The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2850: Spirit flow

Everyone was speechless for a while, Qi'er couldn't help but said: "Dead loach, what nonsense are you talking about? You have to have the ability to feel it yourself!"

"I..." The Supreme Dragon Sovereign was speechless, muttering in a low voice, "I don't want people to say anything yet, what's wrong, monsters have no human rights!"

"If you can do it, you can go up, if you don't do it, don't force it!" Mozun said.

The Supreme Dragon Sovereign questioned: "What is forced talking?"

Mozun: "It means smashed mouth!"

"What is Broken Mouth?" Supreme Dragon Emperor asked again.

"My uncle!" Mozun said anxiously: "It's just long-winded, mother-in-law, don't you understand?"

"Damn, you are cursing!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor's eyes widened.

Everyone: "..."

The Emperor looked at Su Yang: "Leader Su, they have had a big battle here. After that, the direction they left is hard to say. Let's continue chasing in the previous direction, it must be impossible!"

Su Yang nodded, which was also the main reason why he wanted to find the direction. However, judging from the current situation, it is not low to find directions here.

"Or, let's disperse from here again and look around?" Dao Zun whispered.

"No!" Su Yang shook his head directly: "We are now on the territory of the Guardian God. Although there has been a war here, we don't know what the outcome of the war will be and what the final situation will be. So, we are not now either. I know how strong the guardian **** is."

"If we are scattered here, and the Guardian God is not scattered, wouldn't we have thrown ourselves into the trap and would be easily besieged by the strongest of the Guardian God?"

"Moreover, the danger here is not only the strongest guardian god, but also the blood shadows. I don't know where it is. Even if we don't meet the guardian **** strongest, we encounter those blood shadows, It’s also very dangerous. It’s not suitable to be scattered here!"

"That's true!" Dao Zun nodded, "After all, this is the site of the Guardian God. We really need to pay special attention to safety."

"Then we can only look for them together. But the problem is that we don't know where they are going. If we go together, it is easy to find the wrong direction. Now that the scope of the big world is so large, it's just a little bit close. It's possible to miss it completely!" Human Emperor frowned, "Hey, it's the first time I feel that the Xeon is so small. Those Celestials are really insidious enough to use this method to protect the guardian gods. !"

"The guardian **** has always been sinister, you know it for the first time today." Supreme Dragon Emperor curled his lips and said: "Think about how many descendants of monsters they have taken me and become their mounts. Damn, as long as there is a bit of humanity, all Can't do such a thing!"

While everyone was talking in low voices, Su Yang suddenly said: "Something is wrong!"

"What's wrong? Why is it wrong?" Everyone asked in surprise.

Su Yang said: "The aura of the land is lost very quickly, at least twice as much as before!"

"How could this be?" Everyone looked confused.

"Who of you has secretly absorbed the aura of the earth again!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor said loudly.

"Damn, you think everyone is like you!" Everyone replied contemptuously.

"It's definitely not absorbed by our own people." Su Yang said solemnly: "We didn't fight against people, and the speed of absorption of spiritual energy is constant. Unless the strength suddenly increases, there will be no sudden loss of spiritual energy!"

Everyone looked at each other, and if someone suddenly increased their strength, everyone would definitely be able to feel it.

"Then what's the situation?" everyone wondered.

"There is only one possibility..." Su Yang took a deep breath and said solemnly: "There are other people around here who are also absorbing this spiritual energy!"

"What?" everyone exclaimed, their eyes widened and looked around. The surrounding area was empty, no one at all.

"Who is absorbing this spiritual energy?" Everyone looked around in amazement.

Su Yang didn't speak, he slowly felt the direction of the loss of spiritual energy from the ground.

The fastest absorbing aura must be the strongest people around him, there is no doubt about this.

Other auras have very weak absorption and are scattered in all directions. Even with Su Yang's strength, it is difficult to grasp the direction of the loss of this spiritual energy.

Su Yang closed his eyes, focused all his attention, and carefully felt the flow direction of this spiritual energy.

After a long time, Su Yang finally determined the direction of the aura. He opened his eyes and looked at the broken planets around him, frowning tightly.

Those spiritual energy flowed to these broken planets, what is going on?

This piece of the middle world has been completely shattered. Logically speaking, this middle-level world is already abolished. Why does the aura of the earth flow to these broken planets?

"Leader Su, what's the situation?" Supreme Dragon Sovereign said strangely.

Su Yang looked at the broken planets and said solemnly, "Aura is flowing into these ruins."

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked, and they all couldn't understand why this happened.

"How can broken planets absorb aura? Is there life on these planets?" The Supreme Dragon Emperor wondered.

The planet certainly does not absorb aura, only life can absorb aura, which is the point that everyone is most surprised by.

Several Xeons simply flew to the vicinity of the planet and carefully observed the conditions of the ruins, trying to figure out what was going on.

As a result, they still found nothing near that planet.

"There is no trace of life!" Ren Huangqi said: "Leader Su, do you feel wrong?"

At this time, Su Yang also circled the star field and flew out of the star field.

Standing next to the star field, Su Yang once again began to feel the direction of the aura.

But this time, it was even more obvious. The extra auras did indeed flow toward this star field, and did not flow elsewhere.

Su Yang circled the star field a few times, no matter where he stood, the aura on his body was flowing in the direction of the star field.

"That's right, this star field is indeed absorbing aura!" Su Yang nodded slowly.

"Then what the **** is going on?" Everyone asked suspiciously, this situation was too unexpected.

"Is it because we didn't check it carefully?" Supreme Dragon King said: "Or, let's smash all the ruins to see if there is life in it?"

"Does this still need to be broken? Everyone is standing here and you can tell at a glance whether there is life in the ruins!" The Emperor curled his lips and said: "I can be sure that there are no traces of life in the ruins!"

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