble ant!"

"Hahaha..." Su Yang raised his head and smiled: "It must be impossible to be afraid. I just think that fighting with you is really impossible. So, I want to give you a chance. You can take it back. What you say. If you don't ask for help from someone on your side for a while, wouldn't it be embarrassing? You are the Heavenly Sect, the son of the first god, and also the strongest. Can you afford this person?"

"Funny!" Tianzong yelled: "What are you, dare to talk to me like this? If you fight with you, I will lose? The surname is Su, you should think about your own affairs first. You really want to fight for a while, Don't you kneel on the ground begging for mercy!"

"Master Tianzong, are you so confident?" Su Yang smiled and said loudly: "Everyone, please hear clearly, since Tianzong insists on repeatedly, then I can only challenge. But before that, I have to make it clear. The battle between me and Tianzong is a fair battle, and it is our own personal grievances. Therefore, no matter what the battle is, you should not intervene!"

Everyone on Terran looked at each other. Is Su Yang so confident?

However, thinking about the previous attitudes of the Buddha and the Heaven Slayer towards Su Yang, everyone is still full of confidence in Su Yang.

"Okay!" Everyone in the Terran shouted, expressing their support for Su Yang.

Su Yang smiled and looked at the opposite Tianzong. Tianzong frowned. Su Yang's self-confidence made him suddenly feel unconfident.

However, after thinking about it, Tianzong didn't think he would lose.

Although Su Yang's current momentum is not weak, but in his opinion, Su Yang is just a younger generation after all. From the beginning, Su Yang's strength was far inferior to them. Although the progress has been rapid over the years, it is certainly not as good as their former powerhouses.

What's more, Tianzong used to be the strongest, but the foundation was ruined by the Heavenslayer during the War of the Ancients, so it had to be repaired from scratch. However, his experience and vision are far beyond ordinary people. Even among his same earth-level peaks, he is the absolute strongest!

The Xeon is at the pinnacle of the earth level, that is not what other pinnacles of the earth level can contend.

Therefore, Tianzong is very confident. Among these people at the scene, he is the absolute strongest.

The reason why he wanted to force Su Yang to fight alone with him was to avenge the engulfed hatred of his palace, and second, to kill Su Yang in front of everyone to crush the morale of the human race.

Now it makes no sense that Su Yang agrees to fight him alone, but he himself is afraid to fight, right?

Tianzong took a deep breath and said loudly: "Everyone from the Protoss, this battle is a life-and-death battle between me and Su Yang. No matter what the outcome is, it is only a matter for the two of me. No one can interfere!"

"Okay!" The guardian gods here also shouted in support of Tianzong.

In their opinion, Tianzong had no reason to lose to Su Yang, and naturally they were extremely supportive.

"Hahaha..." Su Yang laughed: "Master Tianzong, don't say this so full, isn't it good to leave yourself a way out?"

"You better think about your future!" Tianzong said coldly: "The surname is Su, today, I will kill you!"

After saying this, Tianzong rushed over and rushed towards Su Yang fiercely.

Su Yang also stopped laughing, and flew to the middle battlefield to fight against Tianzong.

As soon as Tian Zong fought against Su Yang, he felt that the situation was not right. Su Yang's strength had obviously advanced to the pinnacle of the prefecture level. Moreover, the most important thing is that Su Yang's power is very powerful, so powerful that it makes him feel shocked.

Tianzong's full shot can only be equal to Su Yang's strength, which is something he didn't expect at all.

How could Su Yang's strength improve so fast?

However, Tianzong did not panic much.

For people of the same realm, strength is really important. However, the combat skills and the secrets learned are also very important.

After all, Tianzong was once the strongest, in these respects, he was far stronger than Su Yang.

As for Su Yang, he just has the Buddha and the phantom of the Skykiller. However, the Buddha and the Skykiller were once in the same realm as the Tianzong. Under such circumstances, how could Tianzong be afraid of Su Yang?

After fighting for a while, Tianzong began to use his unique secret method. While besieging Su Yang, he vigilantly guarded against the phantom in Su Yang's body.

In his opinion, what he really should be afraid of is the phantom of the Buddha Skykiller in Su Yang, and nothing else is important. As for Su Yang, he didn't take it seriously!

However, he soon discovered that something was wrong.

His secret method had trapped Su Yang in it, but he couldn't hurt Su Yang at all. Su Yang's physical resistance is far beyond his imagination.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Su Yang was trapped in this secret method, but did not summon the Buddha Skykiller to resist. This situation has never happened before.

You know, Su Yang's own strength is actually very average. In each battle, his main combat method was to use the Buddha and the phantom of the Skykiller to confront the enemy. This time, Su Yang didn't summon this phantom, what was going on?

Tianzong didn't know that Su Yang didn't call the phantom, not because he didn't want to call, but because he couldn't call it.

After he was promoted to the top of the earth level, the Buddha and the Skykiller phantom left, and now Su Yang was left.

Facing Tianzong's powerful secret method, Su Yang really couldn't crack it for a while.

If the Buddha's Skykiller phantom is there, this secret method is nothing at all. However, now he is left alone, which is a bit difficult to deal with.

After carefully recalling the secret method recorded in the Destiny Book, Su Yang could not find a secret method suitable for him.

There are many secrets in it, which belong to the Buddha and the Heavenslayer. However, when the Buddha and the phantom of the Skykiller were in Su Yang's body, he could easily use these secret methods. After the phantom was gone, Su Yang would be more troublesome to use it again.

In other words, there are many secret methods that Su Yang uses alone, but they can't even be used.

For example, the secret method of Demon Swallowing the World, when Su Yang used it before, was handy. Because at that time, the Skykiller phantom would cooperate with him to use the magic swallowing world secret method.

But now, Su Yang wanted to use this secret method again, but encountered a great trouble!

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