The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2833: Power fluctuations

"Something is wrong!" Ye Wantong couldn't help but said: "Why have you flown so far, haven't you sensed their breath yet?"

"What's wrong is not this..." Su Yang said solemnly: "Have you found that we have been flying for so long, and we haven't reached the edge of this big world yet!"

Hearing this, Ye Wantong's complexion changed suddenly and exclaimed: "Yes, why haven't we reached the edge of this big world?"

Su Yang looked around and said in a deep voice: "From this point of view, the spatial scope has really become larger. This big world is very likely to be expanded many times. Therefore, we have not reached the edge of the big world. !"

"Is the scope of space really expanded?" Ye Wantong exclaimed. This time, her suspicions were much less, and she gradually began to believe in Su Yang's speculation.

"Then what shall we do now?" Ye Wantong whispered.

"Continue to fly!" Su Yang said solemnly, "Even if the space is expanded, but as long as our position is correct, no matter how much the space expands, we can still find them!"

Ye Wantong nodded, in fact, they had no other choice now, they could only do this.

The two continued to fly forward for almost a year, and still did not sense the aura of the eternal **** emperor and the supreme dragon emperor, and also never reached the edge of this big world.

This situation made Ye Wantong a little desperate.

As the strongest, it is very easy to travel through a big world. As a result, they have been flying for a year and a half now, and they have not yet reached the edge of this great world. How big is the scope of this great world?

Is it tens of thousands of times before? Or, hundreds of thousands of times?

If this were the case, a single big world could make the Xeon lose their way in it!

Su Yang is more resilient than Ye Wantong. During this time, he has been observing the surroundings.

"The aura is much thinner than the big world before us." Su Yang said solemnly: "It seems that our guess is correct. It is true that the space has become larger, which has diluted the previous aura."

"Really?" Ye Wantong was stunned: "Why didn't I feel it?"

"Because the aura you are currently absorbing is released from the earth on my body. The concentration of the aura around us has not changed." Su Yang shook his shoulders and whispered: "You feel it again!"

Ye Wantong felt it carefully, and immediately exclaimed: "Really, the spiritual energy is so thin that it can hardly be sensed!"

Su Yang looked at Yuankong and said in a deep voice: "In this way, all beings want to cultivate, but it will be difficult. Unless there are heaven and earth rules, let alone cultivate to the strongest. Look at this. In a big world, it is hard to say how many people can cultivate to the Saint Realm!"

"Then this big world has entered the Age of Doom?" Ye Wantong frowned and said: "The guardian **** is too despicable? In order to make people unable to give birth to a strong man, did he use this method to dilute his aura?"

Su Yang didn't speak, he certainly didn't believe that the guardian **** was just for the people to enter the Age of Doom.

Judging from the situation at the time, Tianzun did this indeed to save the guardian gods. In other words, the real purpose of Tianzun was mainly to save those guardian gods, and had to expand this big world.

Suddenly, Su Yang stopped and looked forward warily.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wantong immediately stopped and asked nervously. Su Yang's vigilant look made her vigilant.

"There are weak power fluctuations over there!" Su Yang whispered.

"Whose power fluctuates?" Ye Wantong asked in a low voice while feeling some carefully. However, the difference between her strength and Su Yang was not small, and she couldn't feel anything at all.

"I don't know!" Su Yang shook his head.

"I don't know?" Ye Wantong was surprised: "Aren't we familiar with it? Is it from the Guardian God?"

"No!" Su Yang shook his head again: "The power fluctuations that I have never felt before are strange and a bit disordered."

"Disorder?" Ye Wantong was at a loss, thought for a moment, and asked, "How is the strength?"

"The most troublesome thing is here..." Su Yang sighed and whispered: "Strong strength!"

"Very strong?" Ye Wantong's eyes widened. Su Yang can be called very strong, then the opponent's strength is definitely not simple.

"Is it Tianzun's?" Ye Wantong involuntarily grasped the sword of eternity. Once they met Tianzun, she and Su Yang would be in danger.

"No!" Su Yang shook his head: "This power is completely different from the power of Tianzun. This feeling is very weird, as if his cultivation method is completely different from ours!"

Ye Wantong looked blank, she didn't understand the meaning of Su Yang's words at all, what is called a cultivation method is completely different.

After a long silence, Ye Wantong whispered: "Would you like to go over and take a look?"

Su Yang nodded, although the opponent's strength was not weak. However, since I found it, I have to go and see what I said.

"You will be by my side for a while, if something happens, after I break, you run quickly!" Su Yang whispered.

"What about you?" Ye Wantong said worriedly.

"I have an immortal golden body and an immortal bone, and I can't die." Su Yang smiled.

"Then you have to be careful too!" Ye Wantong whispered.

It didn't take long for Ye Wantong to sense that power aura.

I just listened to Su Yang's description before, but I didn't feel it, so I didn't know what was going on.

When she felt it herself, she finally understood what Su Yang meant.

This power is indeed different from any power they have seen before. This kind of power is very weird, it is not the power cultivated by the human race or the guardian **** at all, and it is essentially different from their power attributes.

"Who is this?" Ye Wantong whispered: "The power is very strange."

Su Yang nodded slowly, did not speak, and continued to walk in the direction of that power.

After almost two hours, a small light spot suddenly appeared in front of him, and that power aura came from the light spot.

"What is that?" Ye Wantong asked strangely.

"It seems to be a planet!" Su Yang said, speeding up and rushing forward.

Ye Wantong quickly said: "Su Yang, let's not run so fast, it might be dangerous!"

"I felt the breath of the eternal **** emperor and the supreme dragon emperor, right near that light spot!" Su Yang whispered.

Ye Wantong's complexion changed, and there was that strange power near the light spot, as well as the power of the Eternal God Emperor and the Supreme Dragon Emperor. Could it be that they were together?

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