The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 286: No place to live

Old Dong's phone just hung up, and other people's phones also rang. It was the cars they were looking for later.

When these cars called, they either had no time to come, or they were stuck in the road like Old Dong, and couldn't get there at all.

My second uncle was so anxious that he was going round and round. How could such a big change suddenly happen to the things that were originally arranged?

The car is gone, the host is gone, the hotel is gone, the hotel is gone, how can this marriage be married?

"Eldest sister, what should I do now!" asked the second uncle, crying.

"How do I know!" The aunt was also unhappy, and said angrily: "What the **** is going on? Damn it? How come these big people come to Nanluo City? Also, can the highway be blocked? What a joke?"

"Second, it's really impossible. Go to the car rental agency and rent a car!" The uncle said: "I guess, they will definitely not be able to catch up tomorrow. You can rent the car quickly, or you can use it!"

"Oh, yes, brother, this is the key!" The third uncle immediately said: "In this way, I will help you contact. The owner of a car rental agency in Nanluo City has a good relationship with me. I will let him arrange for you. !"

"Lao San, then I will trouble you!" The second uncle finally had more joy.

The third uncle took out his cell phone, called the boss, explained his intentions, and the boss directly refused.

"Lao Zhao, it's not that I didn't help you. I really can't do anything this time." The boss said on the phone: "All the cars on my side have been reserved. I am waiting for tomorrow. I really don't have a car. Up."

"What are you kidding?" San Shu stared: "You are so big a car rental agency, the car is gone? How about your more than 100 cars, all rented? When is the business so good?"

"This is just decided, there is really no car left." The boss said.

The third uncle said: "Hey, Lao Li, we have been together for so many years, so you won't blame me. I just use three or five cars. My nephew gets married. It won't work without a car!"

The boss said: "Lao Zhao, how can I blame you for this relationship between us? I really don't have a car!"

The third uncle said: "You have so many cars, everyone rented them? Lao Li, do people use so many cars? You just move a few of them for me and return them at noon, how about?"

"Lao Zhao, this is really bad!" The boss sighed, "Let me tell you this. The car hirer is boss Ling Ziling. You said, this car, do I dare to mess around?"

"Ling Zi?"

Everyone was immediately stunned. They had all heard of the underground leader of Nanluo City, and naturally they knew that this person was covering the sky in Nanluo City. You Hou's family is behind, and Ling Zi is even more daring to provoke him.

If Ling Zi wants to use a car, let alone the boss of this car rental agency, even those rich bosses don't dare to compete with Ling Zi.

"It turned out to be Boss Ling!" San Shu sighed, and said, "If that's the case, then I think of another way. Lao Li, thank you, yes, do you have a car rental agency that you are familiar with? ?"

The boss said: "Old Zhao, I advise you to think of another way. All the cars in our rental car dealerships have been taken away. They are all empty. There are no cars!"

"Huh?" The third uncle was dumbfounded: "How could this be?"

"Boss Ling wants to use a car, who would dare not save face!" The boss said: "I will show you a clear road. If you want to use a car, you can transfer it from a nearby suburb, or it's okay!"

After hanging up the phone, Sanshu looked confused and turned to the people around him: "Everyone has heard it too. There is no more car in this rental car shop!"

The second uncle was almost crying, and said anxiously: "Then...what can I do?"

"Now we can only transfer the car from the nearby suburbs." The aunt sighed and said: "Well, let's get in touch. That, the second child, you should arrange the accommodation for your mother's family first. Bin can't live anymore, we have to arrange something else, the conditions can't be bad, and we can't lose the face of our Zhao family!"

"Okay, I'll call now!"

The second uncle hurriedly started arranging the matter, but after more than an hour of phone calls, he couldn't even book a room. He started asking questions from those high-end hotels, all the way to the express hotels at the back, and even in the end, he called the small hotels, and the result was the same, there was not even a room, and the second uncle was so anxious that he was going around around.

"What can we do about this!" The second uncle almost cried: "Could it be possible to let the maidens live on the street tonight? If this is the case, the face of our old Zhao family is really lost!"

"What the **** is going on in Nanluo City? How come such a thing happened suddenly?" The uncle said silently: "What should I do now? Do you really want to go home and live?"

"Fifty or sixty people came to my family's family. I can't live in my family at all," said the second uncle.

"What should I do..." The uncle was also helpless.

At this time, the aunt looked at Zhao Xuefen: "Xuefen, how many people can live in your family?"

"Thirty or fifty are okay," Zhao Xuefen replied casually.

The uncle said: "Xuefen, don't talk about thirty or fifty, can you arrange ten?"

"If it was just now, it can be arranged. But now, I am afraid it will not work." Zhao Xuefen said: "You also know that Xiao Yang has taken all of Taozi's relatives over. It is estimated that all arrangements have been made. We can't let them live together. Ah, that's not pretty!"

"Xuefen, you have to find out who kisses and who is sparse!" The uncle hinted in a low voice.

Zhao Laoqi couldn't help being embarrassed. They were cousins ​​with the uncle, aunt and others, and were Zhao Xuefen's cousins, so the relationship was of course a little estranged. Uncle's words are actually telling Zhao Xuefen clearly that we have to help our relatives.

Zhao Laoqi himself was also very anxious. He just saw that everyone could not find the room on the phone. There are no rooms in the hotel outside. If Zhao Xuefen vacates the house to the people of the second uncle, wouldn't his family on his side have to sleep on the street?

"That won't work!" Zhao Xuefen refused directly: "Xiao Yang has such a good relationship with Taozi, we can't make it difficult for Taozi!"

"Su Yang is just an outsider!" The uncle said angrily: "Do you call the house or Su Yang?"

"Uncle, be careful when you speak!" Zhao Xuefen was also directly angry: "Su Ping is my husband, Su Yang calls me auntie, he is my family. At home, he can call the shots!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, when did Zhao Xuefen become so strong?

"Xuefen, can't look at Second Uncle's shame..." Second Uncle said with a sad face, preparing to impress Zhao Xuefen with his affection.

Zhao Xuefen frowned and said, "Forget it, let me arrange this accommodation."

"Really?" The second uncle was overjoyed: "Xuefen, then I will let them go to your house now!"

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