In the end, none of these more than a dozen guardian gods could escape from the **** sea, and were wrapped in the **** sea.

Ye Wantong and the female warrior only heard miserable screams from inside. The guardian gods madly attacked the sea of ​​blood, trying to rush out of the sea of ​​blood.

However, in the end, these guardian gods still failed to rush out of this endless blood sea, and they were all swallowed by this blood sea.

However, the endless blood sea is not without damage. These guardian gods tried desperately and bombarded wildly, also evaporating a large part of the endless sea of ​​blood.

The reason why the endless blood sea is terrifying is not only because of its powerful corrosiveness. More importantly, the life force of this endless sea of ​​blood.

As long as there is a little blood left in the endless blood sea, then this endless blood sea can swallow the spiritual energy and eventually return to its peak. Moreover, even if there was only the last drop of blood left, the corrosiveness of the endless sea of ​​blood remained unchanged.

In other words, no matter what the endless blood sea looks like, as long as it exists, the offensive power of the endless blood sea will remain unchanged.

This is different from the guardian **** of the human race. After the human race and the guardian **** are injured, their combat effectiveness will inevitably decrease. And the endless blood sea, the combat power will not decline, this is the main reason why the endless blood sea can kill so many guardian gods at once.

However, this does not mean that the endless sea of ​​blood can fight infinitely. When these guardian gods fight with all their strength, they consume a lot of blood in the sea of ​​blood, and this blood is equivalent to the life of the sea of ​​blood.

Once the blood of the endless blood sea is exhausted, then the endless blood sea will die.

After slaying these guardian gods, the endless sea of ​​blood once again turned into a blood-colored chain and fell on Ye Wantong's side. However, it is not directly attached to Ye Wantong's body now.

It was able to become a chain and hung around Ye Wantong's neck because Su Yang added a layer of strength to this blood, which separated the endless blood sea.

But now, this layer of power has been shattered, if the endless sea of ​​blood hangs on Ye Wantong's neck, this blood will corrode Ye Wantong.

Ye Wantong didn't dare to stay in this area anymore, because there were still many guardian gods chasing her before. Although there is an endless sea of ​​blood protectors, once too many guardian gods are chased, this endless sea of ​​blood cannot be sustained.

Leaving the area quickly with the female warrior, Ye Wantong didn't know where to go.

Now the entire big world is a battlefield between the human race and the guardian god. Everywhere there are human race members fighting against the guardian god. It's useless to run anywhere.

The only thing Ye Wantong could do was to rush towards the Nine Realms as much as possible. On the Nine Realms, there were a lot of Human Race members. Ye Wantong wanted to find a relatively safe place, recover his strength as soon as possible, and enter the war again.

Being able to escape this time does not mean she can escape the next time. The Guardian God is now determined to catch her and threaten Su Yang, of course she can't fall into the hands of the Guardian God.

What Ye Wantong has experienced is just a microcosm of this battle. The same war is going on in other parts of this big world.

It's just that the others do not have the luck of Ye Wantong. Those strong human races, even if they are really in danger, no one can rush to rescue them in time, and they can only die miserably.

However, in such a situation, there is no alternative. This battle between the human race and the guardian **** is a battle of life and death, and no one can stand alone.

Therefore, although the strength of the human race is not as good as the guardian god, the members of the human race still do their best to fight with the guardian god. Nothing else, just to end the last hundred years.

After these hundred years have passed, it is the previous millennium agreement. Persist in this last millennium, their mission is even completed.

Among the human races, the most dangerous situation is Su Yang.

After all, the furnace of Rongshi is on Su Yang, and the half-time stele is also on Su Yang. Therefore, he has also become the primary goal of the guardian god.

Tianzong personally led people to besiege Su Yang, of course, on the Human Race side, there were also many strong people to protect Su Yang.

This battle broke out not far from the guarded place. There were about a hundred people on Su Yang's side, and they were all extremely powerful.

Among them, there are powerful men like the nine-headed demon element, as well as the ascetic Buddha, the Supreme Dragon King, the Eye of Chaos, and the immortal Titans who came out some time ago.

These people, in addition to the nine-headed demon element, the other four, but the existence that can compete with the emperor. Now guarding Su Yang's side has also become the strongest combat power on the human side.

The ascetic Buddha once again incarnates infinity, the huge golden body as if it has no end, much larger than an ordinary planet.

Su Yang knew that this was because the ascetic Buddha had not yet recovered his peak strength. You know, in the illusion of Heaven Slashing Blade before, the body of the ascetic Buddha can hold up half of the big world.

The golden body was radiant, and where the golden light was shining, the guardian gods were under tremendous pressure, and their actions were delayed as if they were carrying a mighty force. And the strong human race, in this golden light, is not subject to the slightest restriction.

These guardian gods felt the pressure of the golden light, and they shot one after another, trying to defeat the golden body of the ascetic Buddha. However, the attacks of these people hit the ascetic Buddha, but they could not shake the golden identity.

The ascetic Buddha's own offensive power is not strong, but his golden body defense is extremely strong, comparable to the strongest. Moreover, in his golden light, the strength of the human race can be increased, but the guardian **** is restricted. In ancient times, the ascetic Buddha was an absolute aid in the battle of the heaven warriors!

The Supreme Dragon Emperor also showed a ten thousand-foot dragon body, and the huge dragon body was covered with golden scales. Any scale has a strong defense. The attacks of the surrounding guardian gods hit the golden scales, and couldn't hurt the Supreme Dragon King at all.

However, the attack power of this Supreme Dragon Emperor is extremely strong, and if the five claws catch a guardian god, they can directly crush the guardian god. The stronger guardian **** ran away in panic, reshaping his body, but it also consumed a lot of power. As for those weaker guardian gods, even the primordial spirit could not escape, and they were crushed together with their bodies.

The attack of Chaos Eye is unique, this is a very peculiar human race powerhouse, he is just an ordinary person. Before he reached the Earth-level realm, he accidentally came into contact with Chaos, and his body was quickly assimilated by Chaos.

However, this one eye is the only one that has not been assimilated by chaos. Therefore, this person also has this eye left, and all his cultivation skills are in this eye.

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