The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2722: Ye Wantong in Distress

Ye Wantong's power was almost exhausted, and when he fought these three guardian gods, he was completely at a disadvantage, and it could almost be said that he had no power to fight back.

According to this situation, her defeat is only a matter of time.

Ye Wantong's face was cold, and she also knew what these people thought. These three guardian gods could have killed her easily. Surrounding but not killing is to capture her, how could Ye Wantong let them succeed?

Ye Wantong had already made up his mind. Once he really couldn't hold it, he would blew himself up and would never let these people threaten Su Yang with himself.

In fact, these three guardian gods are also staring at Ye Wantong. They were ordered to capture Ye Wantong alive anyway, so that they could use Ye Wantong to threaten Su Yang. Once Ye Wantong died, wouldn't it be a waste of work?

The strength of these three guardian gods is actually much stronger than what they showed. They have been hiding their strength, in fact, they are preventing Ye Wantong from exploding. As long as Ye Wantong has a tendency to explode, they will immediately take action to control Ye Wantong, and it's done.

The battle lasted for a while, and Ye Wantong received a few more blows, and the consumption of his body's strength was even more serious, and there was basically no possibility of further fighting.

Looking at the chaotic people around, Ye Wantong felt a little desperate. She knew that by this time, she had no chance of breaking out. If you continue to fight, you will be caught by these three people. She can't let Su Yang be distracted by herself.

Looking at these people next to him, Ye Wantong took a deep breath, and suddenly mobilized the remaining power in his body, preparing to forcibly explode.

Seeing Ye Wantong's actions, the three guardian gods immediately understood what she was going to do. The movements of the three guardian gods were also extremely fast, and as soon as Ye Wantong got his power ready, the three people quickly shot.

The three people shot out a white light and three white lights at the same time, directly imprisoning Ye Wantong. Also imprisoned was the power in Ye Wantong's body.

If Ye Wantong did this earlier, when the remaining power in her body was still a lot, it would not be so easy for these three guardian gods to imprison her power. However, the power remaining in her body is too little now, and these three guardian gods will be able to confine her power with all their strength, leaving her with no resistance at all.

Ye Wantong's complexion changed suddenly, and she didn't expect that these three guardian gods had hidden their strength. At this moment, she was completely caught by these three people, and even her own life and death could not be the master.

"You three, mean!" Ye Wantong shouted angrily.

"Hahaha..." A guardian **** sneered: "If you want to say despicable, the Su of your human race is really despicable. Over the years, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks have emerged one after another, cheating us so many times. Our tricks are also with him. I learned it. Blame it, blame your husband!"

Ye Wantong's complexion was even more ugly. She struggled several times, but she couldn't break away at all. The strength of these three people is also at the peak of the guardian gods. It is estimated that she would be a tie when she played one game, and of course, her strength was far different when she played three.

"Little girl, stop struggling, go with us!" A guardian **** sneered: "Go, go and see what your husband is doing to you. See if he is willing to give up his own for you Life!"

As soon as the guardian **** waved his hand, Ye Wantong flew with them.

"You let me go..." Ye Wantong yelled, she really would rather die than let Su Yang be threatened because of herself.

The three guardian gods ignored them and slowly flew up with Ye Wantong.

At this moment, Ye Wantong's shoulder suddenly moved, and the bear of the earth that had been hit hard before suddenly rushed out.

"Roar!" The Earth Bear let out an angry roar, and his body expanded again, suddenly dispelling the outermost white light. Then, it carried Ye Wantong on its back, turned and rushed towards Yuankong.

The three guardian gods did not expect that the bear of the earth, which had been hit hard, could be so desperate.

"Little Bear!" Ye Wantong exclaimed, with tears in her beautiful eyes.

She knew that the bear of the earth was damaging its origin by doing so. It may persist for a while, but if it continues to run like this, it will die!

The wound on Earth Bear's body was constantly spraying blood out, but it never stopped, carrying Ye Wantong on its back and running wildly.

The faces of the three guardian gods all changed, and they hurriedly pursued them.

"It's okay, the power in the female sword saint is still blocked. This bear can't break the seal in her body!" A guardian **** shouted: "Let's catch up and catch her!"

"Stop the bear first!" A guardian **** yelled, and at the same time shot, madly attacking the bear of the earth.

Feeling the power behind, Ye Wantong turned his head and looked, only to see the attacks of the three guardian gods rushing frantically.

Her complexion changed again, and she screamed: "Little Bear, flash!"

The Bear of the Earth ignored Ye Wantong's back and ran forward. It can dodge, but the problem is that if it dodges in this way, it will slow down its speed, and it will be overtaken by these three guardian gods.

Therefore, the Bear of the Earth took a few hard hits, but the speed still did not slow down at all, and continued to run forward frantically.

The following three guardian gods are going crazy, isn't this earth bear afraid of death?

"Kill it! Kill it!" a guardian **** shouted: "I don't believe it, how long can it last!"

While chasing wildly, the three guardian gods kept attacking.

The Earth Bear suffered all these attacks, his body was constantly being defeated, and almost all his flesh and blood were broken up, leaving a blood-red skeleton. However, the Earth Bear still kept running, still carrying Ye Wantong on his back.

Ye Wantong's face was full of tears. She knew that after this time, even if the Earth Bear could save his life, he would still be beaten back to the beginning. All the power will no longer exist, and you will have to practice from scratch.

Moreover, it is the best result to save lives. Judging from the situation of the Earth Bear's injury, it is more likely that it will fall completely, and there will be no Earth Bear in the future.

However, Ye Wantong can't do anything now.

This is the battle between the human race and the guardian god. It is cruel to the extreme. No matter if you have ever been incomparable, no matter how high you are, no one can change the result of this battle.

This is a battle between two races, and it is also a decisive battle between the two races. No one will show mercy to the opponent, any method or means can be used to defeat the opponent. There is no pity, no sympathy, only by killing the other side can you keep yourself!

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